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today i tried doomserv and it sayed i need to overwrite files to run it. i say ok i overwrite files. What happen!! windows mediae player dont work no more. HELP!!1111111

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windows media player dont work no more.

WOW, THERE'S A NEW ONE!! You probably had that ridiculous v7.0 shit installed, that thing'll flip if you try to open a file using the "open with..." option. Get the Media Player off the Windows98 CD and use that instead.

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This looks like the right place for this link...


LOL. I subscribed for that newsletter thingamajig 'cause I get NO email, not even spam. It makes you feel bad, never getting any email.

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BTW, if anyone needs the setup for Media Player 6.4 it's on the FTP in the weekly toons directory with Real Player 8. I tried Media Player 7, and uninstalled it 10 minutes later. Total utter crap. Took me a while to find the setup for 6.4, so I stuck it on the site. It'll be on there forever. Unless, of course, Microsoft releases a GOOD Media Player, and the chances of that happening are zilch.

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Unless, of course, Microsoft releases a GOOD Media Player


You'd think it couldn't get more bloated than 7.0, but I thought Windows couldn't get more bloated than WinME before I saw WinXP.

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