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Vehicles in Doom 3.


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matt_c20 said:


What exactly you didn't get, Im not sure...
Or is it a sigh of acceptance?

matt_c20 said:

wtf, rather long for an Abreviation.

Try googling your doubts before posting something, its safer.

If you were too lazy....click

Ive got no grudge against you, or anybody in this forum, so dont take stuff personally.

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W/e, if you guys have nothing to talk about other than Vehiles in Doom 3, don't bother me, I only said it would be funny if they took the Doom 1 BFG and put it in Doom 3. Now I'd like to get back to topic. Whats your opinion on Doom 3 vehicles D-clone.

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matt_c20 said:

Whats your opinion on Doom 3 vehicles D-clone.

Hmm... everything can be done if its done the right way, and the way to do that is putting yourself in the game.
Ok we know for a fact that there is a train and there is a mine in the game. Lets start out with that.

A train. The train seems to be a transport maglev. We know it comes from another base/building in the same mars colony. Maybe you ahve to rde the train to go from one building to the other. On the way ythe train might derail. Youd see the whole scene with an in-game animation. And maybe youd have to kill some bad guys outside, get a mini maglev one person rider and get to where you needed to go. See? you dont necesaraly need to have shootings inside the vehicle, but it can integrate into the game quite nicely.

Now the mine. MiNeCAtSts!!!111onetwo
Umm.... no. But...... maybe whatever they use in the future to carry natural recources from the site to the factory/transporters. This could be huge conveyor belts, or those big mine bucket things that were in the Quake II Mission pack. Now it wouldnt be bad to have a killing spree in one of those.

Maybe you could get inside a big huge armored robot. Not Japanese animation or Power rangers! No, something like that big gunner that was guarding the gates in Zion In Matrix Reloaded.

I wouldnt mind getting in an armored tank either. Maybe the tank can be stuck in a load of rubble, but you get in just to aim the turret at a cyb or something. Not to kill him, just ot weaken him. The killing part should be done with raw manpower.

Where Im getting at is that actually driving a vehicle in Doom would not fit, but vehicles themselves are part of any enviroment, so Itd be nice to see id experiment with the idea.

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D-clone said:
A train. The train seems to be a transport maglev. We know it comes from another base/building in the same mars colony. Maybe you ahve to rde the train to go from one building to the other. On the way ythe train might derail. Youd see the whole scene with an in-game animation. And maybe youd have to kill some bad guys outside, get a mini maglev one person rider and get to where you needed to go. See? you dont necesaraly need to have shootings inside the vehicle, but it can integrate into the game quite nicely.

Now the mine. MiNeCAtSts!!!111onetwo
Umm.... no. But...... maybe whatever they use in the future to carry natural recources from the site to the factory/transporters. This could be huge conveyor belts, or those big mine bucket things that were in the Quake II Mission pack. Now it wouldnt be bad to have a killing spree in one of those.

Sheesh, do I really have to elaborate on anything I say?
I thought it was pretty obvious that when people ask about vehicles, they're referring to stuff like cars and tanks that you, the player can activate to turn the game into a damn racer game - THAT my friends, is what I find is totally off of what Doom is really about. I don't wanna feel like a multi-purpose warrior when I play a Doom game, rather, I'd just want to play the game the way I do best: plain ground-pounding action.

I know that the question "Should Doom 3 have vehicles?" can be broadly interpreted, but by now, it should be pretty obvious what is implied in the question - read between the lines. Most people, when asking such a question naturally refer to stuff like cars or tanks that you can enter and then 'activate' to drive about like some damn car simulator.

Stuff like tram cars and the like are fine, as long as they just involve you walking up to a switch/computer, briefly interact with it to start the vehicle and then it'll do the rest, while I can concentrate on shooting stuff. On the other hand, I don't want it to be like those underground rail trains in Half Life - too much to worry about at once imo.

Maybe you could get inside a big huge armored robot. Not Japanese animation or Power rangers! No, something like that big gunner that was guarding the gates in Zion In Matrix Reloaded.

If you're gonna drive that thing, it'd be bad for some of the reasons I mentioned above - I wanna just play the game the way I do it best which is running and gunning. Don't wanna play Godzilla in any form whatsoever.

I wouldnt mind getting in an armored tank either. Maybe the tank can be stuck in a load of rubble, but you get in just to aim the turret at a cyb or something. Not to kill him, just ot weaken him. The killing part should be done with raw manpower.

The idea in itself is ok, but a tank means that the game would have a war-style atmosphere which wouldn't fit Doom at all, because Doom is about claustrophobia and horror. The idea would fit nicely in Quake 4 however.

Where Im getting at is that actually driving a vehicle in Doom would not fit, but vehicles themselves are part of any enviroment, so Itd be nice to see id experiment with the idea. [/B]

Aren't you just contradicting yourself here? I thought one of your above ideas involved driving a robot. And yes, vehicles as part of the environment are ok as long as you don't drive 'em, but I don't see much room for vehicles on a Martian base other than monorails, mining carts and perhaps one or two "moon buggys" - any of these vehicles should not be directly drivable.

But if they make an expansion pack that retells the events in Doom 2, then there'd be plenty of room for overturned cars and maybe even...hmm... tanks - I know I'm contradicting myself here, but if demons overran the Earth, it'd be pretty strange if there aren't even any wrecks of military vehicles around, so I'm gonna bite the bullet on this one.

Just don't make them drivable. Doom is a simple game above anything else - and that's not just in the controls, it's also in the way you play the game and the consistency in the play style. Actively drivable vehicles would totally ruin the consistency in gameplay style.

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I agree with dsm for the most part. But I'd like to at least have a Hummer type vehicle, which maybe you wont have to drive and just jump in to get to a war zone, and besides, since when is a hummer a racing game type vehicle?
Like, theres the Warthog in Halo, that doesn't turn Halo into a racing game.
And I'm totaly against the mech. Mechs just turn you into a super soldier and just make the Doom gameplay easier, which I dont want, what I want is like "legendary" mode, like in Halo.
But one question, in the Halo novel, The Master Chief's name is John.
Whats the doomguys name in the Doom novels ?

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Corporal Flynn Peter Taggart aka "Fly", of the Fox Company, 15th Light Drop Infantry Regiment, United States Marine Corps, Serial # 888-23-9912.

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If anyone is woundering how my doomguy drawing is coming along, check out my site at matt-c20.deviantart.com to check out the doomguy and anything I got so far.

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matt_c20 said:
I agree with dsm for the most part. But I'd like to at least have a Hummer type vehicle, which maybe you wont have to drive and just jump in to get to a war zone, and besides, since when is a hummer a racing game type vehicle?
Like, theres the Warthog in Halo, that doesn't turn Halo into a racing game.

Dude, Doom 3 takes place on Mars and is set inside the base the entire time (mostly) - there's no flippin' way there's a hummer on a Mars base, even in the future. A vehicle built for maneuverings on Mars' surface has to be very cabable of driving through sand and through extremely rough terrain. Trust me, even though a hummer is built for terrain, it's nowhere near sufficient for the type of landscape that is typical for Mars.

And what battle zone? Doom 1 and especially Doom 3 are horror action games - hence, no war atmosphere. And yes a hummer is no racer car, but that's beside the point. The point is that the moment you can drive any vehicle, the game is converted into a damn car simulator and there's no way I'm gonna accept a Doom game that does that.

Maybe in other shooter games with a totally different style perhaps.

If anyone is woundering how my doomguy drawing is coming along, check out my site at matt-c20.deviantart.com to check out the doomguy and anything I got so far.

You know we've got a forum for this kind of stuff.

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and there's no way I'm gonna accept a Doom game that does that.

And what are you going to do about it? Threaten the game some more? :P

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Fredrik said:

And what are you going to do about it? Threaten the game some more? :P

Shut up!

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Heh, I don't see why the big controversy. I'm 99% sure Doom 3 won't have drivable vehicles. There's no point if there are no large outdoor areas, and we already know there won't be any large outdoor areas. Also, we've had I don't know how many FPS from id with no drivable vehicles. Note: I have no personal opinion on the issue; I really don't care one way or the other. I'm just going off of what the evidence would suggest. Of course, if they make a Doom 2 expansion pack, I suppose drivable vehicles would be rather cool, IMHO. I mean, it would be more of a war scenario, and so it would make sense. BTW, the vehicles is the biggest reason I love BF1942. It just adds this whole new element of strategy to the typical FPS formula, and realism, as well (well, okay, so they don't drive realistically, but the point is, you can basically use any big weapon or vehicle in the map).

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Screw a Hummer... I want to see one of those little security golf carts so you can zip around those dark corridors in the Mars base running down imps. That would kick ass. :)

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Fredrik said:And what are you going to do about it? Threaten the game some more? :P

LMAO, man thats funny, but even if a hummer isn't suitable for the terrian on Mars, I'm still with the idea of Vehicles in Doom 3. Because its a Science Research Base doing Serious reserch, I'm pretty sure they'd like some protection against some kind of Terrorist group or Aliens so they're gonna have either the military (if the UAC is working for the government) or most likely Mercs to cover for them, even so, wouldn't it be wise to have some kind of heavy artilery such as a tank or an all terrain vehicle like a hummer or rover with a mounted machinegun ?

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matt_c20 said:
I'm pretty sure they'd like some protection against some kind of Terrorist group or Aliens so they're gonna have either the military (if the UAC is working for the government) or most likely Mercs to cover for them, even so, wouldn't it be wise to have some kind of heavy artilery such as a tank or an all terrain vehicle like a hummer or rover with a mounted machinegun ?

Well, I doubt that they would consider an alien attack. It's like us right now considering alien attacks as a possiblity. If you have no proof that something exists then why prepair for it, ya know? And I don't think Terrorism would be a huge threat either. The station is on mars and I'm sure that space travel is heavily regulated. Even if a terrorist were to get past, it's highly unlikely that they would take a frontal assault that would require any vehicular weaponry. As far as military support, there are soldiers there which pretty much covers what conceivable threats there are.

But I think the biggest arguement about vehicles came from ID at last years Quakecon where it was stated that the use of outdoor areas would be severly limited, justified by the fact that this is Mars we're talking about and humans cannot survive on it's surface due at least the lack of breathable air. Therefor, even if there are vehicles in place that are capable of going outside, there would be no reason to use them since there is nothing outside worth going to. Every part of the base would logically be connected through tunnels at the very least. Therefor, vehicles are unnecessary for Doom 3.

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EllipsusD said:
If you have no proof that something exists then why prepair for it, ya know?

Never say never in sci-fi, and if there is no air on mars, theres helmets, I've seen pics of the Doom 3 marines with there helmets. (They look AWSOME) All I can say now is that I'd like to have vehicles, how likely they'll show up I don't really care, but its not up to me. Even if doom 3 didn't have vehicles I'm sure it'll still be a sweet game. And even if vehicles don't make it to SP, I'd love to see some in MP.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Shaviro said:

What we have seen so far, for me, looks and feels incredibly much like Doom.

Actually it looks and feels incredibly much like Resident Evil.

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wasted said:

Any ideas?

Yeah it would rock. I've always been disappointed that id games had no vehicles. Vehicles add fun to the game. So many new possibalitys with Vehicles.

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I agree, luckily the conservatives here only represent a minority of the gameing community. If id catered to them, Doom 3 would be a flop.

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