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... Scary?


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Disorder said:

I only saw the 'limited' version, too bad.

What you missed were textured models, and 4 other enemies including the parasite.

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Never understood how people find games or movies scary. Afterall, it's not real life, and for my friends and I at least, we know it's not real life. So when playing/watching, it doesn't occur to us that there is a real problem. I doubt doom will be scary so to speak. I just am hoping it's a fun game!


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I dont think monsters in movies/games are scary. Most of them are pretty cheesy anyways.

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Carp said:

Im sure there will be fear in some people playing the game and others will fear nothing. I remember jumping out of my seat in one stage in Doom 2. I entered an area and suddenly a hidden door opened and that monster that resurrects other monsters suddenly appears along with the noise it makes and flames me.

OH yeah. Happened to me too. I think that is map28 btw.
Edit: I pity those who don't find games/movies scary or at least 'tense'.

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Ah, the music must have affected you, since the track on Map28 is called "Getting too tense." Pun aside, he probably means Map11, though (the first Arch-Vile, that appears when the wooden column-like section rises as you try to get the blue key.)

People often say this or that episode or WAD is 'too easy.' But often that's just because they're being too easy; if you hurry up your pace and make bolder moves a good game always gets more exciting.

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