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You don't fuck Mordeth for warez
You don't ask warez for fuckMordeth
You don't ask fuckMordeth to fuck warez
You don't ask fuckMordeth to ask warez to fuck
You don't ask Mordeth for fuckMordeth
You don't ask Mordeth to fuck warez
You don't ask Mordeth to ask warez to fuck Mordeth
You don't ask Mordeth to ask warez to ask Mordeth to fuck

...and so on....

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You don't attempt to run four Internet Browser Windows all at the same time.
You don't walk up to a really big, strong, guy and insult his mother.
You don't smoke polls.
You don't piss in coffee. (Although Mac would say otherwise.)
You don't dance in the middle of the street.
You don't reformat your hard-drive for the fun of it.
You don't attempt to be like the DoomGuy and jump off a mile high wall and not be killed.
You just don't.

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You dont tie steaks to your pants on your crotch and hop the fence of the really mean dogs yard.

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