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Is the technology looking more and more "nothing special"?


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dumbshit(ex)moderator said:

Count you lucky stars that I ain't the Mod here anymore, otherwise this thread would've been dead by now as it only serves to annoy some of us (while I admit that it would look hilarious in post hell).

Thank you very much.

What are you, a moron or something? There's more interesting technolgical discussion in this thread than anything else I have seen in the entire Doom 3 forums.

AndrewB said:

Here's 6 games... Super Mario Bros. 3, Duke Nukem 2, Donkey Kong Country, Quake 2, HL:Counter-Strike, Operation Flashpoint. Which 3 would you say have the best graphics?

No doubt in my mind, the first three.

The first three easily, since SMB 3, Duke Nukem 2 and Donkey Kong all look a lot more smoother and bareable to my eyes than their grainy and somewhat ugly 3D contenders.

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Old style special effects look better than recent CGI? WTF?!? Horrendously jerkily animated clay models, chromokey with horrible looking white outlines around everything, sets made almost entirely out of plastic, miniatures which are blatantly miniatures (including tiny, controlled fires which are supposed to be great big uncontrolled ones), etc, etc. No thank you, give me CGI please.

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Old style special effects look better than recent CGI? WTF?!? Horrendously jerkily animated clay models, chromokey with horrible looking white outlines around everything, sets made almost entirely out of plastic, miniatures which are blatantly miniatures (including tiny, controlled fires which are supposed to be great big uncontrolled ones), etc, etc. No thank you, give me CGI please.

I was referring to sprites, but whatever.

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OK this topic was called 'does doom3 tech look more and more like nothing special,"..if it does it's because under development for a few years now,the macworld demo of doom3 was mind blowing at that time...we've seen trailers and leaked alpha's and leaked gameplay movies..and we are getting SPOILED

I think the tech is still amazing,but we are getting spoiled gamers..
The arcade games were good and addicting,becuase they were new,and we weren't expecting the next new arcade shooter to outblow the previous..no those days we weren't spoiled with so many of them ,and we didn't have i-net and all those hype's ..we just loved to play them in the arcade halls

I 'm happy games like doom3 are coming..but also games like stalker,far cry,and hl2(fps fan me)..for the rest i like good race games and that's all..(on console a good platform game could amuse me well)..so that's pretty much my roots from the arcade halls

Far cry has amazing outdoor settings,some real time lighting like in doom3...shoot a lamp and all shadows dance across the room(inside a boot there,outdoor i don't know..island is so big were the game plays)... stalker also looks great with large outdoor sections(stalker has great physic too)

ID is not the only one pushing new tech further,it's not becuase we are talking about doom3 on a forum(about doom) that we are all brainless and hostile fanboys..no offense andrew..it's fair for you to have your opinion on a matter...

The answer still remains for me--->we are getting spoiled by movies of new tech sinds E3,spoiled by years of intense gaming and internet..and we are getting more used to it and picky on it..but the doom3 tech still remains a step forward in rendering games (not only in doom3 as i said)

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deathz0r said:
I was referring to sprites, but whatever.

Um... he wasn't responding to anything you said by that, just so you know.

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deathz0r said:

I was referring to sprites, but whatever.

I was replying to AndrewB's post, but whatever =P

I would have thought the fact that I was reffering to sets, miniatures and clay models would have made it obvious I wasn't talking about computer games... although having said that Microsoft's Neverwhere game did use motion captured clay models :)

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