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Strife multiplayer

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I tried it once years ago, but couldn't remember what it was like at all so I just did some testing.

It's kind of odd. It's deathmatch only but doesn't seem to keep track of frags. It just gives death and suicide messages like "1: killed 2:" or "2: killed 2:" I noticed a nickname "" setting in strife.cfg so I tried entering a name. Unfortunately setup.exe just clears it back to "" and running straight from ipxsetup.exe changes it to a player number such as "1:"

Blocking pillars are put at the hub connections which are replaced with exit switches that rise up out of the ground when you get close to take you to the different levels. Talking to NPC's is disabled and shopkeepers and barkeeps are gone altogether. The only options available seem to be -nomonsters, -altdeath, -random (different items respawn in place of the ones you picked up, pretty cool), -skill #, -warp #, and "Start on level 2" (which doesn't seem to work or do anything since map02 is the default start map).

I found something pretty funny. If two players each use a teleport beacon (which I don't think ever respawns), their own different teams of allies will teleport in and fight to the death.

This is pretty odd stuff. In some ways it seems they really put some thought and effort in multiplayer but in other ways left it really incomplete. It's a shame that the Strife source was apparently lost forever.

This was all with the latest patched v1.31 by the way. Also, you can fake multiplayer and test by yourself with ipxsetup -nodes 1 (and whatever other command line params you want).

EDIT: I was just looking in multi.txt. You can enter a custom nickname up to 13 chars long by pressing T followed by $. The keys screen (defined in controls as popkey) shows frags. Apparently the game still has all the command line parameters from Doom from -record to -turbo #, but enemy respawning doesn't seem to work the same. Another oddity is that since there's no coop mode, spying is allowed on skill 1 in deathmatch. Ok, so Strife multiplayer is pretty complete except for missing cooperative mode. Coolness.

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I found an odd change in Strife. You can't walk up steps 24 pixels high, only 16 pixels or shorter, but of course you can jump up steps as tall as 52 pixels. I took Doom 2 map 18, chopped some parts off, converted it to Strife, and I had to jump up some stairs in it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The spy mode in deathmatch on skill 1 is removed in the newest Strife v1.31. They made F12 take a screenshot instead. It's apparently in all versions v1.3 and earlier though. I just tested it in v1.2 and v1.3's multiplayer.

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My brother and I used to play Strife deathmatch back when I first got my home network up. The poison arrows were the most fun to play with.

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You might be able to disassemble the exe and rewrite the program in C or just modify the assembly code. But who knows enough assembly and is willing to perform such a task?

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