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Now wheres deadnail, Lüt, Zaldron and all them? Who are all these new people?
Anyway I havent been here since fucking almost 4 years ago. I remember when we were talking about having cyberdemons cock shooting radioactive jizz at you.
Ever since I stopped comming, the alpha has been leaked, I downloaded it, a crapload of new screens came out, a new video, and some new websites.
But I remember we here, including jeremy (he used to be a fucking shameless self promotig bastard) were the first people discussing D3.

On a less personal note, anyone who has played the alpha must have noticed the amazing physics when you shoot boxes. I really like when you blast the shotgun at the small green one, it just goes flying and sometimes starts spinning on its edge when it lands!
But It still feels a bit too "rubbery"

Another thing involving shooting things youre not supposed to. Nothing is breakable, not even glass. Knowing id, nothing probably will be breakable. I just hope they make as much stuff destructible as possible. I mean watching the physics of a cardboard box falling on the floor is pretty cool, but a bit unrealistic after you stuck a buckshot in it.

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Um, deadnail is gone but hey, he might start to pop in again. Zal is rare these days. Lüt is an admin now.

Yeah, that was cool in the alpha, shooting boxes. I thought it was pretty amazing.

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Nothing will be breakable? From what I've heard, things DOOM 3 seems to be heading towards the contrary.

And FFS, it's just a crappy alpha build. One of my friends who went to QuakeCon said the MP demo is much more interactive and graphically impressive. Cheers. :)

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Hmm how many years ago did we hear the first doom3 rumors? 2 or 3?

macworld video was 2 years ago..i used to look now and then at the old doomcenter site(remember lordflathead hosting that or something)..but i didn't visit forums..internet is a place where people come and go 1000 times faster then in life...

Now there's breakable glass,interactivaty by moving boxes and things ,like moving boxes in front of an elavator switch in MP demo..moving boxes to the middle of a halway that slows other ones down..moving stuff to take cover..every box has the physics..every enemy has ragdoll on it..(only one zombie in the leak has ragdoll physics)

Tons of previews at planetdoom.com (previously the phobos labs site)

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Yo-Han said:

Hmm how many years ago did we hear the first doom3 rumors? 2 or 3?

macworld video was 2 years ago..i used to look now and then at the old doomcenter site(remember lordflathead hosting that or something)..but i didn't visit forums..internet is a place where people come and go 1000 times faster then in life...

October 15th 1999
Todd Hollenshead: "I think a DOOM2000 would be a great game, but we haven't made any decisions about what we want to do next. Everyone is working to get Quake III Arena finished. We'll address what we do next once we get finished with what we're working on now."

December 11th 1999
The domain doom2000.com has been registered by id Software.

On May 17th 2000
Doomworld's Languica had a chance to talk to Tim Willits at E3 2000:

Any chance that the new game would be Doom2000?
Tim: I can't really say anything about that.
So you neither confirm nor deny the rumors?
Tim: "I'd lean more towards deny."

4 years now. Damn, feels like yesterday...

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yes. it was built in to show off the zombie tumbling down the stairs @e3-2002.

oh i wish we would get some official d3 MP test video...i'd like to see doomguy in action.

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uniQ said:

yes. it was built in to show off the zombie tumbling down the stairs @e3-2002.

oh i wish we would get some official d3 MP test video...i'd like to see doomguy in action.

How about this?

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I personally think it was beter back when nobody knew anything about D3, it was all speculations, even after the Macworld video.
I think the Valve approach is allot more satisfying. Saying nothing untill E3 THE YEAR THEY ARE RELEASING. Theyre just like "yep itll be out in a couple of months"

Why? BC wed still be talking about stuff that could be in the game, but now we dont because weve seen the screens, videos and played he alpha.


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Disorder said:

How about this?

Oh damn Hell no! NOOOOOOOOO!
*Trashes around in anger

I don't want them to release no friggin' single player movies dammit!
Because then the damn Half Life 2 Vs Doom 3 war will just be fueled and what's even worse is that we'll get more god damn spoilers!
I want the freakin' game to blow me away when I first try it - not have it be an experience that I've already fucking had!

It's bad enough as it is that they released that Trailer where I'm currently struggling against temptation to download it.

No more damn movies, ya hear!?

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Relax, it's probably a hoax. The only newssource to acknowledge this is an unknown Polish site. It's probably fake.

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Disorder said:

Relax, it's probably a hoax. The only newssource to acknowledge this is an unknown Polish site. It's probably fake.

Just do me a little favour next time: whenever you post "news" like this, be sure to add that it might be fake, ok?

Otherwise I'll end up dead of a heart attack before I even get the chance to try Doom 3 ;-)

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Shaviro said:

But something WILL happen in September.

Enlighten us! How do you know this (and what do you know)

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Shaviro said:

But something WILL happen in September.

Oh yeah, we're gonna get more info on the MP mode. Hopefully it'll just be info and not more footage.

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dsm said:

Oh yeah, we're gonna get more info on the MP mode. Hopefully it'll just be info and not more footage.

How do you know this?

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dsm said:

Oh yeah, we're gonna get more info on the MP mode. Hopefully it'll just be info and not more footage.

No. Here's what I think.
September the 23rd we will get a demo. This demo consists of 2 levels and is Single Player.
The demo will be released in conjunction with AMD's Athlon 64 processor.

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I'm going to have to go with Shaviro on this one.

D-clone said:
I personally think it was beter back when nobody knew anything about D3, it was all speculations, even after the Macworld video.
I think the Valve approach is allot more satisfying. Saying nothing untill E3 THE YEAR THEY ARE RELEASING. Theyre just like "yep itll be out in a couple of months"

Why? BC wed still be talking about stuff that could be in the game, but now we dont because weve seen the screens, videos and played he alpha.

Uh. You realize Valve has released far, far more information about HL2 than id has about Doom 3, right? What about the massive numbers of videos they've released? What about the 15-20 screenshots? What about all the interviews and write-ups they've released? Valve has said quite a lot - I don't know where YOU've been.

dsm said:
Oh damn Hell no! NOOOOOOOOO!
*Trashes around in anger etc etc

If you'd taken more than four seconds to read the rest of the posts in that thread you would know that there wasn't really any corroboration for that speculation.

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Zoost said:

How do you know this?

Simple, one of the MP impressions articles mentioned that they knew a lot more about the MP mode, but weren't allowed by iD to reveal until one month later - that'll be in September.
Of course, I don't know it one hundred per cent, but I have a very good reason to assume that it will be the case.

September the 23rd we will get a demo. This demo consists of 2 levels and is Single Player.
The demo will be released in conjunction with AMD's Athlon 64 processor.

Why do you think that? I haven't read anything anywhere to suggest that this will happen. Oh I get it, you're pulling a joke on me right?

Uh. You realize Valve has released far, far more information about HL2 than id has about Doom 3, right? What about the massive numbers of videos they've released? What about the 15-20 screenshots? What about all the interviews and write-ups they've released? Valve has said quite a lot - I don't know where YOU've been.

You're waaay off the point my friend, he's referring to the fact that Valve didn't announce HL2 until the very year where it's 'scheduled' for release, meaning that they haven't kept their fans waiting for +3 years like iD has. Yes, iD software has released less info on Doom 3 than Valve, but they did announce Doom 3 like 3 years ago and look what this brought about: Lots of impatient fans are growling over having to wait for so long, people start howling for iD to release more footage, naively thinking that it'll ease the wait for them.

If you'd taken more than four seconds to read the rest of the posts in that thread you would know that there wasn't really any corroboration for that speculation.

Admittedly, I didn't read the whole thing, but I skimmed it - seemed like general fanboy comments to me. Oh well.

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id Software is cooperating with AMD (which for example were around at QuakeCon). September 23 is the release date of AMD's Opteron processor. You think this is a coincidence? Of course not.

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dsm said:

Why do you think that? I haven't read anything anywhere to suggest that this will happen. Oh I get it, you're pulling a joke on me right?

No I'm dead serious about it.

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Fredrik said:

id Software is cooperating with AMD (which for example were around at QuakeCon). September 23 is the release date of AMD's Opteron processor. You think this is a coincidence? Of course not.

Interesting, didn't think about that. Wow, can't wait for late September.

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Umm... AMD's Opteron processor is already out, if you didn't know that.

I think you are talking about the Clawhammer. :)

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