dsm Posted August 15, 2003 Fredrik said:And wacky demon environments would not? I could write an entire NOVEL about why it makes zero sense to have the player use alien/demon weapons - and be able to use them effectively the first time he tries them. And yes, even in a game with "wacky" Hell environments. But I won't write this "novel" here, because long posts are usually annoying. At least the idea of an alternate dimension has a certain, semi-believable mystique to it - picking up and using alien weaponry (which most likely wouldn't have your typical, designed-for-human-fingers triggers), however, just seems plain stupid and overly cheesy. It's like, OMFG! I CAN DO EVERYTHING - EVEN USE ITEMS NEVER SEEN BY MAN BEFORE!!! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted August 15, 2003 Maybe the demon weapons are living entities that use magic to allow automatic usage. Anyway, speaking of nothing, am I the only one who finds the HUD/font design poor? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted August 15, 2003 Fredrik said:Anyway, speaking of nothing, am I the only one who finds the HUD/font design poor? No, I sorta agree. While I like the techy, tranparent boxes, the font looks dull - gimme the good ol' classic Doom font. Oh and the armour icon kinda disappoints me too (although it doesn't really concern me, since it's nothing) - it's just the same icon as the one used in Q3A. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted August 15, 2003 I think the Soulcube might be a UAC manufactured weapon. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted August 15, 2003 dsm said:No, I sorta agree. While I like the techy, tranparent boxes, the font looks dull - gimme the good ol' classic Doom font. Oh and the armour icon kinda disappoints me too (although it doesn't really concern me, since it's nothing) - it's just the same icon as the one used in Q3A. Yeah, I have the feeling that many of them are just placeholder graphics. Hopefully we'll see a complete interface restylization before the game is finalized. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted August 15, 2003 Did anyone else read this?Today I got my next issue of pc gamer with a sweet new screenshot!!!!!! . Inside they had a cool screenshot of a pinky eating a scientist. This is the vague description I can provide In the picture, a zombie stands up to the left of the pinky. the zombie is up close to the player. Their surroundings are organic. Flesh and spikes seem to be ingulfing this section of the uac base, bloodied and casting a red glow on everything near. Visible are small portions of metal not covered by hellsih skin. It is a neat screenshot that is quite scary. I cant wait until teh demo comes out!!!! Or the game.Source: http://www.forumplanet.com/planetdoom/topic.asp?fid=2308&tid=1131711&p=1 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
gatewatcher Posted August 15, 2003 Disorder said:Did anyone else read this?Source: http://www.forumplanet.com/planetdoom/topic.asp?fid=2308&tid=1131711&p=1 Heh, well, it's true I've seen it! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted August 15, 2003 gatewatcher said:Heh, well, it's true I've seen it! Do you happen to have a scanner? :P 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted August 15, 2003 Just remember the rules... no unpermitted scans on this forum. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scabbed Angel Posted August 15, 2003 From ign Quakecon review: "It seems id is returning to the basics for DOOM 3's multiplayer, and the new technology should provide enough new strategies to possibly inject some new life into 1v1 deathmatching. We couldn't get anyone at id to comment on how many multiplayer maps might ship with the game, but the impression we got is that they'd rather have a few really good maps than an overload of average ones. id wouldn't give a firm release date for DOOM 3, but they did confirm that it won't be shipping in 2003, which gives them plenty of time to continue balancing the weapons and other multiplayer components. Stay tuned to our QuakeCon 2003 coverage throughout the week, as there's sure to be more news as the show continues." Well I guess that question is answered. Limited MP, some care, some don't, but D3 won't ship in 2003. Perhaps it will make a nice complimentary gift to Trent upcoming album in 2016. heh heh. *frown* "I was dreaming of a Doom Christmas, just like the one in ninety-three. Where the pistol glistens, And I listen to hear, all the killing sprees...." *sniff* Here's another classic... "All I want for Christmans is Doom 3 in two thousand three..." Okay, I'll stop now . . . 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zoost Posted August 15, 2003 Right now this Key Note Event is going on. http://www.quakecon.org/schedule.html 13:00 - 14:30 id Software Key Note Event - featuring Todd Hollenshead, Tim Willits, Robert Duffy, and Fred Nilsson Where is JC? why is http://www.x-cast.net/index.php not broadcasting this? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scabbed Angel Posted August 15, 2003 Why did my thread get merged? I'm not pissed just curious if I did something wrong so I don't do it again in the future. EDIT: Ah, interviews and such thread. I see. Whoops. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zoost Posted August 15, 2003 http://www.homelanfed.com/index.php?id=16400 highlights of the Doom III keynote panel http://www.gamespy.com/quakecon2003/willitshollenshead/index.shtml Tim Willits and Todd Hollenshead of id Software Interview 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
uniQ Posted August 16, 2003 Zoost said:http://www.homelanfed.com/index.php?id=16400 highlights of the Doom III keynote panel http://www.gamespy.com/quakecon2003/willitshollenshead/index.shtml Tim Willits and Todd Hollenshead of id Software Interview the gayspy article fills me with hope that the release date could be earlier. basically all the D3SP content is done. i really don't think they need another 6 months to tune SP up and implement the MP part. Come on ID drop that MP part and focus on SP :) make a free MP addon for the MP headz afterwards! or is ID really waiting for a better technology standard that runs d3 better?! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted August 17, 2003 uniQ said:the gayspy article fills me with hope that the release date could be earlier. basically all the D3SP content is done. i really don't think they need another 6 months to tune SP up and implement the MP part. Come on ID drop that MP part and focus on SP :) make a free MP addon for the MP headz afterwards! or is ID really waiting for a better technology standard that runs d3 better?! Forget it pal - there are just too many MP fanatics out there to ship D3 without MP support out of the box. They just won't buy Doom 3 just because of the later promise of an MP add-on. They certainly won't buy it because of the SP. But it's nice to hear that at least iD has Splash Damage to do the MP maps - that'll take some of the workload off of iD's shoulders. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zoost Posted August 17, 2003 http://www.gamespy.com/quakecon2003/carmack/index.shtml A Conversation With John Carmack GameSpy: Are you going to retire after DOOM 3? John Carmack: No. I've got at least one more rendering engine to write. John Carmack: I thought it would be kind of neat if we took the DOOM renderer, and we had a team take previous games-don't touch the game, just revamp it graphically. Just take Quake II, and just use the DOOM engine to make brand new graphic models and everything. But don't spend time messing with the gameplay because we know that is pretty good. Just release it as Quake II Remix with brand new graphics technology and sell it at a middle-level price instead of a boutique price. I thought that was a pretty good idea. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zoost Posted August 17, 2003 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Fans who were unable to make it to Dallas for QuakeCon, the annual fan convention for id's games, might howl, though, since there are no plans to release a multiplayer demo of the game anytime soon, said Hollenshead. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zoost Posted August 17, 2003 http://www.planetquake3.net/ You can download a video of the keynote speech here 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted August 17, 2003 Zoost said:John Carmack: I thought it would be kind of neat if we took the DOOM renderer, and we had a team take previous games-don't touch the game, just revamp it graphically. Just take Quake II, and just use the DOOM engine to make brand new graphic models and everything. But don't spend time messing with the gameplay because we know that is pretty good. Just release it as Quake II Remix with brand new graphics technology and sell it at a middle-level price instead of a boutique price. I thought that was a pretty good idea. No gameplay enhancements? Is he joking??? And I disagree, that's a pretty lame idea. We need iD to come up with some fresh concepts instead of all those rehashes. Think about it: Quake was too much like Doom overall, Quake 2's universe is already being recreated in the Doom 3 engine by Raven doing Quake IV. No thanks, you guys better come up with something fresh - prefarably a totally new direction as far as concepts go: instead of the usual, armour-wearing marine type heroes using mostly weapons copied off of Doom against an army of evil monsters hell-bent on the destruction of humanity, they should rather try and go for a slightly toned down sort of story situation - like e.g. put the player in the boots of some sort of futuristic policeman or something who uncovers some evil plot thingy which might be of great magnitued, but not on the level of threatening the very existence of humanity (we've had that one ever since the first Doom game). As much as I love the "Humanity is doomed" situation, I have to admit that it HAS grown quite old. [edit]Ok, Carmack actually said that their next big title will be a new concept so I'm at ease again, but I still think of "polishing" the older engine titles with just the addition of the D3 engine and new character models as a kinda lame idea. Can't quite put my finger on why I dislike the idea though.[/edit] 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arioch Posted August 17, 2003 I think it might be a good idea if they had somebody else do it. Outsource it to another company like Splash Damage. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
gatewatcher Posted August 17, 2003 dsm said:No thanks, you guys better come up with something fresh - prefarably a totally new direction as far as concepts go: instead of the usual, armour-wearing marine type heroes using mostly weapons copied off of Doom against an army of evil monsters hell-bent on the destruction of humanity, they should rather try and go for a slightly toned down sort of story situation - like e.g. put the player in the boots of some sort of futuristic policeman or something who uncovers some evil plot thingy which might be of great magnitued, but not on the level of threatening the very existence of humanity (we've had that one ever since the first Doom game). Yes, Doom would be better if it wasn't Doom. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted August 17, 2003 gatewatcher said:Yes, Doom would be better if it wasn't Doom. Hey pal, I'm talking about their next project AFTER Doom 3, not Doom 3 itself - read the entire post and the posts before it dammit. Sheesh, some people and their lack of ability to follow up on the subject matter. *rolls eyes 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted August 17, 2003 Read Doomkid3000's posts in this thread: http://www.doom3.dk/default.asp?p=viewpost&id=2843&answers=46 He played the multiplayer demo. He says that Doom 3's multiplayer will have rotating weapons (fuck). Other than that, by reading his posts I think multiplayer for Doom 3 will kick ass. He seemed to love it. I just hope that singeplayer won't have rotating weapons. To me, that really takes the realistic feel out of a game. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
uniQ Posted August 17, 2003 yep...I asked him that. "rotating items" are arcade style. i really don't like this behavior of pickup items. high end graphics with shadows and lots of more stuff but using silly rotating items...lol. maybe this is just the matter in MP. hopefully. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted August 17, 2003 Disorder said:Read Doomkid3000's posts in this thread: http://www.doom3.dk/default.asp?p=viewpost&id=2843&answers=46 He played the multiplayer demo. He says that Doom 3's multiplayer will have rotating weapons (fuck). Other than that, by reading his posts I think multiplayer for Doom 3 will kick ass. He seemed to love it. I just hope that singeplayer won't have rotating weapons. To me, that really takes the realistic feel out of a game. Aaargh! floating weapons!!!! Waaaaah! /me runs around in his room screaming on top of his lungs while occasionally banging his head against the wall until his head starts to bleed. /me has a seizure /me cools down All right, for MP it's probably damn sweet, but it had better not have floating weapons in sp! I'm tired of those gravity defying weapons - and especially in a game with so much realistic physics, it would be downright retarded. Think how cool it'd be to have former human soldiers drop their shotgun when you kill them and watch/hear their shotguns clatter against the floor. No, I can't think anything else than iD actually making weapons realistically lying about in the SP, and then make them floating magic weapons in mp in order to make them easier to spot (MP is, after all, much more frantic than sp - even in Doom 2). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted August 17, 2003 Yeah, in DM, floating weapons makes sense, because you're more prone to notice movement. However, in SP, it's gay. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
gatewatcher Posted August 17, 2003 dsm said:Hey pal, I'm talking about their next project AFTER Doom 3, not Doom 3 itself - read the entire post and the posts before it dammit. Sheesh, some people and their lack of ability to follow up on the subject matter. *rolls eyes Oh, I'm sorry, what I meant to say is that your whole idea about id making a game based on futuristic policemen uncovering plots to destroy only half the world is so kewl. Will they use guns, or are those bad in terms of gameplay and not so fresh? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
geekmarine Posted August 18, 2003 No, it needs to have super-cool Matrix-style fighting sequences. Well, maybe guns, but not all guns. Sorry to go off track, but I've been looking for a game with Matrix-style fighting sequences but is not Enter the Matrix. I love the concept but (a) Enter the Matrix fails it big time and (b) I've already played it to death. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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