D-clone Posted August 25, 2003 My .02: I think it should be a weapon that you can charge by pressing fire for a certain amount of time (variable), and when you release it, a big green ball moves at rocket launcher speeds torwards an enemy, it will conume enough power to kill that enemy(almost instantly), then it will shoot srtraight at the next closest enemy, kill it and so on, untill the big green ball runs out. You would be able to see how the ball shrinks after each enemy is dispatched. Itd be cool to see the big green ball bouncing off from one enemy to another from one place to another, of course itd have to be in a somewhat open area (ewarehouse, hangar), where somehting like 8 or 10 enemies are all visible to at least another one. Also before the BFG starts to charge up, youll be able to see a little screen on it saying "constructing array" or something like that, and youll se a simple graphical representation of the space around you, and vector lines being drawn from one point to another with coordinates, randomply put numbers, a high tech targetting square ala hollywood scifi, cool computer sounds, beeps the works. Of course it should allso have various steps in it describing the gun computer working Words like: comencing, compiling matrix(array), charging cell, injecting plasma from cell #. Some warnings would be cool too: Meltdown imminent, dager of self harm..., not enough recourse... etc. Of course strategy will involve it too. Itd be smarter to shoot the most threatening enemy first, but hten again he might be far away, and the ball might loose energy on the trajectory. Ill do a shitty paint drawing of it see if you guys like the idea by seeing it 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
sniperfrommars1 Posted August 25, 2003 I actually think this is sort of a good idea not that any of this will be included in the final game. I think it would be cool if we could damage weapons more easily or say, shoot the weapons from our oponents hands and so forth. i though it was so cool in jedi knight being able to use the force to move weapons from the other players. Really adds to the realism of the game. Or how about just cold cocking an oponent from behind and taking his rocket launcher. That would be sweet. Like maybe the fist will have a more powerful attack if you hold the attack button down or something 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
D-clone Posted August 25, 2003 take a look, its 1337! Now thats fucking artistic! Ill make a better one. Like a collage made out of Doom3 Screens, Ill just cut and paste in PS7 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
tsareppsun Posted August 26, 2003 I'm going to try to describe what I've written ways back about my idea for a DOOM3 BFG. I would like the BFG to look and perform much like the Quake 2 version. But, after you press the trigger, the weapon "Shudders" while you'll hear a high-pitch whine of energy. On the muzzle of the barrel you'd see bright particles formulating just like muzzle on the space battleship Yamato(or the "Argo") in that cartoon "StarBlazers" while it charges up to shoot the "WAVE MOTION GUN". The gun still "kicks" the same as it did in Q2, as the energy ball flies, it doesn't shoot out straight lazers like before, instead it shoots electricle-beams(Lightening bolts) that not only attack the enemy or other players(in Multiplayer) but also attacks anything that houses energy surges, such as lights, hall monitors, computer consoles, etc etc. And the detenation of the energy blast should resemble the "Nuke weapon" of the 1st Turok game for the N64, the blast looked like a nuclear bomb had gone off. An bright Atomic white flashes it completely blinds you, and a ROAR so loud you'd swear the universe is collapsing on itself. The entire surrounding area would shake violently like an mean earthquake. During the quake you'd see shock wave rings, then a expanding energy ball very much like that game STARFOX64, if ya'll remember how some of those game "Level Bosses" die and explode you'd know what I'm talking about. The ball just expands and expands until it engulf the whole screen, anyone caught by the shock rings would be thrown down, anyone caught inside the expanding ball would be slowly lifted off the ground than instantly shreaded into gibs. Well there it is, I think this what I've written ways back about "My Version" of the D3 BFG so long ago. Thoughts anyone? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DaJuice Posted August 26, 2003 The guns in Turok were great, the nuke in particular. Man, that was a great game. You know what's missing from most id games? Bosses! Icon of Sin wasn't a real boss, Shub Niggurath wasn't a real boss, and that thing from Quake2 was sorry as hell. Turok had 4 boss fights and they were all memorable, it added a lot to the game IMO. Back to the BFG, what D-Clone described sounds really great, but 1) I don't think id will have thought of anything quite so fancy, and 2) it sounds like a lot of work to implement. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted August 26, 2003 BFG 11K Uhmmm, this is a retelling of Doom remember? That pretty much means that the BFG would be the same ol' BFG 9000 as in Doom - only it'll look cooler and the effects that it causes will look awesome. My opinion on how the BFG should be like in Doom 3: I don't have any ideas as to what it should look like specifically as I have great faith in iD's artists and modelers to do an awesome job (they did with all the other recreated Doom guns), but I just hope it won't be white like the old one was - that was a lame colour imo. It should of course have the advanced, but kinda low-techy look that the other Doom 3 weapons also seem to have. It should look totally state-of-the-art, but be consistent with the general tech style in Doom 3. How it should work: Pretty much like the classic BFG really - you press the fire key, it warms up and launches a relatively slow moving ball of energy - perhaps make the ball a bit smaller this time (but it should look like its a glob of really concentrated energy) so that it actually looks like it could actually come out of the BFG's barrel - and when the ball hits something, it explodes and triggers the good ol' cone of "invisible" death. How the effects should look and sound: Much, much more interesting and less confusing. The warm-up sounds should sound more a la Doom 64's BFG warm-up sound, but much beefier, the ball should of course throw an eerie looking green glow on the surrounding as it trails away at whatever target the gun's aimed at, while leaving a trail of particles in its wake. When it hits solid, it explodes in a bright flash and a cool explosive sound that hints at the weapon's destructiveness. When it fires its secondary attack, you can actually see a cone of eerie green light instantly extend from the gun (and there's a sort of minor muzzle flash to clearly indicate that the gun actually fires a second time), which zaps everything it touches, evident by some sort of green particle explosions, powerful enough to hurl some enemies off their feet. D3's lighting engine should be perfectly suited to create the cone effect - this in turn will also make it much easier to figure out how the BFG actually functions (for people who are new to anything made by iD software which has a BFG in it). [edit]I forgot one thing: One of the mp impression articles suggested that energy cells will be kinda like clips (the article said that the plasma rifle uses cells, holding 50 cells each) containing 50 cells. In other word, assuming that the BFG would be anything like the old one or the one in Quake 2, it should spend 50 cells in one shot, requiring you to reload after each shot, hence you can't just fire the gun repeatedly.[/edit] 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ichor Posted August 26, 2003 Instead of the cone effect, I'd prefer some kind of spherical radioactive shockwave which would annihilate anything (except the big enemies) right next to the explosion. The shockwave would start to fade as it gets further away, causing less damage (still enough to kill or seriously hurt most smaller enemies). When the shockwave is almost gone, the damage is minimal. Also, the shockwave could damage you if you're close to it, but the armor would absorb some damage. A radiation suit would protect from all shockwave damage, but it's lifespan is greatly reduced, depending on how close you were to the explosion. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted August 26, 2003 Ichor said:Instead of the cone effect, I'd prefer some kind of spherical radioactive shockwave which would annihilate anything (except the big enemies) right next to the explosion. The shockwave would start to fade as it gets further away, causing less damage (still enough to kill or seriously hurt most smaller enemies). When the shockwave is almost gone, the damage is minimal. Also, the shockwave could damage you if you're close to it, but the armor would absorb some damage. A radiation suit would protect from all shockwave damage, but it's lifespan is greatly reduced, depending on how close you were to the explosion. That's exactly how I've once imagined a new BFG to be like - no more exposing yourself to enemy gunfire, just fire the blast into a room and let it do the rest. There's just one problem that I've only taken into consideration in recent years: Balance. Making the BFG like you propose (and the way I'd have proposed it about three years ago) would make the BFG much too powerful - or rather much too "easy-to-use". The fact that you had to coordinate the initial blast with the secondary cone blast with the old BFG meant that it required some considerable skill to wield it properly, hence it didn't become too unfair in deathmatches and even in single player, it meant that you needed to get the hang of it (I love weapons that require you to get properly familiar with them before you can use them to their fullest effect). Making the BFG with the spherical blast radius extending from the primary plasma sphere attack, could make it too easy to use the weapon effectively - and it could be too much like an overpowered rocket launcher, which I think seems even less original than the original BFG 9k. Your idea is quite interesting nonetheless, but I'm still more partial to the classic method, first and foremost because it's more true to the original (the cone attack is most damaging closer to the BFG itself and it loses power the further away it extends) - especially if they utilize the lighting engine to visualize the cone attack. Seriously, think about it - it would look totally badass if done right. Wouldn't it? I mean, imagine that you're in a room with five scattered zombies lumbering towards you (I know, it's overkill, but it'll best illustrate the example). You fire the BFG and the blast misses all five zombies and slams into a wall behind them. The next instant, there's this green 'wide cone' laser that shoots out of of the BFG touching all five zombies, causing green explosions that hurl the zombies backwards away from you (just like blasting someone with a point blank shotgun blast to the chest would do in an action flick) with such force that several of those zombies slam into the wall behind them. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Hirogen2 Posted August 26, 2003 then it will shoot srtraight at the next closest enemy, kill it and so on You seem to describe the Hand Of God from ROTT... :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ichor Posted August 26, 2003 Only just after I made that post did I realize that I've already used that idea (well, sort of) for the Arc of Death + Tome of Power, heheh. Anyway, I always thought that the blast was just a huge radioactive ball of energy and the cone effect was id's idea of simulating a wide area splash effect, so I figured that the shockwave would make a bit more sense. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted August 26, 2003 I just want it to remain pretty much the same, except maybe fix up the cone effect. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted August 26, 2003 Ichor said:Only just after I made that post did I realize that I've already used that idea (well, sort of) for the Arc of Death + Tome of Power, heheh. Anyway, I always thought that the blast was just a huge radioactive ball of energy and the cone effect was id's idea of simulating a wide area splash effect, so I figured that the shockwave would make a bit more sense. That was also the way I saw it at first - but my horizon has extended (or maybe my imagination has just crossed new boundaries - whichever explanation you like the best :-)) I just like the way it works in the old game - seems more "mysterious" and interesting somehow. Oh well, we'll see what iD does - I hope it'll be awesome regardless of what they do with it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scabbed Angel Posted August 26, 2003 Hirogen2 said:You seem to describe the Hand Of God from ROTT... :) heh... ROTT. Didn't you get really tall with that powerup? Then there was the shroom one. Heh. In Doom, you could fire the bfg at a horde of imps, for example, and unless you used it well, it never killed them all, giving them the chance to do some damage before you recharged. The D3 version should be like that: not completely effective w/o skill, and even then, not fool proof. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
auxois Posted August 29, 2003 I don't think it should even be in the game. In fact, I want the weapons to be exactly like Half-Life. Hah. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scuba Steve Posted August 30, 2003 auxois said:I don't think it should even be in the game. In fact, I want the weapons to be exactly like Half-Life. Hah. Like completely innefective for killing things? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
auxois Posted August 30, 2003 You know, I WAS trolling. But I have to respond to such a moronic comment. See, the only reason you can't kill things with the Half-Life weapons is because you suck. I can run through most of the game without dropping below fifty health. Half-Life is NOT HARD, and the weapons are quite effective. You're simply used to the Doom methodology, where if an enemy takes more than three shotgun shells to drop, it's time to move to, say a ROCKET LAUNCHER or GIGANTIC FUCKING PHASED GREEN PLASMA BALL CANNON. Sure, you get high-powered weapons in Half-Life, too - but then, you wouldn't know, since you obviously suck too much to get far enough to know that. At least, I can't imagine why else you would think the Half-Life weapons are weak. Maybe you think Doom is the pinnacle of all that is FPS gameplay? If so, you and Sargebaldy and whoever else can go have your little 2D circlejerk elsewhere, while the rest of us who enjoy games with a little more realistic flavor hang out with the rest of the world. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
LorD BaZTArD Posted August 31, 2003 ROFL....Nice post Auxious. That'll shut no-one up :P Half-lifes weapons are cool though. Especially the rocket launcher and egon. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scuba Steve Posted September 1, 2003 auxois said:See, the only reason you can't kill things with the Half-Life weapons is because you suck.Shoot... you're right... that's what it is, how silly of me. No ... my objection is firing a double blast from the shotgun into the face of a marine, after which he hasn't even flinched while firing or died. That sounds pretty inneffective to me. Maybe you think Doom is the pinnacle of all that is FPS gameplay?Hardly. If so, you and Sargebaldy and whoever else can go have your little 2D circlejerk elsewhere, while the rest of us who enjoy games with a little more realistic flavor hang out with the rest of the world. Please. LorD BaZTArD said:Especially the rocket launcher and egon.Darn right. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Captain Red Posted September 1, 2003 Scuba Steve said: No ... my objection is firing a double blast from the shotgun into the face of a marine, after which he hasn't even flinched while firing or died. That sounds pretty inneffective to me. Play half-life on medium difficulty. It’s much more fun. (Slave aliens go down after one close range shotgun blast, a double blast will kill a marine, and other stuff). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scuba Steve Posted September 2, 2003 Ct_red_pants said:Play half-life on medium difficulty. It’s much more fun. (Slave aliens go down after one close range shotgun blast, a double blast will kill a marine, and other stuff). Ahhhh... so it isn't consistent on all difficulties? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Captain Red Posted September 2, 2003 Scuba Steve said: [above post] Thats right. If you look for a file called skill.cfg, it tells you how much HP each monster has for each skill. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scuba Steve Posted September 2, 2003 Ok, I was under the impression that they simply modified the damage you take, but left the enemy characters hit points the same. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Cyb Posted September 2, 2003 yeah enemies are tougher on higher difficulties, for instance on easy you can actually kill gargantua with I think 10 grenades, but on other skills he's all but impossible to kill without major help. the inability of monsters to flinch is a bit annoying though, but yeah in general the enemies are fairly hard to take out on the highest difficulty also I heard the bfg11k is really weak... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scuba Steve Posted September 3, 2003 Cyb said:also I heard the bfg11k is really weak... Yeah, like that lame gun in Skulltag. pfft... weak 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Carnevil Posted September 4, 2003 The bfg12k should destroy the world. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Yo-Han Posted September 4, 2003 "while the rest of us who enjoy games with a little more realistic flavor hang out with the rest of the world" hmm these so called reality based games etc are popular..but don't think that sci fi and horror shooters only are played by a vast minority...in fact fiction is mostly more popular then reality when it comes to entertaining people ;) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scabbed Angel Posted September 4, 2003 I had a dream that I was playing half-life and it was really fun and kept my interest. Well, I woke up. Heh heh. Seriously, I did though. And I thought to myself, wow this game isn't as boring as I thought when I first played it and the graphics were fucking awesome. I think HL2 will be fun though, just for the sake of the physics and graphics. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
EVIL Posted September 5, 2003 Untill you get sucked into its story like a damn powerfull leach 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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