Naked Snake Posted August 12, 2001 I hope that DOOM 3's AI are gonna be better than regular DOOM. "Zig zag, stop, attack, repeat" sucks. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted August 12, 2001 Damn you, of course it will. They still have Jean Paul, you know, the guy that made Q3A bots. It's not that hard to do something cool. Since they don't need team cooperation, tactical placement, sniping AI and all that realistic shooters-based features, it's pretty obvious that we should see some pretty good animal like behavior. 0 Share this post Link to post
The Unknown Posted August 12, 2001 Zaldron Q3 bots are really easy to beat so i hope D3 will have so damn hard monsters to kill... 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted August 12, 2001 So? Bear in mind that now they're faster, have more HP, and generally make more damage. Don't compare bots with single player AI, I was just stating that there's a guy in there that knows about this stuff. 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted August 12, 2001 Well zig zag blah is basically all a hellspawn can comprehend.So I guess the A.I. will kick ass. 0 Share this post Link to post
The Unknown Posted August 12, 2001 I want a Fraking ugly demon whit twin chainguns and a rocket luancher for a ass.... 0 Share this post Link to post
Jeremy Posted August 12, 2001 I hope that the A.I. is gonna be better I Don't. 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted August 12, 2001 I still don't like that in original doom you can turn on iddqd, take a chainsaw and just stand there in the middle of the room holding down the fire key. Eventually all monsters die. 0 Share this post Link to post
Jeremy Posted August 12, 2001 True. I dont want the AI to be "great", but prehaps some things should change. Here are a few: Chainsaw. When you pull out the chainsaw, and stand there while demons and zombies just walk into you, perhaps they should "run" away, or go back to a safe distance and use prijectiles {not to mention you should have a gassoline pick up for the chainsaw.} Getting stuck behind things. In most games, if you just simply walk behind a small object, the monster will keep trying to wlk through it. The AI should map out the area and direct the monster towards you when you are behind simple object. Its kinda stupid, in Doom i'll stand on one side of the candle, while the imp keeps walking into it, firing at absolutely nothing. This needs some tweaking. Monsters fighting one another. What, did I type that? Oops. HELL YEAH! I love when monsters fight each other! Groups of fiends. If there are a lot of monsters in one area, the AI should create a trap or formation, instead of the monsters randomly shooting everywhere, hitting each other, while you just stand back and watch. 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted August 13, 2001 I hope that the A.I. is gonna be better I Don't. Thats because if the A.I. was better that would mean you would have to be a GOOD player to survive w/o cheats. 0 Share this post Link to post
maga Posted August 13, 2001 hah... and fart at you when you are too close, right ? 0 Share this post Link to post
TheHighestTree Posted August 13, 2001 I think that certain enemies, like demons, should be lumbering idiots. But there should also be some skinny evil thing that can flip off walls, laugh at you and ride your rockets back at you. That'd be fun! 0 Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted August 14, 2001 Chainsaw. When you pull out the chainsaw, and stand there while demons and zombies just walk into you, perhaps they should "run" away, or go back to a safe distance and use prijectiles {not to mention you should have a gassoline pick up for the chainsaw.}... But in movies like "Braindead" the zombies never react defensiv, they just looked a bit confused when the guy came with the lawn mower. That is typical zombie behaviour IMO. Monsters fighting one another. What, did I type that? Oops. HELL YEAH! I love when monsters fight each other! There is a lot you can do with that. It helps create character for the monsters, for example mechanoid monsters a la arachnotron and bull demons hate each other, zombies are disliked by everyone, hell barons are highly respected by the other demons etc. And the possibility to make the monsters fight against each other can involve special strategies in certain "tricks and traps" scenarios. 0 Share this post Link to post
Dark Fox Posted August 14, 2001 Damn you, of course it will. They still have Jean Paul, you know, the guy that made Q3A bots. HHAHAHA! God damn the Q3 bots blow.. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted August 15, 2001 Ummmh, as I said many times in the old forums, they are using Q3A Bot's navigation system. 0 Share this post Link to post
InfraRed Posted August 18, 2001 the AI can use quite an improvement....i think that they should be able to detect you as u are moving around...not like in the previous doom when u triggered a monster pen and they would just sit there with thumbs up there asses till u walked right by and directly infront of them... 0 Share this post Link to post
Red_Warrior Posted August 19, 2001 The zombies should still be pretty dumb as they're, well, partially rotted in the head, but yes, the demons should be smarter. All should be able to 'hear' things like footsteps (moreso if you run), and all monsters too should have a distinct walk/run, maybe even a stalk for critters who can (hoofed things shouldn't, those things make a bloody lot of noise), like imps and bulldog demons. Anyone who's played Carnivores (about 1 other person in the world -_-) should know what I'm talking about... and although unlikely to be included, maybe for some areas with a constant airflow or outside, have distinct wind directions (use grass/wires/rope/ect as signals?) which make it easier to sneak up on demons.... or the demons sneak up on you. Bah, if it's gonna look realistic, then why not have more little touches of realism too? 0 Share this post Link to post
DiSTuRBeD Posted August 20, 2001 They should act more natural. If you sneaked past them behind their back, maybe they'd hear something, and turn around to check... during that time, you might have managed to get behind a corner. Some monsters might be able to smell you and know you're there... others might be a little smart and go to the place they think they heard you and try finding you from there... others would be dumb, give up, and proceed doing whatever they were doing. Some would be able to watch other monsters run around looking for something and be smart enough to join them in the search. Others might even yell out to others in their language that he thinks someone's there. So you're walking around, all out of ammo.. you step on something that breaks and makes a sound while you are sneaking past a couple of shoutgun guys (if they are in the game) behind their backs. They hear it, and one of them turns their head to look, but you manage to sneak around the corner first. One of the guys moves towards the corner where you're standing, he walks around it, finds you, looks a bit surprised maybe, and shouts at the other guy for assistance... so you can either run away or try to take his shotgun and shoot the other guy. That'd be pretty damn cool, no? All of the monsters in doom uses the smell variant to some degree. They always know where you are and like an idiot, they try to walk through walls to get there. 0 Share this post Link to post
Red_Warrior Posted August 20, 2001 Yeah, like the scent thing I talked about ^_^. Woo man, we're getting into a Metal Gear Solid-ish detail here... but in a good way! Intelligent AI that can talk to each other to a point.... then the dumb zombie AI. If they're actually that smart in the game, I'm dead... x_x 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted August 27, 2001 Yeah. Smelling and hearing are things that would enhance the gameplay expiriance. 0 Share this post Link to post
MACVILWHORE Posted August 27, 2001 not to mention you should have a gassoline pick up for the chainsaw FUCK YOU AND DIE!!! /me stabs Jeremy in the eye with Keanu Reeves 0 Share this post Link to post
DiSTuRBeD Posted August 28, 2001 That's not painful enough! /me throws MACVILEWHORE Bette Midler 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted August 28, 2001 I still don't like that in original doom you can turn on iddqd, take a chainsaw and just stand there in the middle of the room holding down the fire key. Eventually all monsters die.Here's an idea: Don't use IDDQD. =) 0 Share this post Link to post
Captain Red Posted August 29, 2001 Do you think them being stronger or faster has anything to do with there muscles in this place? Do you think thats air you're breathing? 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted August 29, 2001 [/quote]I hate this place. This zoo, this prison, this... reality, whatever you want to call it. I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I can taste your stench, and every time I do I fear that I've somehow been infected by it. It's repulsive, isn't it ?[/quote]Don't tempt me to start the Matrix quotes. We'll be here till sunrise (or 30,000 miles, whichever comes first). 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted August 30, 2001 I hope that DOOM 3's AI are gonna be better than regular DOOM. "Zig zag, stop, attack, repeat" sucks. They have to be...even Quake 2 had better A.I. (Marginally) long as the A.I. in Doom3 is equal to or better than that of half-life...that was some awesome A.I. I once made a level in a huge warehouse, filled it with monsters, grunts and barnies...and just sat back to watch...each time there was a different outcome. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted August 30, 2001 half-life...that was some awesome A.I. No. That was some awesome scripting. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted August 30, 2001 Yes, my bad...but the AI was pretty beefed up. On most other games before it, monsters were all berzerk, hardly ever running from battle. But in Half-Life, they ran from battle, and even ducked behing obstacles. 0 Share this post Link to post
InfraRed Posted August 30, 2001 Hell i think that half-life had better AI than quake 3 for chrissake....quake 3 wasnt very good at all...i think Doom 3's is definately going to be best out for a while tho...i hope ^^ 0 Share this post Link to post
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