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Which is the best overall source port?
Or Legacy?
Opinions, please.

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zdoom has the most support, it is highly stable, and full of many good features. i would say it is the best. legacy is also a good port of opengl, most stable GL port for doom i think. edge has good level editing features but is a bit buggy. i would sudgest zdoom, like most of us here

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I like all ports !!!

...and since there is a GUI available to cover all windows ports at once...

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If you're into critters and weapons, EDGE, just like what I do. but yeah, lack of saving feature is a real bitch. But hey, that's what IDCLEV's for, right? :p

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DOOM95!!! yuck, no.. get it away. what kind of crack addict thinks doom95 is a good port!? it is a total pice of shit. full of bugs, shity, smells terrible, visplane overflow. doom95 is the worst PC port even made, it was never even upgraded

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I love PrBoom actually. Beauty in simplicity.

/me nods
Leading off for the Source Ports: PrBoom
For a smooth ride and purity, and for pure keyboarding gameplay, this is my port of choice. Even the higher resolutions are moderately OK for my machine.

Batting second: Doom Legacy
In my opinion, graphically one of the best ports in software mode. The GL is OK, but I love the gravity and bloodsplats and compatability.

Slugging third: ZDoom
Overall this probably is it. Smoothness, graphics, nifty features, and muchos editing doojabbies. Deathmatch also rocks in this one.

In the cleanup spot: JDoom
Especially after FINALLY getting MD2 models to work on my machine! My jaw hit the floor when they finally loaded at more than 1 FPS. The GL is unbeatable, graphically the king of ports.

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