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Good job, I can't believe that all the flats have been replaced already (and that they're all really good, but I just can't help but laugh at the F_SKY replacement). Of course, there are still a ba-gillion patches to replace, but at the rate you guys are going, I bet that will be done fairly quickly. By the way, I like the changelog idea. It really helps now because the wad has gotten too big to tell what is new just by glancing. I only wish that I could help out, but unfortunately, I have no artistic talents whatsoever, so I'm fairly useless as far as helping out goes.

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Good job, I can't believe that all the flats have been replaced already (and that they're all really good, but I just can't help but laugh at the F_SKY replacement). Of course, there are still a ba-gillion patches to replace, but at the rate you guys are going, I bet that will be done fairly quickly. By the way, I like the changelog idea. It really helps now because the wad has gotten too big to tell what is new just by glancing. I only wish that I could help out, but unfortunately, I have no artistic talents whatsoever, so I'm fairly useless as far as helping out goes.

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Linguica offered to do a weekly FreeDOOM update so I decided it would be a good idea to start logging everything so we know whats new.

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I decided it would be a good idea to start logging everything so we know whats new.

Bah, I said that right from the beginning >:O

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Damm, I can't access the FreeDooM message boards... fraggle I just wanted to say that I wanna do the berserk pack sprite... thanks

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Damm, I can't access the FreeDooM message boards... fraggle I just wanted to say that I wanna do the berserk pack sprite... thanks

The Freedoom message board is on a different site, which is currently updating its DNS. It should be available again soon.

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