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Geforce 256 works for Doom3?

The Unknown

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That will suck big time when u haven't a Geforce3 card or better!Just think playing the lowest resulotion and no Special effekts!hehe the game will look as good as Quake then hehe....

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Yes it will run, like major crap. No new features going on, horrible resolution, etc etc.

You have more than enough time to upgrade your video card.

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yeah, I guess running Doom 3 with a GeForce 256 is sorta like running Quake 3 with one of the original Voodoo cards.

But like Zaldron said, by the time the game is out, a pretty nice Geforce 3 will rank about same on people's gimme lists as a Geforce 2 MX does now.

Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go enjoy some games that are currently available^^

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Me too! On my old, horrid computer (5mb harddrive... erg), I could barely get Quake 2 to run.... thank Bob for DOOM 2! It was one of the few great games that ran well. Now, it's Ultimate DOOM on a GeForce2 MX. Oh, and Quake 2 runs like a dream. Ultimate performancew DOOM ^_^...... still like it more than Quake, which is still good, but... no Bulldog Demons.

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Wait a sec, I thought DOS was bigger than 5 megs, but maybe I'm wrong.

Well, you could run doom from a CD, but Quake 2???

The minimum, run from CD install is I think 15 megs, to say nothing of the 500+ meg virus, er, I mean OS you need to run it, and...oh forget it. He probably meant to say 500 meg hard drive or something....I think=P

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yeah, I guess running Doom 3 with a GeForce 256 is sorta like running Quake 3 with one of the original Voodoo cards.

That's no prob :) I've played Q3 on my voodoo rush (wee bit better than the original), and I got about 35 fps on demo1 :) Ok, it didn't look very good, but that's not the purpose of q3 either ;)

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