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... Scary?


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Fredrik said:

It is clear to me that id Software has *deliberately* made the lighting dim at best (or worst, depending on your view). I don't see a point in trying to argue against that.

The lighting isn't like outside on a May day, but it certainly is not dark.

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Fredrik said:

It is clear to me that id Software has *deliberately* made the lighting dim at best (or worst, depending on your view). I don't see a point in trying to argue against that.

yeah, i don't see why people are arguing against the game being dark, because it pretty clearly is. or else, show me something that is darker, because i haven't played it.

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Grogglogobofink said:

yeah, i don't see why people are arguing against the game being dark, because it pretty clearly is. or else, show me something that is darker, because i haven't played it.

Quake 1.

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Grogglogobofink said:

touche. but perhaps that's why doom III looks more like a sequel to quake 1 than doom.

This is getting odd and so are your statements.

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Grogglogobofink said:

yeah, i don't see why people are arguing against the game being dark, because it pretty clearly is. or else, show me something that is darker, because i haven't played it.

You've never played Thief 1 or 2? Blasphemy! Go out and buy them right this minute!

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You've never played Thief 1 or 2? Blasphemy! Go out and buy them right this minute!

I've waited years to play Thief.

Just for my two cents, Doom3 looks much darker than the original Doom, which is fine because I like darkness in games.

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Fredrik said:

There are pitch black shadows in both of those pics. Plenty of them.

Err... no. Are you colour blind? Plenty of pitch-black shadows? I can't find any, even after juxtaposing the screenies with a glass of pitch-black tar.

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Zoorado said:

Err... no. Are you colour blind? Plenty of pitch-black shadows? I can't find any, even after juxtaposing the screenies with a glass of pitch-black tar.

Yes. And he's stubborn too ;)
I don't really get where they see all this darkness. It's certainly not in the trailer! I see a lot more 'bright' areas than dark areas.

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I agree it doesn't seem all that dark. A sequel to quake 1? Thank God. Now I can forget that horror I fondly like to call Quake 2. Where in the process between 96' and 98' did monster design get thrown out the window? Grrr.... In any case D3 looks a lot brighter than a lot of people are making it out to be. If its too dark, use the flashlight. Its freakier that way anyway, I think.

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If you just can't see that Doom 3 is dark, well, then I'm not going to argue with your blindness.

The very existence of the flashlight is proof of the fact that the levels are going to be very dark: you are given a tool specifically to deal with it.

And I'm not suggesting that all of Doom 3 is going to be overly dark: the truth is rather that most games are overbright and that Doom 3 is a refreshing change from that.

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Fredrik said:

And I'm not suggesting that all of Doom 3 is going to be overly dark: the truth is rather that most games are overbright and that Doom 3 is a refreshing change from that.

uh, then I think we agree.

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Fredrik said:

If you just can't see that Doom 3 is dark, well, then I'm not going to argue with your blindness.

The very existence of the flashlight is proof of the fact that the levels are going to be very dark: you are given a tool specifically to deal with it. . .

Me? I'm not saying its blinding my eyes, I just feel that there is an equal balance. No the colors aren't Q2/Dick Tracy style cheesy, but that doesn't make it dark persay. Its definately dark enough. Could even be a little darker.

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Ahh Scabbed Angel, a man after my own heart. The Q2 monsters were indeed really crappy design. Same with the Quake4 monsters, except this time they have insane amounts of detail. I liked the original Quake monsters better. The Ogres, Vores, knights, fiends and shamblers were pretty cool.

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The ogres and fiends man! Hell yeah. I think all the monsters were awesome though. And was it so bad to utilize all the shades of brown and grey available? It was gritty, man that was awesome. I hope d3 has some gritty moments. I doubt it, but then again Silent Hill 3 is coming out in a week or two here, so I'll get my fix.

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Fuck knows, I thought some of the Quake model design was bad (knights, Hknights, ogres, bouncy things) but I really liked the vores, fiends, scrags, shamblers, enforcers and the end boss thing.

Personally I loved Q1 compared to Q2.... I liked the gothic, dark and dreary level design. IMO it oozed atmosphere.

//Editid for punchuashun and grammer.

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Shub Niggrauth was the final boss. The design was awesome, but the fight was kind of lame. I use the term "fight" looslyy of course. Hrmm... I'd forgotten that bouncy then, perhaps with good reason . . . okay I recant, not ALL of the Q1 monters were awesome.

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I'm actually quite sad for you, doesn't show that your tough as nails, in fact it shows that your imagination is too weak, to string elements together into an immersive experience what's more, it means you have no sympathy for your characters or will to survive, notice horror movies are never scary whne you don'care about the characters, especially suspense movies, who cares when jod the janitor get's eviscerated by a demon that then smears his entrails all over the urinals. But scary in a game comes from not wanting to lose, unless your a gaming god who never has to worry about losing or you simply don't care about dying, my mother for example can't bear to watch jill die, she shuts the machine off, a little overboard yes, but I wish i wasn't so desensitized. BTW either way games will be boring for you, heck i get scared when my computer freezes and i forgot to save it for the last hour...not matter what game it is...you need to stop being so critical of the mechanics of the game and see past it to its good parts, the tender meat of the fruit inside which makes your mouth water....
end of rant.
BTW I played only the demos of the thief games and loved them...darn me for being a cheap bastard, how much are they down to now?

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Xanthier said:

I'm actually quite sad for you, doesn't show that your tough as nails, in fact it shows that your imagination is too weak, to string elements together into an immersive experience what's more, it means you have no sympathy for your characters or will to survive, notice horror movies are never scary whne you don'care about the characters, especially suspense movies, who cares when jod the janitor get's eviscerated by a demon that then smears his entrails all over the urinals. But scary in a game comes from not wanting to lose, unless your a gaming god who never has to worry about losing or you simply don't care about dying, my mother for example can't bear to watch jill die, she shuts the machine off, a little overboard yes, but I wish i wasn't so desensitized. BTW either way games will be boring for you, heck i get scared when my computer freezes and i forgot to save it for the last hour...not matter what game it is...you need to stop being so critical of the mechanics of the game and see past it to its good parts, the tender meat of the fruit inside which makes your mouth water....
end of rant.
BTW I played only the demos of the thief games and loved them...darn me for being a cheap bastard, how much are they down to now?

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HMM...How bright the trailer is can depend on a setting of the videoplayer himself,monitor..you can always put brightness up or down in a game..remember?..i think if they include a flashlight as an important tool there will be very dark places in Doom3...

Seeing a screeny of a badass maybe isn't that scary i assume..but entering a dark room,putting on your flashlight, and suddenly see one of those right in front of you together with some good surround sound..that's some whole other shit we're talking about here ;)

The first screen of a well lit room is the control room and the shadow of the scientist is visible in the trailer..scientists prefer to work in rooms were they see what they do i assume :)

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DaJuice said:

Same with the Quake4 monsters, except this time they have insane amounts of detail.

Whered you find out about quake4 monsters?

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Xanthier said:

I'm actually quite sad for you, doesn't show that your tough as nails, in fact it shows that your imagination is too weak, to string elements together into an immersive experience what's more, it means you have no sympathy for your characters or will to survive, notice horror movies are never scary whne you don'care about the characters, especially suspense movies, who cares when jod the janitor get's eviscerated by a demon that then smears his entrails all over the urinals. But scary in a game comes from not wanting to lose, unless your a gaming god who never has to worry about losing or you simply don't care about dying, my mother for example can't bear to watch jill die, she shuts the machine off, a little overboard yes, but I wish i wasn't so desensitized. BTW either way games will be boring for you, heck i get scared when my computer freezes and i forgot to save it for the last hour...not matter what game it is...you need to stop being so critical of the mechanics of the game and see past it to its good parts, the tender meat of the fruit inside which makes your mouth water....
end of rant.
BTW I played only the demos of the thief games and loved them...darn me for being a cheap bastard, how much are they down to now?

I think you're addressing me, no?

I don't think my imagination is too weak. I know many who don't get scared by games too. And I disagree with your view that "scariness in games comes from not wanting to lose". Losing isn't scary, unless you're a sore loser. A scary game/movie should give me a feeling that the same thing happening onscreen, could happen to me, in reality. So far, no game has done that.

And no, you don't need to feel sad for me, cos I am able to look past the developers' attempts at scaring me, and immerse myself in the very reason for which I play games: fun. Interacting with the game environment is fun; killing monsters and fucked up bastards is fun; simulating a virtual warfare is fun... You get my idea (hopefully).

Oh, and one more thing. I can complete games without compulsively shutting down the computer halfway through. :D

Wobbo said:

Whered you find out about quake4 monsters?

Erm... don't tell me you missed the whole controversy about the leaked Quake 4 concept art...

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I did, I mean I saw the events unfold but I never saw the pics themselves, much to my annoyance, I LOVED Q2. I'm too lazy to search google anyway.

Ct_red_pants, uh you say something? :p

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I am probably one of the lucky few who got all 56 pics on my hard drive. Most people only got the first batch of 42 leaked concepts.

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Xanthier said:

BTW I played only the demos of the thief games and loved them...darn me for being a cheap bastard, how much are they down to now?

About £5 ($8 US) each! :)

If you're gonna get Thief 1, the default models and textures are pretty crappy. However, go here and you'll find a guide to replacing them with improved version. The download links on the guide don't work anymore, but you'll find the neccessary files here (which handily has the official Thief 1 and 2 patches as well).

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I remember reading one story from someone that sat in on the Doom 3 preview at E3. He was talking about a scene when the Marine was walking down a dark hall and there was movement in the pipes then suddenly a monster rips out of the pipes and starts mauling the marine. Apparently a female sitting near him freaked out or something.

As some people already said, its the placement of monsters or the ability to hit you unexpectantly to try scare you. Doom 3 definately looks like it'll have a spooky atmosphere which will try push the fear factor on what monster will be around the next corner or where one will strike from.

Im sure there will be fear in some people playing the game and others will fear nothing. I remember jumping out of my seat in one stage in Doom 2. I entered an area and suddenly a hidden door opened and that monster that resurrects other monsters suddenly appears along with the noise it makes and flames me.

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