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Moaning Demon : Chapter 1 - 3


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Part 1: Where the **** am I?

Chapter 1

"GUARD THE ****ING AREA YOU USELESS DEMON!!!" yelled an Imp. The pinky sat there puzzled. WTF he thought to himself. What am I doing here? He rememberd screwing a hot cyber-demon and now all a sudden he was teleported to some random place. "Well?" said the Imp, waiting for a reply from the pinky. "Are you going to guard the area?" asked the Imp one last time. The pinky looked around the area. It was a outdoor area, with two switchs at one end of the room. There were 2 platforms. On the platforms there were 2 doors next to them. "Now" said the Imp, "If you see a green guy running around you know what to do right?". The pinky sat there looking at the Imp and after sevral minutes he said, "You want me to... welcome him?". The Imp looked at him with a cross look on his face. "What the hell do you mean?" he said. "Like this" the pinky said, "Wazzzzssssup?".

The Imp sat there puzzled. "What the ****?" said the Imp. "Mabe I should get my little friend to sort you out". The Imp pointed to a door. Then he kicked a zombie into the pit of the room. The Imp said some crap and then the zombie walked to a switch. The pinky watched as a door on the other side of the room opened. About 10 Imps ran out and eat the zombie alive. "Holy ****" said the pinky as he sat there scared. "So" said the Imp. "You know what to do?". The pinky sat there. Oh **** he thought to himself. If I get this wrong I am a goner. The pinky sat there thinking and when he came up with what to say he saw that he was hanging above the Imps. WOW the pinkys brain said. "I am not going to welcome him by saying Wazzzssssup but I am going to welcome him by saying....." but before the pinky could finish he was droped into the pit of swarming Imps.

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Chapter 2

The pinky was lucky and with the last ounce of enegy he respwarned. He had to thank the player for putting the skill on Nightmare. And as he looked up he could see the Imps. Oh no, I can't watch the pinky thought. But the Imps did not kill him. Infact he looked up and saw that they were running around in circles. WTF the pinky thought to himself, then he looked up and saw what they were running from. A man in green was running around with a shotgun shooting Imps as he goes. Wow the pinky thought to himself. I better thank him now, not only did he bring me back to life but he also saved me from those fire shooting b****ds. Then the pinky felt something wrong with him. He felt for his arm. "****" he yelled. His arm was on the ground.

The man in green was gone when the pinky looked around. He must have went though that door and pushed that switch. The pinky wanted to thank him. He must find him. He looked around for a way out of the pit. To his left he could see 2 switchs. He walked over and pushed one. Then he heared behind him a door open. Inside was Imps. More of them. They came charging after him. "Please don't hurt me..." the pinky yelled. He must escape. So he pushed the other switch and a lift next to him came down. He jumped on it and waited for it to go up. It did. It was a close call. The Imps only managed to scratch the last of his ass. The lift went up and the pinky ran to the door that the man in green ran though. He tryed to open it but it was locked. "STUPID ****ING LOCKED DOOR" the pinky yelled. The pinky saw that he was going to die. He could see the Imps come up the lift and jumping on the platform he was on. The pinky tuned and saw the key in the pit. **** he thought to himself. Then the pinky lept strait at the key. He forgot the fact that the Imps were in the pit. Then he rememberd. Whoops. He waited for death but it didnt come. A wall opened and millions of other pinkys came running out. They eat Imps as they went and then surounded the main pinky that I was just talking about.

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Chapter 3

I am a goner thought the pinky. The other pinkys looked hungrey. "Are you bycall Pinky?" said one of the other pinkys. Now he remembered. His name was Pinky. "Mabe" said Pinky. "Why?". The other pinkys looked at Pinky for a second and then turned around to the big pinky. "I think we found the ****er behind all of this..." said one of the pinkys. The big pinky turned and looked at Pinky. Pinky knew what was going to happen. He knew it. Just as the big pinky was getting ready for dinner Pinky ran to the lift, again, and made his way up to the top. He made it but found he was missing something. He looked back and saw (what was left of it) his bleeding messy ass. "****" screamed Pinky as he escaped the way the green man went though. "Wait" said the big pinky. "You forgot your ass."

Pinky looked around and found himself inside a building. He looked around and could see a door. With his remaining arm he opened it and looked inside. No live Imps, no other demons, no other Pain elementals getting screwed, nothing. All he could see is blood and dead bodys. Why would the man in green do something like this? Why?
Pinky was then getting tied and wanted to sleep. He did. But what he didnt know was that he wasent alone. Around the corner was a massive.......

to be continued... mabe, if I could be bothed typing more to the story.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trasher][ said:
You DO realise you can say "****" on these forums?

actually, he got in fucking trouble for the fucking explict god damn language in the fucking story, so the motherfuckers post helled it, but he was fuckin' able to repost the fucking story if he fucking edited it. :P

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monochrome said:

so the motherfuckers post helled it

Oi! Don't insult Silverwyvern - she was doing it with the best intentions.
Don't think it's easy being a mod, especially not of a fan fic forum where it's hard as Hell to figure when something is post hell material and when something ain't.

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dsm said:

Oi! Don't insult Silverwyvern - she was doing it with the best intentions.

sorry if you take that personal Silverwyvern, i was just trying to be cute (one of these days my typing is going to get me banned/losered)

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monochrome said:

sorry if you take that personal Silverwyvern, i was just trying to be cute (one of these days my typing is going to get me banned/losered)

Heh, my response was actually supposed to be rather lighthearted (but these day I have a wacky ability to fuck up even the most simplest responses for reasons I don't know) - it was more like a minor warning saying "Ok, Silverwyvern *may* not find that comment very encouraging."

Arrh heck, we all seem to have our problems conveying our messages the right way - I don't understand half of the community the way they want to be understood either.

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