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Doom3 for GBA


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I want to see more Doom on the GBA. Having Doom&DoomII is great, but I want more. I would first like to see Final Doom on GBA. But when Doom3 comes out, I would like to see a GBA version. They could BS it even.. GBA Doom engine, add jumping, all new levels, new sounds & music, story line that almost follows Doom3.

I just want more Doom on the go cause' i've already beat Doom & DoomII on nightmare mode for the GBA. Nightmare mode on the GBA does not include respawning.. like all the other platform ports.

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Doom 3 quite obviously won't run on the GBA. It'd have to be scaled down so far beyond recognition that it'd be better to just make a new game.

If you want to play more Doom on the go, you could check out some of the doomworld.com/classicdoom/ports/index.php?platform=9]Doom source ports for handheld computers.

I haven't looked closely at them, but some of them might actually support PWAD loading.

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Oh, heh, im not that stupid. What I meant by that was, more like just a tc of the GBA DoomII engine, just called "Doom3", sorta like what they did with splinter cell, its a completely different game, still amptly titled.

It would just be fancy to add to my collection of Doom stuff.
But they really should at least put Final Doom on GBA. I would be cool since they did a really good job on porting DoomII {which is more perfect than the PS port}. But this time red blood please. I mean, Duke3D for GBA had red blood and swearing.

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Jeremy said:

It would just be fancy to add to my collection of Doom stuff.
But they really should at least put Final Doom on GBA.

Maybe some developer will port Heretic and Hexen to the GBA. I think that would be more fun then turning Doom3 monsters into sprites.

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But, if Doom 3 had some sprites that could be ripped... tiny Doom 3 for Doom conversion XD~!

... What? It'd at least be amusing.

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Heh, I had thought about something along those lines, like maybe releasing a Doom 3 based on the Doom engine, with new monsters and weapons, being about as much different as Doom 2 is to Doom 1 (maybe a little more different than that, but whatever). I'm not saying it'd be sprites of the Doom 3 monsters, maybe new, original monsters, but I hadn't thought of making it for GBA. I had thought it'd be something more along the lines of a free download (kind of like how you can play SimCity Classic online).

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the only system(s) it would run on would be X-box and PS2 but a ps2 release doesnt seem likely

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player said:

the only system(s) it would run on would be X-box and PS2 but a ps2 release doesnt seem likely

If it runs on PS2, it undoubtedly runs on GCN too. But yeah, I'd be surprised if it comes out for any other consoles than the X-Box.

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Jeremy said:

But this time red blood please. I mean, Duke3D for GBA had red blood and swearing.

If I had the knowledge, I'd release a pallete hack patch for Doom2GBA to change the blood color.

Hmm... *asks 1337 hacker buddy about GBA color palletes*

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Arno said:

Maybe some developer will port Heretic and Hexen to the GBA. I think that would be more fun then turning Doom3 monsters into sprites.

I recall some time ago hearing someone say that Hexen was going to be ported to the GBA. I hope it is, that way if I ever get a GBA I can get Hexen and play it on the go, heh. As for Heretic, I hope someone decides to port it to the GBA, but they damn well better do it right, and have not only Heretic's original three eps, but the Serpent Riders expansion Episodes as well.

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Fredrik said:

If you want to play more Doom on the go, you could check out some of the doomworld.com/classicdoom/ports/index.php?platform=9]Doom source ports for handheld computers.

I haven't looked closely at them, but some of them might actually support PWAD loading.

I have yet to get DoomCE to load pwads on my IPAQ, but it claims it's possible.

I really don't like when they attempt to port newer titles to a handheld system, and this goes as far back as attempting to port N64 titles, like DKC for example. You can't port a really nice 3d game to a handheld system without it being something completely different. I'm sure very soon tho we'll be seeing some powerful handheld video game products, like Sony's PS handheld and the like.

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Mancubus II said:

...like DKC for example. You can't port a really nice 3d game to a handheld system without it being something completely different...

I thought DKC on gameboy was surprisingly good. It just didnt have all the animation frames.

Im sure someone will come along and attempt to make a Doom3 to Doom conversion. Or better yet, Doom to Doom3... with sprites!

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Heh, Doom 3 on the GBA would the equivalent of Doom 1 on the ZX Spectrum (and yes, that has been done :) )

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah it would be quite weird to port doom 3 to gba in any way.
And besides some day I got to make a link to a page that explains the way of pixels, if you get the ultra booster card 9800 it will still show up pixels in even the most advanced pc games, pixels are the same whether you have a good graphic card or not. The difference between a "3d graphic card" is that it uses a technology of "blurring" images so they wont appear as low res. there are better ways of desribing this and I just aint going to desribe every little about it.

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Heh, Doom 3 on the GBA would the equivalent of Doom 1 on the ZX Spectrum (and yes, that has been done :) )

Id quite like to see some screens!

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Hah. I actually made a DooM3-ish thing from the Alpha-Leak I downloaded. The real Doom3 Actually looks pretty smooth on my hunka junk.

Haha, I played Doom3 before and you didn't. :P

EDIT : Anyone who wants screenshots or the wads : EMAIL ME OR TELL ME WHERE I CAN PUT THEM.

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player said:

the only system(s) it would run on would be X-box and PS2 but a ps2 release doesnt seem likely

You are an ignorant bafoon. Why don't you go check out the PS2 specs before you ever post retarded false information again

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You can't exactly judge a console by the clock speed, the PS2 has a 128 bit CPU (PCs are 32 bit, although 64 bit ones are coming out in the near future) for example, as well as two vector units and other processors, the Gamecube's isn't a typical PC like processor from memory, although the Xbox's is.

Anyway, enough of this console Vs PC wars. PCs have their advantages and disadvantages as well as great and awful games, same for consoles. Anyone who refuses to acknowledge this isn't a real gamer IMO.

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Darkhaven3 said:

Hah. I actually made a DooM3-ish thing from the Alpha-Leak I downloaded. The real Doom3 Actually looks pretty smooth on my hunka junk.

Haha, I played Doom3 before and you didn't. :P

EDIT : Anyone who wants screenshots or the wads : EMAIL ME OR TELL ME WHERE I CAN PUT THEM.

Don't spread alpha-related files please.

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the GBA is a good system but not made for any 3d. i hear sony is working on one that will do that. honestly GBA and nintendo are years behind. hell the first EVER handheld had both color and backlight! i think it was an atari. over ten years later and nintendo FINALLY adds a light, but still NOT a back light (what does nintendo have aginst back lights anyway??)
the technology has been here for several years to make handle and graphic systems. though i dout even the new sony would handle doom 3, hell i am sure the X-Box version will be really ,really dumbed down (like doom32X to doom, maybe better)
best bet is to stick with a computer for gaming, i think they could have done a bit better with doom and doom II on GBA, mainly in the area of saving. i hate playing doom2 GBA and dying only to have to start all over agian!

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