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more bad news

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well it seems i may never see this server, now i am starting a small fund to build one myself. there will be a server but not in the time i would like. I told my mom i would stop by to pick it up but she said she would do it, she will not do it, proving that she is bullshiting me and that i will not be getting the damned thing. well i should have done my own work from the begging anyway. well i hope i can get the server built within 3 months

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so what are u saying, that u would not like to see a server for doom? well if that is the case i can always make it run quake3 or unreal tournament insted of doom

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No, he's saying wait until you get the server before you post another 2,000 messages about it.

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i just like to keep the dooming public informed about my project so they dont think i am backing out. unlike some projects that go months to a year before another word is sent out and never get completed

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You just make it sound like setting up a server is a incredibly difficult, time-consuming and expensive operation. Which it isn't.

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