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The Official New Doom 3 Media Thread


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geekmarine said:

No, it needs to have super-cool Matrix-style fighting sequences. Well, maybe guns, but not all guns. Sorry to go off track, but I've been looking for a game with Matrix-style fighting sequences but is not Enter the Matrix. I love the concept but (a) Enter the Matrix fails it big time and (b) I've already played it to death.

Max payne 2 Kung-Fu MOD?

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gatewatcher said:

Oh, I'm sorry, what I meant to say is that your whole idea about id making a game based on futuristic policemen uncovering plots to destroy only half the world is so kewl. Will they use guns, or are those bad in terms of gameplay and not so fresh?

Ok it was just a mild suggestion - it was just to get my point across: That if iD were to do a new game in an entirely new concept, they go with a different kind of situation.
Wolfenstein 3d was not about Aliens trying to wipe out humanity for instance. Just make a game where the player is a participant in an intergalactic war between multiple races (and this war is only over colonies or some weird shit) or something entirely different all together.
And yes, it should still be a typical shooter with loads of guns.


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Disorder said:

I actually liked Q3's plasma effects a lot more than Doom 3's. It looks like Doomguy is using one of those Ghostbusters' weapons.

Last time I checked... DooM + Ghostbusters was the best idea ever.

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Wobbo said:

sorry about that i hadnt seen this thread

About what? I replied to Scuba Steve, if that's what you mean.

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New DOOM 3 hands-on impressions from PlanetDOOM.


This is really weird. How come the guys at PlanetDOOM got to play the MP demo for 15 minutes, whereas all my sources (including the other previewers from major gaming websites) mentioned that they've only played for 8 minutes?
And what's up with updated new build? A patched version?

Nevertheless, I now know the significance of the flashlight: to clear the remaining glass shards of a broken window... :) And according to my I-pal who attended the Convention, the watching your opponent being impaled by the spikes and cylindrical blades is a sight to behold. It shows the great potetial of DOOM 3's proprietary ragdoll physics. Too bad he couldn't get to experience the feel of the plasma gun; seems that it's too well-hidden.

Anyway, has anyone from DW been to this year's QC? Maybe you would like to share your experiences and impressions.

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Zoorado said:

Anyway, has anyone from DW been to this year's QC? Maybe you would like to share your experiences and impressions.

Unless it's somebody who actually played the Doom 3 mp demo, he/she should post it in Everything Else.

Nice article, though somewhere I got the feeling that the dude who wrote this thing doesn't quite know what he's talking about.

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Zoorado said:

Anyway, has anyone from DW been to this year's QC? Maybe you would like to share your experiences and impressions.

Teamkill was there. He played it, too.

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Zoorado said:

LadyGamers.com impressions here.

Hmm, apparently, the Berserk Pack is a limited item, unlike in the original Doom, in which the Berserk Pack lasts an entire level / until you die.

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BBG said:

Hmm, apparently, the Berserk Pack is a limited item, unlike in the original Doom, in which the Berserk Pack lasts an entire level / until you die.

Perhaps it's only a DM item!?

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The game is said to be so GPU dependent that for the first time, Carmack has stated he feels he has the spare CPU cycles to 'waste' on extensive enemy AI. Monsters will seek out the player with their senses, and CEO Todd Hollenshead described one moment during an internal play testing session, where a nine foot infected marine with a chain gun was seeking him out, firing randomly around itself as it probed the dark. Hollenshead described how he waited intently for the monster to pass him as it searched, before leaping out behind it in ambush. It is cinematic moments like these that give a glimpse of the type of game play Id are trying to attach to their five star engine.

Source: http://www.ferrago.co.uk/story/1879
It seems like the enemies won't be as dumb as some of us thought.

Asides from the obvious graphics technology going on, other touches that impressed us include an advanced physics engine that quite wonderfully depicted a shot character falling back into a window and smashing realistically around him. Whilst on the subject of glass, we also noticed that when broken exterior windows created a vacuum and sucked everything outside – very cool.

It should also be noted that the appalling framerate featured in the un-optimised leaked demo was nowhere to be seen, Doom III moved at a lovely pace throughout although this is naturally played at a lower rate then the likes of Quake 3.

Source: http://www.totalvideogames.com/?section=Read%20Previews&id=576&gameid=2050&format=000007
Vacuum effect? Fucking cool!

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The ferrago.co.uk article is full of crap. I wouldn't trust for sure that the author didn't make that up. Maybe it was just a scripted event :P

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Fredrik said:

The ferrago.co.uk article is full of crap. I wouldn't trust for sure that the author didn't make that up. Maybe it was just a scripted event :P

How do you know it's crap?

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Carmack has never liked coding AI - I don't know why, I only know that for some reason, he dislikes coding it. At least that's what a few interviews with him in the past have revealed.

So far, I doubt Doom 3 will give us decent AI apart from what scripted sequences will give us (which is not real AI).

Perhaps it's only a DM item!?

What would the point be in that? iD's focus on Doom 3 has constantly been with the single player, hence, I've no reason to believe that they would possibly do something as silly as leave the fabled berserk powerup out of the single player part - thing of the gameplay attached to this powerup dammit. The berserk is the one thing that makes your absolutely most worthless weapon useful.

It's more likely that the powerups are modified for mp use to make 'em more "mp-friendly". I hope they are because as of now, I don't like some of the things that the berserk powerup does - at least not considering it doing the same in sp.
Screaming on top of your lungs all the time you've got the powerup? No way - then you make so much noise that you can't focus on listening for demons.
Double damage for ranged weapons? No way, that would make it too easy and take away the unique charm of the original berserk pack. Plus, I never liked the Quad damage in the sp modes, because your weapons became overpowered and made the game too easy.

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dsm said:

What would the point be in that? iD's focus on Doom 3 has constantly been with the single player, hence, I've no reason to believe that they would possibly do something as silly as leave the fabled berserk powerup out of the single player part

Why not? It would seem very odd to have a beserk power up in a realistic singleplayer environment. It just doesn't make sense, no matter how cool it is.

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Disorder said:

Why not? It would seem very odd to have a beserk power up in a realistic singleplayer environment. It just doesn't make sense, no matter how cool it is.

Oh yes it would - there's lots of ways it could be implemented right.

Option 1: have it an experimental drug that makes you temporarily insane, while healing you (much like the old berserk pack)

Option 2: What it seems to be in the mp demo - some wayward demonic essence that, upon contact infects you with demonic powers. I mean jeez, you'd think that a base slowly being turned into a Hell-like environment wouldn't make sense in a realistic game either. Nonetheless, the game has such elements in it, so it could just as well have odd floating energies (powerups).

And most importantly, gameplay is more important than realism. I say the berserk had better be in sp too.

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