geekmarine Posted August 17, 2003 Heh, as long as it's still the slaughterage of the minions of hell with futuristic weapons, it's still Doom to me. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NiGHTMARE Posted August 17, 2003 geekmarine said:Heh, as long as it's still the slaughterage of the minions of hell with futuristic weapons, it's still Doom to me. Heh, Doom only had two futuristic weapons, both of which you don't get until late-ish in the game ;) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
geekmarine Posted August 17, 2003 Well, by futuristic I meant not magical-medieval-etc weapons, in other words GUNS. Lord knows I don't want to start another argument about what kind of weapons Doom 3 should have :p. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NiGHTMARE Posted August 17, 2003 Well I think "contemporary" is the word you were really looking for :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Lengis Posted August 23, 2003 NiGHTMARE said:Heh, Doom only had two futuristic weapons, both of which you don't get until late-ish in the game ;) Guess what, Doom 3 isn't the same game as Doom 1.......... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
matt_c20 Posted August 23, 2003 Except for the fact that they both so far have: 1: a pistol 2: fists 3: a chaingun 4: rocket launcher And a plasmarifle and BFG are in the works arcording to plantdoom. And even though doom is all about the indoors, it would still be cool to have at least 2 or 3 large out door area's. And if it didn't, they should boost his speed a little bit. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted August 24, 2003 NiGHTMARE said:Heh, Doom only had two futuristic weapons, both of which you don't get until late-ish in the game ;) The rocket launcher didn't look like any "contemporary" rocket launchers, plus it didn't have a back-blast - I think that is enough to qualify it as "futuristic".Except for the fact that they both so far have: 1: a pistol 2: fists 3: a chaingun 4: rocket launcher And I suggest you take a good long look at screenies showing these weapon models. Don't look like any modern type of weapons you've seen before now do they? Lemme be specific here. Pistol: This thing looks like some sort of futuristic beretta with a slightly 1700 pirate pistol'ish look over it - now tell me, have you ever seen a pistol that looked like this in a modern day arsenal. No? I didn't think so either. Chaingun: You can't carry either a chaingun nor a minigun around, let alone use it - both guns are too heavy. And besides, a modern day chaingun doesn't look like a minigun, hence this 'chaingun' is a new type of gun that borrows elements from both the chaingun and the minigun (I'd assume). Rocket launcher: As I said above, no backblast, doesn't look like any modern type of rocket launcher (especially not with that rocket rack containing five rockets), hence it's a futuristic rocket launcher. I guess the fists are the only "contemporary" weapons you'll find in Doom 3, but sure, there are plenty of "evolutions of modern weapons" in Doom 3. And even if Doom 3 has old weapons and demons from the old classic, it still doesn't make it "the same game" - just a new game with lots of elements from the old classics. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
matt_c20 Posted August 24, 2003 What I consider "futuristic" is that it involes lasers and lazer shields like the coventent in Halo. A pistol weither it be "futuristic" looking or not is still a pistol and pistols have been around for along time now. So the only "futurisitc" weaponry in Doom is and only is the Plasmagun and BFG, besides do you know of any modern age weaponry that fires like 30 rounds a minute of plasma without over heating or fires huge green balls of plasma with damageing himself ? So in other words a pistol or machinegun or w/e isn't what I call Futurisitic. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted August 24, 2003 matt_c20 said:What I consider "futuristic" is that it involes lasers and lazer shields like the coventent in Halo. A pistol weither it be "futuristic" looking or not is still a pistol and pistols have been around for along time now. So the only "futurisitc" weaponry in Doom is and only is the Plasmagun and BFG, besides do you know of any modern age weaponry that fires like 30 rounds a minute of plasma without over heating or fires huge green balls of plasma with damageing himself ? So in other words a pistol or machinegun or w/e isn't what I call Futurisitic. It's a matter of how you look upon it. These evolved "modern day" weapons in Doom 3 could very well be twice as powerful as their modern versions - I find it perfectly logical to refer to them as "futuristic" - lasers and plasma weapons are merely "imaginative futuristic weapons". By "Futuristic", it is usually prudent to assume everything that looks more advanced technologically than what we have today. At least that's the way I like to see it. I'm only trying to convey to the fine people here at DW that people look at things differently, so just because one person looks at one thing one way and claims it to be so, it doesn't mean that it's the eternal truth. Am I clear? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
matt_c20 Posted August 25, 2003 True, but hopefully these more "futuristic" versions of modern age weaponry kick ass ! I wounder what the BFG will be like, seeing as how eveything is more advanced and buffed up. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
geekmarine Posted August 25, 2003 LOL wouldn't it be funny if it looked and acted exactly like the original Doom BFG. You know, all of the other weapons have had major makeovers, whereas the BFG looks like it was just ripped from the JDoom model pack. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
matt_c20 Posted August 25, 2003 What would be funny is if they just ripped it off Doom, like its not even 3d just the 2d texture there. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
insertwackynamehere Posted August 25, 2003 No, it would be hilarious if they just drew a line a made it 1D, so it was sub original Doom?!!?loloolloollol ;-) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
gatewatcher Posted August 25, 2003 insertwackynamehere said:No, it would be hilarious if they just drew a line a made it 1D, so it was sub original Doom?!!?loloolloollol ;-) It would be funny if your computer just blew up, right now, while you are posting. Heh. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
insertwackynamehere Posted August 25, 2003 gatewatcher said:It would be funny if your computer just blew up, right now, while you are posting. Heh. Not agian!!! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
D-clone Posted August 25, 2003 I get it. How bout having his Cock in front of you (right in the middle), and its a black cock with martian demon herpes. And it shoots huge green herpees balls of infernal horror death. Then, you can rip your balls off and throw them as greanades, the human dna sperm would be like (caustic acid)^3. LolLOlOLollolOoLollolol!!!!!!!!11111122twotwothreethreethreestophammertime insertwackynamehere said:[/B] No, it would be hilarious if they just drew a line a made it 1D, so it was sub original Doom?!!?loloolloollol ;-) If it were 1D you wouldnt be able to see it, theres no point. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted August 25, 2003 D-clone said:If it were 1D you wouldnt be able to see it Of course you would. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
D-clone Posted August 25, 2003 Fredrik said:Of course you would. How?, it may have length but it doesnt have width. even a straight line in technical terms is 2D because it has a certain width. Unless youre drawing a schematic and youre using a line as a model to picture your 1D object. Example: A singularity, you can draw one using lines, but can you see one? No, all you see is black. And its impossible to see one because its infinitely dense, so its volume is infinitely null. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted August 25, 2003 He said a line, which would be the same as a raster with one pixel's height. (I know, it's not really 1D) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
D-clone Posted August 25, 2003 I said that if it was 1D, it would be invisible. And theres scientific theory makes it retty much a fact, if you dont come up with a better hypothesis. Anyway, the point is we get what he was trying to say. And back to the discussion. I heard it was gonna be a Quake 3 style BFG, rapid firing. Itll just be a rocket launcher firing 2 times a second, effectively. And its understandable, youre never gonna have a horde of demons coming at you. youll have 8-10 at the most. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted August 25, 2003 D-clone said:I heard it was gonna be a Quake 3 style BFG, rapid firing. Where have you heard that? That would totally suck, because everyone knows that the Q3 BFG was the shittiest BFG of them all, just a lame overpowered Plasma Rifle. I´m sure id is well aware of the awfulness of the Q3 BFG (after all it was an attempt to include a super weapon into a balanced multiplayer weaponry, but it was still unbalanced AND unimaginative), so they will come up with something better like this. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
D-clone Posted August 25, 2003 I dont remember but im pretty sure it was legit. Theres no use for a Doom stule BFG anyway. And the Q2 one wasnt that good either. The Q3 one, I think was great for mowing down enemies. A weapon that doesnt mow down everything at one in multyplayer will allways be balanced weapon becasue anybody i the game can have it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted August 25, 2003 weapon for mowing down enemies = chaingun. No need for a BFG which is just another powerful rapid fire weapon. Personally I liked the Quake2 BFG best, for Doom3 it would be great to have some kind of mix between the original Doom BFG and the Q2 type. Or something completely new and original. EDIT: your idea in the other thread is quite cool for example. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
matt_c20 Posted August 26, 2003 D-clone said: And its understandable, youre never gonna have a horde of demons coming at you. youll have 8-10 at the most. um...if there isn't going to be a BFG, then why did they say there will be ?(sorce: PlanetDoom) Also, the Q3 BFG sucked ass, I racked up tons of frags because it was fast, even for me, whos trigger happy, couldn't take the fact that I was getting all these frags on a Hyper fast Super weapon. And I completely argee with Tetzlaff. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
D-clone Posted August 26, 2003 matt_c20 said:um...if there isn't going to be a BFG, then why did they say there will be ?(sorce: PlanetDoom) when did I say there wasnt gonna be one? Quite the contrary I said that there will be one (theres one in the alpha), and that I heard somewhere (i forget) that it will be ala Q3. I might be that wherever i heard that made that up though, i dunno. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
matt_c20 Posted August 26, 2003 D-clone said: Itll just be a rocket launcher firing 2 times a second, effectively. I'm pretty sure a rocket launcher isn't a BFG and could never replace the greatness that is the BFG, firing 2 times a second or otherwise. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
D-clone Posted August 26, 2003 matt_c20 said:I'm pretty sure a rocket launcher isn't a BFG and could never replace the greatness that is the BFG, firing 2 times a second or otherwise. Dude, you need to start READING what people post and understand where they are coming from. That was just an emphasization of the previeous sentence. [emphasizing previous sentence]I wasnt my opinion, it was a description that I made so I could get my point accross[/empasizing previous sentence] I aslo suggest you read my big ass post here so you can better understand how this shit (social skills) works. Now go take a look at my BFG11K post and look at my art, NOW! :b 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
matt_c20 Posted August 26, 2003 First of all, Don't call me "dude" and second, why are we arguing about a BFG in a thread about Vehicles ? Back to the topic ! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
D-clone Posted August 26, 2003 matt_c20 said:.... why are we arguing about a BFG in a thread about Vehicles ? Back to the topic ! ROTFLMFAO: matt_c20 said:....I wounder what the BFG will be like, seeing as how eveything is more advanced and buffed up. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
matt_c20 Posted August 26, 2003 uhh.......sure.....? ROTFLMFAO ? wtf, rather long for an Abreviation. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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