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Just for fun... AD&D style stats!

Name: Nick

Race: Human

Alignment: Neutral Good

Class: Student

Level: 9

Strength: 13
Dexterity: 11
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 17
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 16

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Name: Arioch
Race: Gods
Alignment: Neutral
Class: News Bitch
Strength: Infinite
Dexterity: Infinite
Con: Infinite
Intelligence: Infinite
Wisdom: Infinite
Charisma: Infinite
Penis Length: Immeasurably Immense

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Name: Fredrik
Race: Wimps
Alignment: Neutral
Class: 31337 llama
Level: 2
Lenght: 2
Weight: 4
Age: 11
Strength: 0
Dexterity: 0
Creativity: 1
Con: 0
Intelligence: 1
Wisdom: 0
Charisma: 0
Penis Length: 2
Leetness: 666

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Name: CacodemonLeader
Race: Serious Sam God
Alignment: Correct Texture Alignment
Class: Hissy Supporter and MOD Maker
Level: 99 (Only Max. level that anyone can go to)
Strength: 999999999!
Dexterity: ditto
Con: 0
Intelligence: 999999
Wisdom: 9999999999
Charisma: 9999999

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Name: Maonth.
Race: Terran.
Alignment: are you on drugs or something?
Class: local bandana dude.
Con: yeah, i used to be. Now i'm an ex-con.

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Name: Liam
Race: Human
Class: Take-a-wild-fucking-guess
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Str: 14
Dex: 16
Con: 11
Int: 18
Wis: 10
Cha: 16

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Name: CacodemonLeader
Race: Serious Sam God
Alignment: Correct Texture Alignment
Class: Hissy Supporter and MOD Maker
Level: 99 (Only Max. level that anyone can go to)
Strength: 999999999!
Dexterity: ditto
Con: 0
Intelligence: 999999
Wisdom: 9999999999
Charisma: 9999999

Ahem...people, please excuse cacodemon licker, he was drunk or maybe was joking when he wrote that.

Here are the real stats :

Name : Cacodemon Licker
Race : complete idiot
Alignment : moron
Level : 0.0000000
Strenght : 0.0000000
Dexterity : ditto
Intelligence : -10'000'000'000'000'000
Wisdom : 0.0000000
Charisma : 0.0000000

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Shut up! I'm a Doomer too, you know, so forget all of what I was saying on the old message board and move on! I have the right to say what I want and some people like you should not turn around and flaming my posts! If you don't then STFU and get out of this forum!

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Name: Josh
Race: Synthetic Lycanthrope
Alignment: Lawful Good
Class: None

Level: 69
Height: 6"
Weight: 250
Age: 21

Strength: 50
Dexterity: 29
Constitution: 40
Intelligence: 50
Wisdom: 16
Speed: 4
Charisma: 0
Phallus: 6.5

Well this was fun. Old sk00l AD&D style. Yeah. Let's break out the ouiji boards and sacrifice a goat. Whoopie!

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Name: Jay
Race: Arch-Vile / Human Hybrid
Alignment: Largely Selfish
Level: 666
Special Skills: I can moo.
Spells learned: I can spell my own name, k?

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Cacodemon Leader should never leave this forum. He is way too funny and it would be a serious loss. I love reading his posts. Just ignore those llamas, you're a doomer too, and deserve to be on this forum.

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Yeah, his posts are funny because he always says something retarded and stupid (just like him).

And Cacodemon Licker, I don't suck dicks (like you), I lick tits.

You're lucky you don't live next to me 'cuz I fuckin want to grab my assault rifle and empty all the clip in your fuckin face.

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I agree. Your posts are funny. I don't want you to leave.

I think he's doing better than Username did. Quality=less, but Quantity=more, which means Cacodemon Leader=Username.

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Identification Protocol: Comrade Aaron
Combat Protocol: Comrade ShadyXMR of Red Amerika
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Species: Protista

Aiming: 88.4%
Precision: 93.9%
Survival Skills: 99.2%
Besas mi burro: 0.43%
Ability to distinguish between cow nipples and cow penises: 24%

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Name: Stphrz

Race: Human (supposedly)

Alignment: Chaotic Evil (muwahhahahahahah :)

Class: None whatsoever (burp!)

Level: Higher than you :P

Strength: 15
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 17
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 14

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Btw those stats are D&D stats. Intelligence 15 (max is 18). So there :P So, what did ya think of P:AR?

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