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Doom II: Hell on Earth - What happened?

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Doom II: Hell on Earth, what happened before and just after the attack? Click here.
Of course this reflects my own theory about the events leading up to the catastrophe.

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I doubt news of the events on Mars would reach Earth before long after the invasion.
I even doubt that, in case the news did get to Earth before the invasion, the monsters unleashed on Mars would become known as 'demons' to those who hadn't even seen them.

Besides, if Earth's troops were expecting an invasion, chances are that their battles with the demons would go far better as they would be prepared for the capabilities of the monsters.

The more I look at your otherwise neat ideas, the more flaws I find.

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dsm said:

The more I look at your otherwise neat ideas, the more flaws I find.

Well, I didn't go for 100% realism. I was trying to find a balance between realism and a good story.

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dsm said:

The more I look at your otherwise neat ideas, the more flaws I find.

You're confusing his perception of the DooM universe with your own... they're both fiction, deh.

Interesting pic btw. :)

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Vile said:

You're confusing his perception of the DooM universe with your own... they're both fiction, deh.

Interesting pic btw. :)

In some areas you're right - but I'm viewing the story as overall intertainment too and I can't help thinking that his ideas seem like cheesy, ripped off stuff.

It looks too much like something Hollywood'ish for my taste, and in other areas, it just reeks too much of something an avarage fan would put down on paper (which it really is).

But you're right in your perception in this area: I don't like the idea of the demons "flashing their undies" at the humans before they arrive. I always imagined the Hell invasion as very sudden and, although certainly not an unpreceded event, without warning. This is only my perception of the Doom story, but each to his own.

I will say though, that it has inspired me - I'm considering doing some sort of t1meline thingy over the entire Doom incident.

Well, I didn't go for 100% realism. I was trying to find a balance between realism and a good story.

Well in that case, you're excused :-)
J/k - I'm not criticizing your work because I have a problem with you or anything, it's just that I put down my honest thoughts on the story as I see it ok? Like, I prefer a story which either caters to realism or something too-hilarious-to-take-serious.

And I see that others like your work, to which I can only congratulate you on a story well-done.

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I understand... btw, I noticed you used the word "t1meline" hehe, I got screwed on that when I posted the first time.

Interesting I'M A MORON and such.

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Vile said:

I understand... btw, I noticed you used the word "t1meline" hehe, I got screwed on that when I posted the first time.

Interesting I'M A MORON and such.

Heh, I noticed that people wrote 'the unspeakable word' in weird ways in a different and rather recent thread (don't recall what it was about) and I remember the overuse of the joke, so not only did I assume that there was some sort of tag attached to the word that would give you something a la the excessive "I AM A MORON" thingy, but my assumption was also confirmed in that thread.

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Well, you might find my idea Hollywood-ish. But I believe that most of it would probably happen in real life if such a situation would occur. I agree though that the occult symbol part was stolen from End of Days, and therefore it is Hollywood-ish. But the sky turning red part had to be in it since, if I remember correctly, some maps in Doom II had that molten skull texture in the air, which was pink. But I liked red better. Same goes for the spaceport. That was described in Doom II's readme file. And face it, Doom is full of cheesyness, so I had a hard time avoiding it.

Anyway, the ideas might look cheesy on paper, but I believe that if you'd see it for real you'd be scared too. When I visualize my ideas, I like 'em.

By the way, I don't your mind criticism. I appreciate honesty.
And also, I'm looking forward to see more t-i-m-e-l-i-n-e-s :)

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I assume this is an attempt to tie in the storyline of Doom "3" with Doom 2. If not, I must point out that it was not Mars that was invaded in Doom 1, but it's two moons, Phobos and Deimos. There's nothing in either Doom 1 or 2 to suggest that Mars was invaded at all.

In fact, I've created my own, post-Doom 2 t1meline for Aftermath (a series of diary entries, e-mails, etc which I never finished), Wrath, Paradox and possibly others. It sees the surviving humans grouped into three factions:

- the UAC. Their HQ is on Mars, but they have numerous smaller bases on Saturn, Jupiter, several of these two worlds' moons, and a few of the large asteroids in the belt between Earth and Mars. IF I decided to incorporate Doom 3's version of events, I'll likely make their new HQ be Saturn.

- the military. They're based in on an enormous space station orbiting Jupiter, where the majority of earth's population evacuated to.

- the "Earth Council" (who are made up of survivors of the various former governments). They're based on Earth's moon, where numerous oldish cities which had mostly been abandoned have since been re-ocuppied.

There are also pockets of survivors on Earth, but the three main groups either don't know about or don't care about them.

PS A topic with "What happened?" in the topic is more than a little tempting, don't you think? (hint: bomb) =P

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I assume this is an attempt to tie in the storyline of Doom "3" with Doom 2.


PS A topic with "What happened?" in the topic is more than a little tempting, don't you think? (hint: bomb) =P

I know, but I couldn't use the word t-i-m-e-l-i-n-e. The word is cursed.

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Disorder said:

Well, you might find my idea Hollywood-ish. But I believe that most of it would probably happen in real life if such a situation would occur. I agree though that the occult symbol part was stolen from End of Days, and therefore it is Hollywood-ish. But the sky turning red part had to be in it since, if I remember correctly, some maps in Doom II had that molten skull texture in the air, which was pink. But I liked red better. Same goes for the spaceport. That was described in Doom II's readme file. And face it, Doom is full of cheesyness, so I had a hard time avoiding it.

Anyway, the ideas might look cheesy on paper, but I believe that if you'd see it for real you'd be scared too. When I visualize my ideas, I like 'em.

By the way, I don't your mind criticism. I appreciate honesty.
And also, I'm looking forward to see more t-i-m-e-l-i-n-e-s :)

Well, if I must talk about the story ideas themselves, most of the stuff that I had a problem with was that a few power outages cause such rage - I find it strange that such small things make people go out and loot, pillage and riot in a general violent manner - just for a few prolonged power cuts?
And yes, the satanic symbols are one of the things that make me scream: "blatant foreshadowing!"

But now I've looked at it again, my main concern is more with the way it's told. Namely the part where you write something along the lines of "demons show no mercy, blah, blah" - if this was to be some official t1meline, it'd definitely be written differently or plain left out.
It's sufficient to know that the demons kill every living being in sight.

But that's just an example.

Oh and if you think I'm being too strict on you, you should get the opportunity to avenge yourself on me, when I've written my t1meline thing. (These days I have a hard time doing 'real' stories, so I just post these short ones on occasion).

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You're not being strict, you're merely giving me tips and tricks. But the major problem with me is that when I start making art, I get the urge to release it as quickly as possible. I can't wait to see what other people think of it, and in this case I only read what I wrote twice. I should think a few things over and over before I release it.

And you're right about the way I told the story. It's simply not realistic. It is being told in a storytelling way while it should be told in a way you would see on CNN's website, etc. To be honest I believe my concept was good, but I should've taken more time when it comes to writing. Oh well, better luck next time. I know I can do it, unfortunately I'm sometimes a little too eager to show my work to people.

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PS A topic with "What happened?" in the topic is more than a little tempting, don't you think? (hint: bomb) =P

But that's "What happen?" not "What happened?".

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Disorder said:

You're not being strict, you're merely giving me tips and tricks. But the major problem with me is that when I start making art, I get the urge to release it as quickly as possible. I can't wait to see what other people think of it, and in this case I only read what I wrote twice. I should think a few things over and over before I release it.

And you're right about the way I told the story. It's simply not realistic. It is being told in a storytelling way while it should be told in a way you would see on CNN's website, etc. To be honest I believe my concept was good, but I should've taken more time when it comes to writing. Oh well, better luck next time. I know I can do it, unfortunately I'm sometimes a little too eager to show my work to people.

Sorry, I wasn't trying to discourage you.
Hm, I can definitely relate to that urge - I've rushed stories more than once.

But now I'd like to put aside my negative criticism - I've actually pointed out too many negative things without much mention of the positive sides.
But you see, I've seen something like this before so the concept does not seem as original as you might think it is, sorry.
Not to say that it isn't something to break the monotony - we need to see more of these kind of things.

And looking at it again, you actually do have some interesting ideas. If I ignore my personal views, I definitely think the power cuts themselves are an interesting asset to your story. And the background is kinda interesting too :-)

Oh by the way, here's a sneak peek of what I'm working on:

-2145. 15:42 pm. The sky turns unexpectedly dark for a brief time. No explanation is found.
- 15:46 pm. A massive explosion occurs inexplicably in the city centre. Several buildings kollapse in the immediate aftermath of the explosion.
- 15:48 pm. A strange rain suddenly falls from the sky, despite the sky having been clear moments before. Rain quickly turns red. Later samples identify the downpour liquid as pure blood.
- 15:50 pm. Reports of bizzare creatures suddenly and inexplicably appearing begin to pour in from all kinds of locations as well as reports of mysterious flying, transparent substances infecting people, but reports are sketchy and largely unclear. Later intelligence gathering has revealed that only people carrying firearms have been infected.
– 15:57 pm. Military and police forces heavily engaged in skirmishes with the unidentified creatures, which prove themselves extremely hostile and extremely dangerous. Widespread panic has ensued.
– 16:30 pm. Chaos dominates any major location on Earth. There is reported heavy fighting in every theatre. The first remotely coherent reports come in, revealing the dismal picture: Thousands of troops seem to have been ’infected’ and are now hostile lunatics, that reportedly attack anything in sight. Unidentified aliens revealed to show ”inhumanly sadistic tendencies” towards any kind of leaving creature.

And no, this part is not complete (by all means, point out any and all errors/bad ideas that you may find), which is why there's no actual date for instance - there will likely be alterations when I post the full thing.

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I rather liked the story. It was really creepy. Heh, personally, I like that humanity had fair warning of what was to come. It conveys more of a sense of dread than just "OMG DEMNOS APEERR!!!111" I mean, it's like, the end is coming, and everyone knows it. I can't really explain it, but it's just more personal that way. Okay, for example, in Independence Day, millions die, but you don't really think about the people, you're just focused on the cities exploding and how cool it is. But with this t1meline (I missed the whole thing with the word so I don't even know what happens when you use it, but I don't even want to take a chance), you're given the chance to look beyond the cool destruction and think, "OMG all those people are going to die," and it's much more powerful that way.

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I think there should be a movie made about DooM. Except it should be made by an independent movie developer, hence goodness.

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magicsofa said:

I think there should be a movie made about DooM. Except it should be made by an independent movie developer, hence goodness.


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