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Fools! I'll destroy them all!


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Anyway, I just have to ask: what is the absolute weirdest thing that's ever happened to you while playing ordinary/sourceport DooM?
The weirdest thing that ever happened to me was when a few days back, I loaded PrBoom up(ohhh, GL goodness!!), and there were no backgrounds in any of the levels!

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One time an imp walked up to me and told me that I needed to repent and find jesus if I wanted to live eternity in heaven. I shot him. Soon after, I got killed by a cyberdemon rocket and got sent to hell because I killed that christian imp. But all the bad imps were really nice and we played cards and ate hot dogs and watched "the man show" on the big hell widescreen and we went to see mancubus sumo matches.

Then I woke up.

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Bit far fetched that, as if Hell would have widescreen tv

Oh, but they do! And a really big shopping mall and lotsa burger places. Hell is underrated, I tell ya!

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Well, I was playing PSX Doom, and the Cyberdemon of Doom 1 was moving around, but he seemed to be completley ignoring me. I moved in close, he still just paced or did the occaisonaly circle. After about 5 mins, suddenly he just reduced me to component atoms without any warning. I dunno whay I wasn't a threat until that moment.

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one time me and my colleague were playing coop over the net and we played Tower of Babel from scratch...we worked on the cybie a bit and then i let myself get cornered in and it killed my while i was trapped...well when i respawned i ran at the cybie and shot one pistol bullet and it exploded

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Well the first time I encountered the lost soul ghost in Doom for PSX in Command Control on Ultra violence in the dark tunnels where theres two lost souls.

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I remember playing the ghost town DM wad, practicing DM with -skill 4 -fast, when something cute happened.

I had the berserker and just ran out of ammo, so I started punching all the imps. I went into one of the rooms and punched the imp, expecting it to just fall over and die on the bed. Well, not only did I gib it, but I shot the bastard right through the window and it hit the ground about a good fifteen feet away. =)

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i was playing once and all the monsters died suddenly, just fell and died. i think i had a kill button binded though

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i think i had a kill button binded though


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