Sephiroth Posted August 8, 2001 well i should finaly get the server today. I hope that my mom does not forget it agian, she is getting it from where she works. That way i can load it up with software and try it out tonight, agianst my dad's computer not online. well i hope it comes because she should be home very soon. until then i will let all of u know when i get it up. also what should i run the server on zdeamon, CSdoom, or doomserver. i think they all have linux ports 0 Share this post Link to post
Arioch Posted August 8, 2001 well i should finaly get the server today. I hope that my mom does not forget it agian, she is getting it from where she works. That way i can load it up with software and try it out tonight, agianst my dad's computer not online. well i hope it comes because she should be home very soon. until then i will let all of u know when i get it up. also what should i run the server on zdeamon, CSdoom, or doomserver. i think they all have linux portsYou won't be able to run it with ZDoom as a proper server (i.e. open-join). CSDoom isn't really acceptable, with all its stability problems and such. Go with ZDaemon. 0 Share this post Link to post
Sephiroth Posted August 8, 2001 well i have been thinking and leaning towards zdeamon. that is if i ever get my damn server. here is my mom's excuse for the day "but he was not in his office" yesturday "he had it all ready but was doing something to it" ok first why cant she just go in and take it both the guy and the company said i can have the damn thing. second i will do my own toying with the system, he was puting windows on it which will be deleted and replaced by linux anyway. this proves if u want something done do it your self. tomarrow i will demand her to get it or i will come in with her to make her, even if it means 8hours of sitting on my ass in an office. 0 Share this post Link to post
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