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Malcolm Betruger and the credibility of names


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As we know from some interviews, one of the main characters of the Doom3 story will be the scientist who opened the gate to hell. He´s seen in the intro viedeo and we even know his name: Dr Malcolm Betruger. Well, that might sound at first like some US american with German or Jewish-German ancestors, but I think this name is just silly because it´s so obviously made up.
Betrüger means cheater or fraudster in German (betrügen = to cheat, to betray), and it´s firstly a quite crude hint at this characters role in the story and secondly just an unbelievable name, because in reality there is no person who is called "cheater" by family name.

I´m not only saying this because I´m German, but I think the non-german speaking gamers may also like a storyline with characters who own believable names. Me neither would like a story with a hero named Bobby McDickhead, although that might sound like a believable name for some people.
It´s a bit like the name Max Payne, though Payne is at least a real name and Betruger is made up.

So, here´s a suggestion: id should slap Matthew Costello or whoever made that name up on the forehead and call him (the NPC)
Malcolm Hinderlich instead. hinderlich means hindering or impedimentary, but it´s also actually a name (a slightly weird name, but a real name nontheless).
Or find a completely different name, like Mortimer Taggard ;)

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Tetzlaff said:

Bobby McDickhead

Heh, that was funny. But I do agree with your post. Betruger is a silly name for a bad guy. It's too obvious.

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Lord FlatHead said:

How about Quagmyre Funboobies ?

DOCTOR Quagmyre Funboobies!

Or Dr Cheetah B. Trayer ...

The idea with Mortimer McMire is kinda cool, I don´t know if McMire is a believable name, but the "easteregg" thing is nice.

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It's a good sign that the id team doesn't have its head up its ass and is familiar with the fact its working on a fictitious fun product for its users' entertainment as opposed to some sort of vapid thing that follows useless and established demands.

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I thought they are working on a fictious horror product and Serious Sam style funny names might not fit in (of course that doesn´t mean that I wouldn´t want any humour in Doom3).

Skeletor: I suggested a name that means something and is a real name at the same time... you can find more names like that!

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I'm with you on this Tetzlaff, I was thinking the same thing (also being a German speaker). I mean think about it, the guys last name is Betrayer, that's not clever, that's braindead. Makes it look as if id are not taking the game seriously (which I KNOW is not the case). Common, that shit's just goofy.

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This article was written more than a year ago - much can have changed since then. And furthermore, by now I've learnt that written articles can not always be trusted or can even be taken serious (the article that claimed that there was no strafing in D3 anyone?) - I know PC Gamer is a serious magazine, but I've previously had experiences with well-established gaming mags that said some complete bullshit about a specific game.

In other words: The journalist could have forgotten the exact name for the scientist, but remembered that it was a German name that supposedly meant something bad and then he thought of treason, checked his German dictionary and found "Betrüger" so he thought "Yeah, that was probably the name that those id guys told me....I think".

At least I hope that's the case, because I too think that Betrüger is a dumb name - a professional writer like this Costello guy ought to have come up with a better, more rational name. If the scientist's name is indeed Betruger/Betrüger, then we can only hope that id sees this thread and act accordingly ;-)

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I don't see a need for them to change the name. Wolfenstein 3-D had a General Fettgesicht and Otto Giftmacher. I can only assume that "Fat face" and "Poison maker" are not real last names. I see the name Betruger (if that's what it ends up being) as following this lead.

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gatewatcher: I´m not taking this so damn serious as you might think, I just think unbelievable names like that don´t help in creating a immersive storyline.

The Butcher said:

Wolfenstein 3-D had a General Fettgesicht and Otto Giftmacher. ... I see the name Betruger (if that's what it ends up being) as following this lead.

Wolfenstein 3D was a cartoonish arcade-like shooter and those names are intentionally funny. Betruger is not, and also Doom3 has a totally different style then Wolfenstein 3D so I really don´t think id really want´s to continue that tradition with cartoonish characters. And even Return to Castle Wolfenstein had believable names like Helga von Bülow (though I have to admit I kinda missed Wolf3D´s over the top style a bit in RtCW).

dsm said:

This article was written more than a year ago - much can have changed since then.

Hopefully yes.

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hey, i think the name sounds just fine! Dont see what the issue is... Some people have odd names, no big deal.. My dad said seriously, he once knew a man named Jack Mehoff... So i mean, some people get names that may mean something.. Not a big deal.. I like the idea for the scientist, and it should be kept..

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those names are intentionally funny. Betruger is not, and also Doom3 has a totally different style then Wolfenstein 3D so I really don´t think id really want´s to continue that tradition with cartoonish characters.

I don't see the name as funny either, as those names were, but rather following the same 'make the last name a German or German-based word that describes the person' approach.

Some people have odd names

I knew a Camron Corder that went by Cam and a Mike Hunt (you might have to sound it out to get it... yeah, cheezy) and that's nothing compared to Dick Small's listing in the phone book (yes, I'm serious).

Quick! Someone change your last name to Betruger so that it becomes an 'official' last name in the last name archives.
All joking aside, I understand what you mean by it being distracting. However, even Shakespeare used 'created' names like this (I'd have to go find them again, though, and they were first names) and I believe even in his more serious toned plays.

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It might not be annoying for non German people. But if you're German, or if you speak German, the name will sound funny instead of cool.

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Heh, just checked my local 'phone book...

Cheater J, XX Hutcheon St, XXXXXXXXXX

X's blanking out street number and town name for obvious reasons.

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well, i think its no big deal.. I mean, lets be honest here.. Well anyone NOT play doom 3 over this? I doubt it.. So remember, irs jsut a game, no big deal, and keep waiting for it in excitment.. :D

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Ha im English and don't know much German at all, but youve opened my eyes to how poor the names are LOL, but then again my last name is ward so be sure to add your comment's.

Lets see "is that hospital ward", erm my son would be called Thor maybe... "Thor Ward" (Forward) :D

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Disorder said:
It might not be annoying for non German people. But if you're German, or if you speak German, the name will sound funny instead of cool.

Well, maybe in the German version the name will be similar but Russian, or whatnot.

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Oh, come on. Time was, names did mean something. Especially in the Bible. For instance, Bethlehem = House of Bread, literally. And, for instance, my last name is Wantland, which apparently originated from Lackland. Now if that's not ridiculous, I don't know what is.

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geekmarine said:

Oh, come on. Time was, names did mean something. Especially in the Bible.

Read my post. I never complained about names having a meaning. I just find it stupid when they make up silly sounding names with very obvious meanings, instead of chosing a *real*, believable name whith meaning.

Edit: My suggestion with Malcolm Hinderlich was actually serious, maybe that wasn´t clear enough. But it isn´t so important, just wanted to hear your opinions about the whole names topic.

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I see nothing wrong with using Betruger as a last name. You'd never know the surnames of all people in the world, so you can't determine whether such a name does exist in real-life. Hence, the argument that it isn't real or believable is pretty much void.

I wouldn't be too surprised if I meet someone with a last name of "Bastard"...

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Tetzlaff said:

Yeah but the point is: would you want to have a character in Doom3 called "Bastard" with last name? Probably not.

There could be a monster called that :P

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I still don't understand what the problem is. So it's obvious by his last name what he is. So what? I personally like the idea, quite frankly. Then again, I'm currently taking Biblical Hebrew, where that kind of thing happens all the time, but I think it's very cool, because it's basically acknowledging that Doom is simply telling a story. Now, other people may see it differently, but that's simply my personal opinion on the matter. And no, I wouldn't mind if his name were English, instead.

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