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Vehicles in Doom 3.


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Fredrik said:

There's a train.

That was a reason for my asking, heh. I agree with shaviro but i wouldnt mind interstellar ships though.

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I wouldn't mind the trainride. Other than that I feel the samy way about it as Shaviro does. I don't think vehicles should be included.

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I would love a trainride if it is 45 minutes like in the HL intro I think that would be the most exciting thing! And then make it so that you cannot skip through it while you are being told nothing about the game. Damn, that'd be awesome1 [/sarcasm]

Or . . . no.

It might be intersting in a mod, and perhaps a 20 sec trainride where another marine or something is talking to you would be cool where somthing it actually revealed to you. I know it was probably lost in the translation, but the tram into in HL was the most boring into I've ever endured. I remember some mag saying that the into in HL was really innovative or some stupid shit like that. In that comment, they succeeded in revealing their huge crack habit, and I can only hope that they were fired, castrated, etc. [/rank]

I'm open minded to a conveyer belt ride or something just to spice things up though. Heh. I don't want Doomoguy to get in his hummer, or lexus or something and gun monsters while driving. As Shaviro said...

Shaviro said:


I guess his was a little more simple though . . .

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I dunno. I think it would be very neat to be able to operate stuff like huge mining vehicles and things like the loader in Aliens, perhaps as parts of puzzles.

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Well, the original Doomguy didn't need a vehicle because he could carry weaponry and ammunition as awesome as that of an armoured vehicle, and could out-run the average family car.

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Enjay said:

Well, the original Doomguy didn't need a vehicle because he could carry weaponry and ammunition as awesome as that of an armoured vehicle, and could out-run the average family car.

So there you go! Doomguy was really Steve Austin!

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I dunno. I'm rather looking forward to Unreal Tournament 2004's vehicles. I absolutely fucking adored Planetside, but I wish it wasn't MMO and rather single or LAN playable, and that seems like what they're trying to accomplish with UT2004.

I don't think they would fit well in Doom 3, but hopefully the engine will support it or at least contain a method for modding it to support such. (as UT2003's does).

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Scabbed Angel said:

I would love a trainride if it is 45 minutes like in the HL intro I think that would be the most exciting thing! And then make it so that you cannot skip through it while you are being told nothing about the game. Damn, that'd be awesome1 [/sarcasm]

*breaths heavily*
I felt like quitting the game right then and there.

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Only one, Or maybe 2.........

An "Orbital Pod", Or "Drop Ship" from "Mars" to "Phobos", or "Phobos" to "Deimos". I would say from "Hell" to "Home"(Earth) but nah, No damn travel pod would be waiting for you around in that weird place. ("Sniker")


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No vehicles in Doom3. Why? Because the third Doom is already pretty far removed from the two previous ones, and adding in vehicles will make it even farther removed.

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DooMBoy said:

the third Doom is already pretty far removed from the two previous ones, and adding in vehicles will make it even farther removed.

Lets face it, the third doom is so far removed from the original that it has very little to do with Doom1/2 anyway. Id are making a new game, not just re-doing an old one with new graphics - even if the story is a re-telling. I don't really expect anything in D³ to look or feel much like Doom. I think, ultimately that is a good thing. I already own Doom. So anyway, I don't think they could do much to take it further away from the original Doom unless they made it so the plot was actually something like the Doomguy goes and has a nice peaceful tea party with the teletubbies.

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Enjay said:

Lets face it, the third doom is so far removed from the original that it has very little to do with Doom1/2 anyway. Id are making a new game, not just re-doing an old one with new graphics - even if the story is a re-telling. I don't really expect anything in D³ to look or feel much like Doom. I think, ultimately that is a good thing. I already own Doom. So anyway, I don't think they could do much to take it further away from the original Doom unless they made it so the plot was actually something like the Doomguy goes and has a nice peaceful tea party with the teletubbies.

What we have seen so far, for me, looks and feels incredibly much like Doom.

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auxois said:

I don't think they would fit well in Doom 3, but hopefully the engine will support it or at least contain a method for modding it to support such. (as UT2003's does).

The leaked Quake 4 images (I suppose it's not "illegal" to talk about them since it's not ban material to talk about the D3 Alpha) suggest that Quake 4 will have vehicles and the Q4 engine will pretty much be the Doom 3 engine albeit perhaps a slightly modified version.

What we have seen so far, for me, looks and feels incredibly much like Doom.

Oh come on Shav, give it a break. You can't deny that the new versions of the old enemies look totally different and that while the weapons and enemies have lots in common with the old ones, there's still the fact that crouching increases accuracy in Doom 3 (no crouching or anything affecting accuracy in classic Doom) and there's the fact that you have limited stamina for running in D3 plus, your movement speed is reduced compared to classic Doom.

Yes, the atmosphere is spot on for Doom 3 - I would go as far as to say that it's even better and while lots of people claim that Doom 3 doesn't seem to be having much action, I still have the impression that there'll be something to kill all the time and that battles will be intense and the largest part of the game.

But you can't deny that things HAVE changed since Doom 3 - whether you think the new game feels like Doom or not is a matter of what Doom was to you.
I share your sentiment that Doom 3 has enough in common with classic Doom (and it's even improved in some areas I think, like a more realistic movement speed) to really feel like Doom, but I still think that it's a different Doom game altogether.

Back on topic: The only vehicles I want to see in Doom 3 would be the same kind of vehicles that you would see in Quake 2: Trains that you can ride (for a brief time or at least where you can do stuff while ridin' along), minor carts or just decorative vehicles that you can't ride.
I usually don't give a crap for drivable vehicles in fps games, mostly because the part of an fps I like the best is the basic ground-pounding grunt work.
Hence my answer as to whether Doom 3 should have drivable vehicles is a loud, earth-shattering: NO FLIPPIN' WAY!

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Scabbed Angel said:

I would love a trainride if it is 45 minutes like in the HL intro I think that would be the most exciting thing! And then make it so that you cannot skip through it while you are being told nothing about the game. Damn, that'd be awesome1 [/sarcasm]

Console -> map c1a0

Anyway, I doubt Doom3 will have vehicles like BF1942 and HL2. Might have a workable train or something, but I think that'd be about it. Suits me fine.

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dsm said:

A lot of crap

Like I said. To me Doom3 looks and feels exactly like it should. I get the same feeling when watching a D3 screenshot that I got when playing Doom. I remember Doom as an atmospheric shooter and not a fast-paced action shoot-em-up. That is how I experienced Doom. If the monsters have changed a bit, I don't care because they still have the same feel to them.

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Put vehicles in doom3 and it'll destroy it's atmosphere, even if there is a scene where you're in a jeep and something big is chasing you (besides a scene like that would need an outside environment on mars and as i seem to recall there'll be none of that)

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Personally, well implemented vehicles can work in a FPS, it just depends on the type of FPS it is. Another thing about vehicles, is people always seem to consider the same thing, jeeps/tanks/cars, if you really think about it, you could use vehicles in imaginative ways. For example, it could be cool if you find a group of survivors and lead them onto a ship to escape, then you have to prep that ship to take off. Like walking around inside the ship turning on key points so it can launch, then leaving the ship and watching as the survivors launch it into space.

On the subject of vehicles though is UT2k4, Is it just me, or are the tank and jeep almost copies from Halo. I swear, when they first announced UT2004, they released a screenshot of a marine in armour and in the background was a jeep, which looked extremely similar to halo's warthog. (puma ;))

Here's my evidence:
http://www.gengamers.com/html/ut2004-4.html - Tank
http://www.gengamers.com/html/ut2004-1.html - Jeep
http://www.gengamers.com/html/ut2004-7.html - Jeep again

I guess I should provide some shots of Halo's vehicles to back up my claim for those who haven't played/seen Halo.
http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/halo/screens.html?page=37 - Warthog (Jeep)
http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/halo/screens.html?page=31- Warthog
I spent a while going through screenshots, and I couldn't find any shot's of halo's tank. Unfortunate and a bit odd actually.

Am I crazy or am I right?? There are other vehicles though, and those do look original, and pretty cool. All shots are here:

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Well, for me, I'd like at least, and I mean very least, a jeep, and noticing the rough terrain on mars, having a jeep would make getting places easier, but I'm not even sure if Doom 3 has any out door levels because so far it all seems to be indoors. It would also be a cool feature in MP, having a passenger and a machine gunner (same as halo) with you for the ride (or other configuration depending on how or what id wants). Yet a controlable train would be gay, a monorail with some kind of ingame cinematics would add interest to the story. A tank would over do it, especialy for MP. All this is just my opinion.

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You know, at first I was going to say no. Then, I looked at the Jeep, which is almost a direct rip. The tank is quite different, though. Similar general construction, but then - how much different can you make an MBT, really?

But yeah, the jeep-buggy-thing is EXTREMELY similar to the Warthog. It seems to ride a bit lower and be wider, but that's likely just to accomodate the "I'm as wide as I am tall!" UT2K3 characters. Heh.

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matt_c20 said:

Well, for me, I'd like at least, and I mean very least, a jeep, and noticing the rough terrain on mars, having a jeep would make getting places easier, but I'm not even sure if Doom 3 has any out door levels because so far it all seems to be indoors.

Sorry, but I still disagree with any opinion that says that there should be vehicles in Doom 3.

It'd make it too much into a multi-type game, rather than a straight, ground-pounding FPS and make it seem like a mix of a racer game and an FPS = Not Doom.

Doom is all about just being yourself, your weapons and your killing instinct. And furthermore, Doom 1 was about the corridors.

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