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95d on its way!

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Hey all. Just wanted to let you know that Skulltag 95d is on its way. Among the additions/fixes/changes, are:

+ - Added "connection type" field to the player setup menu, and "sv_connectiontype" for servers, which determines how precise the data sent back and forth between the server and client is.
+ - Added cl_showcommands, which displays all commands coming to the player from the server.
+ - HUD messages called by scripts run on the server end now show up on the client end.
+ - Actor and player properties set by server side scripts are now sent to the clients.
+ - Now when switches or lines change a sector's light level, it is sent to the clients.
+ - Dormat objects now appear that way on the client end.
+ - Give inventory commands called by server scripts are now reflected on the client end.
+ - Added "<team> has won" to the teamgame intermission screen.
- - Fixed two problems after level change: One where a player's names, skins, etc. would be applied to another player, and where players would bomb to the console with a "no player # start" error message.
- - Clients no longer play "blue leads, red flag taken," etc. messages when connecting to an active CTF/ST server.
- - Fixed ANIMDEFS lump so switches in Hexen now change graphic when activated.
- - Having cl_identifytarget on no longer activates lines activated by shooting when your crosshair is over that line.
- - Fixed flag respawn problems and missing texture on d2ctf5.
- - Fixed mancubus firing.
- - Weapons are now cleared after intermission in DM, CTF, etc. games.
- - Fixed problem where the railgun color was always blue until you changed it.
- - Railgun shots that don't strike a player now actually reset your consecutive railgun hits total.
! - Player's medals and points (in a teamgame) are now not cleared until the new level begins. Now you can see your score, and the medals you racked up on the level during intermission!
! - Dropped flags that have not been returned now result in a "?" flagstatus on the HUD for that team onthe client end.
! - Got rid of "You fragged <name>", "You were fragged by <name>" messages in oldschool.
! - Defaulted the item respawn and spawn farthest dmflags to OFF when Skulltag is ran with -oldschool (that's altdeath).
! - Players' current team is now reset after intermission.
! - Color codes are now stripped out of the text in the server window.
! - Changed spectator mode so that powerups are cleared once you enter spectator mode. (Before, if you had the doomsphere and would spectate, you appeared to still have the powerup (indefinitely).)
! - Move up/down keys now work in spectator mode.

This is just what I've done to 95d THUS FAR. There's other things still on my list to fix/change, which will be in the released version of 95d.

Stay tuned!

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Don't rush the bot support; I'll gladly get Terminated with the pistol for two more versions, if it means having better bots. ;-P

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Wait until Carn gets a fully stable and backwards compatible (with ZDoom) port before bugging him with bots.

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