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I posted a story that took me hours on end to type and after all of that hell it gets placed in the Post Hell?
What was wrong with it, it was going to be an ongoing saga. All what Pinky wanted was a story of his own. It is called the Moaning Demon for those who WANT to read it... :(

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I used my better judgement and ruled it definately not something I'd want my grandmother to see. Cut the laguage back a bit and maybe clean up the structure.

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Lemme take a look at that story, then I'll offer my advice - but please, it's only an advice so don't take it as the eternal truth, ok?
[edit]Ok, I've checked it out.
Personally, I'm not too fond of this story although it's kinda funny in a way and tries a different perspective, but I would never have post helled it (sorry Silver). I've seen stories that were far, far worse, both in terms of the amount of swearing (there's already plenty of swearing on these forums) and in terms of general content. At least he censored the swearing with the *****.

My humble advice is to resurrect the original - perhaps delete Wad`a`Holic's new, cut down version to prevent the same story to take up space or add confusion.[/edit]

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dsm said:

(there's already plenty of swearing on these forums)


I usually don't read the fanfics, but the sound of "moaning demon" doesn't sound too pleasant.

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TSTuke said:


I usually don't read the fanfics, but the sound of "moaning demon" doesn't sound too pleasant.

Look, if a fanfic like Imp Encounter can get the go (a story which to my eyes violates many more bounds of decency than this moaning demon thing ever could), then this "Moaning Demon" story sure as Hell can be allowed too.

I'm not to pleased about leaving such stories here either because I don't find them neither entertaining, nor particularly useful to inspire other fan fic writers (except to write more lame crap which is NOT what this forum needs), but I do usually know when not to contest the opinions of the Admins and Super Mods.

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Not that i'm complaining B). It's nice to see people trying something new with the doom storyline, even if they do push the concept too far, and from what i've read from imp encounter, i'd say it was pretty well done.

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