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The best forum brawl EVER!

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Sure it could happen, that is, if you're schizophrenic, which I suspect you are.

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Heh. Maga jumps onto the mat. Now Diluted takes over his body and punches his balls. It goes on like this. Heh.

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Well BBG, why not have a massive twin-brawl royal rumble type thing? Look at the twins around here.
Myself, and Kain
Maga and Diluted
Fodders and Linguica
MACVILEWHORE and Archvile46

I'm not sure if there are others.. but if there are, I can't think of them readily. Mirror match from hell I tells ya!

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Sure it could happen, that is, if you're schizophrenic, which I suspect you are.

reeee-e-e-e-aly ???

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we are the same person, dufus ! this match cannot happend.

Fool, haven't you ever seen Me Myself and Irene? My first recommendation about that movie would be "RUN!!!!" but if you happen to see it, note the car scene at the end where Carrey's driving by himself and having a fight at the same time.

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we are the same person, dufus ! this match cannot happend.

Fool, haven't you ever seen Me Myself and Irene? My first recommendation about that movie would be "RUN!!!!" but if you happen to see it, note the car scene at the end where Carrey's driving by himself and having a fight at the same time.

lol..cool movie...
the best thing,tho, was the three motherfuckers....

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