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QuakeCon / Doom3 MP speculations


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I'm sorry if you expected news here.

Do you expect the Doom3 MP they use at quakecon to be released to the public (short) after Quakecon? I understood they did some RTCW MP tournament at Quakecon 2 years ago, before RTCW was released/gold (that one did not leak), I don't know how much time was between that quakecon and the release of RTCW. (I just googled it) RTCW went gold in April 2002. So there was 8 months in between.

The ua-corp.com hint "initiatingsecureline" does not give me that much confidence that they will.

We will find out, I guess.

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It's hard to tell wether they will or will not. I haven't seen any signs pointing in any particular direction. However I somehow doubt they will release it. Why? Well, I ask myself "why would they" and I can't find any plausible answers. Silly reasoning, yes, but if someone has a better idea I'd love to know.

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Disorder said:

I'm too lazy to look for a date. When is Quakecon again?

Are you joking?

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1)it's very playable and finished this one MP map
2)they are just looking for some reactions of MP gamers ...and have 1 map finished

and i think it'll be 2..and afterwards they are gonna tweak it some more..maybe then release a demo for public..the same map butt tweaked

..It's like ID did with rtcw and quake3 MP demo's..but now they let it be tested by a more select public and it stays more in their hands

EDIT phobos labs became planetdoom :)

you'll find info there during quakecon


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ya, youll also find more information on xcast radio since xcast radio IS the offical quakecon station, they are located on gamesnet.net and irc.enterthegame.com - #xcast - they will be covering everything that happens at quake con from the speech that JC will give, the tournaments, and the doom 3 mp demo, and some staff of the #doom3 channel on etg will be w/ xcast covering the doom 3 related stuff.

but ya, back to the MP i have high hopes for it, even tho not many are fond of the 4 player mp( its actually not that bad once you get into it) i think it will have a good turn out to the people at who test it at quake con, and hopfully they will release a public beta like between sep. and november.

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instinct-driven said:

but ya, back to the MP i have high hopes for it, even tho not many are fond of the 4 player mp( its actually not that bad once you get into it) i think it will have a good turn out to the people at who test it at quake con, and hopfully they will release a public beta like between sep. and november.

The original Doom had four-player, peer-to-peer mp and millions of people enjoyed the crap out of it, hence it wasn't bad.
The only reason people bitch and moan over Doom 3 being peer 2 peer, four-player is that they've become spoiled with Quake's server/client netplay.

I am actually quite pleased with the player limitations to Doom 3's mp - maybe even to the point where I might try and play some serious DM in Doom 3. I regard the Quake games' mp as too chaotic and far too comic-styleish with all the damn "run-out-into-the-open-and-just-gun-away-while-hopping-around-like-a-retard" gameplay and the up till 64 player games.
The limitations in Doom 3's mp means that each player at least has a chance at surviving longer than two seconds, because he won't spawn into a hefty battle already raging.

Doom 3's sneakier version of mp kinda appeals to me more, because it seems more realistic (thus more immersive if ever an mp game could actually be immersive at all) and because you're more likely to have some time to gather weapons and armour after you spawn before you actually meet your opponents.

Also, the technical limitations in p2p mean that you'd rather play with some of your own good mates instead of hopping onto one of those lame clans or on a public server full of retard kids, which again means a more social and fun expoerience.

Imo, those who whine about D3's p2p mp are a bunch of boring, unimaginative folks that apparently don't wan't anything fresh or special, but rather the same ol' Quake style gameplay (which to me got old after three months).
Granted, p2p is nothing new (actually, it's a technological step backwards - who would've thought that about iD huh? :-P) and the gameplay of watching your own shadow is also nothing new (used in one of the Thief games - which one I don't remember), but it's a rarely used type and since Doom 3's gonna be slower paced and more immersive coupled with a kickass graphics engine.

What's the point of getting a Quake 3 Arena style game with an updated engine anyway? It's not like you spend time looking at the pretty graphics while fragging - you're too busy trying to survive. You can get the exact same experience in Q3A with weapons and movement factors being the only different gameplay elements.

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ya i agree, i enjoy the doom 2 dm very much w/ just 4 players or 1v1, along w/ doing so in quake, im not to fond of any FFA (Free For All) Death Match games that are more then 4 or 5 players, for TDM , i prefer 6 to 8 thats it, any mp games that are higher then that i only look for in the CTF / Combat Games (tfc , bf1942 , q3 ctf ect ect).

I really think ill enjoy the p2p, it seems intresting and seems to be a new approach to a multiplayer style in this computer age, so i have high hopes for it, but well really have to wait and see.

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I agreed with dsm. There is no need in making Q3A with a new engine. So player limitations are good thing to include, imwo. Anyway, there will be mp games based on the Doom3 engine, so i care much for the entire game atmosphere in sp then to killin\fraggin mp.

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I question highly whether millions of people played Doom multiplayer. I question highly also if even a hundred thousand people played 4-person Doom multiplayer. I certainly didn't. I only ever played doom.exe with two people, over a serial cable.

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I played doom2.exe on a LAN all of about once, at a local college that was still using Novell IPX networking at the time (they upgraded and obsoleted that stuff about a year later).

I've lanned source ports quite a few times but that number can still be counted with just 1 hand.

I may have played Doom and Duke3D over IPX dial-up networking (Windows 95, baby!) more than 10 times though, but I probably still wouldn't run out of toes.

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dsm said:

I am actually quite pleased with the player limitations to Doom 3's mp - maybe even to the point where I might try and play some serious DM in Doom 3. I regard the Quake games' mp as too chaotic and far too comic-styleish with all the damn "run-out-into-the-open-and-just-gun-away-while-hopping-around-like-a-retard" gameplay and the up till 64 player games.

I couldn't have put it any better, so I'm not even going to attempt. Before this anouncement awhile back of the P2P MP aspect of Doom 3, I had pretty much given up all hope on online FPS gaming, writing it of as exactly what dsm described it as. Much of the original Doom mystique (and I can only speak for myself in this area,) derived from what was the slower, more paced and epic combat that can only be rendered in a two on two or one on one DM or Co-op. I still remember that first crash-bang of the modem that gave me my first Doom deathmatch and kept me coming back for more for years.
We've come quite a ways from connecting via 28.8, but I believe that the p2p concept will revive a bit of the old rush that we've come to lose sight of in these day's impersonal client/server "pray and sprays".

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auxois said:

I question highly whether millions of people played Doom multiplayer. I question highly also if even a hundred thousand people played 4-person Doom multiplayer. I certainly didn't. I only ever played doom.exe with two people, over a serial cable.

I have a very clear memory of reading lots of sources on the subject - all stating that Doom brought people into a fragging-craze. At a certain point in time, people even regarded Doom's success on the sole basis of it's multiplayer component.

I remember that my older brother regularly had one-on-one deathmatches (I particularly remember him saying that it was particularly fun to have a "fist duel" on E1M8 (naturally this meant a Mexican standoff using only fists).
I also had several friends who had dropped sp in favour of mp, so I have reasons to believe that my sources were correct.

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auxois said:

I question highly whether millions of people played Doom multiplayer. I question highly also if even a hundred thousand people played 4-person Doom multiplayer. I certainly didn't. I only ever played doom.exe with two people, over a serial cable.

we had many 4 player COOP sessions with doom1. handmade serial cables, peer to peer. but it often crashed (handmade cables?!) - but you were able to start off at the latest savegame. this was fun as hell. 10h++ at one piece till our eyes started to bleed.
everyone had his own special weapon...therefore we had not so big problems running out of ammo in a firefight. mine was the CG! great times...

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