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do you think doom 3 will be as popular as the old doom games?


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the reason being is several things.one for example is classic gameplay, and easy loading, if you have something with a screen doom can likely be played on it, second, doom is classic and it will probably stay that way

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The old doom games aren't very popular if you ask the average gamer. Ever heard the "Doom? That old crappy game!?" response? If not...newb. :P
and besides...what Manc_II said!

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I would say that it will be more popular, at least for a while. It's "the next thing", meaning it'll have quite a huge following right out of the gate. It may never be as popular HERE, or in the classic doom community of course, but it'll certainly have more people behind it when it comes out.

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I assume the question relates to the peak popularities of the two games, not their relative popularity at some random date in 2005.

The answer is no, since there is now far more competition, and the new game is less revolutionary.

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Well when it's released, the forums are gonna be smacked by a wall of n00bs looking to talk about Doom3, and accidentally posting in every forum on these boards. It'll be like a bunch of seagulls landing on a boat screeching for food. We'll have to be prepared.

Oh, and I'll keep playing classic doom until I die of old age/demon injuries, so I think that says something about the loyalty of at least ONE of it's users. I dunno if Doom3 fanatics will last the same amount of time we did.

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Dunbar said:

Well when it's released, the forums are gonna be smacked by a wall of n00bs looking to talk about Doom3, and accidentally posting in every forum on these boards.

Nah, I think the gamespy hosted sites like planetdoom.com will give the noobs a new home.

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Thehappycommunist said:

i seriously doubt it


it's really funny until someone gets hurt, then its hilarious....

Uh, what is this, are you trying to add a signature or something?

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When I mention being into classic DOOM at college, the responses are either "Oh yeah I remember that!" and then they went on to reminisce about Doom... Or "You're into the oldschool Doom! Cool..."

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Nah, D3 would never have the same impact as the original simply because when Doom came after Wolfinstein3D, it was such a graphical "BREAK THROUGH" compared W3D it was concidered "Evolutionary" As far as PC games go. Then It was the game itself that also played to it's worldwide Fame, the story, the setting, the characters, the sounds, the suspence, the overall atmosphere.........

id hopes to make all that happen again, by bringing all that made old DooM great and giving it a graphical "FACELIFT" so to speak, and hopes to win everybody's hearts and souls. But id's gonna find out the hardway that the simplistic "old school" concepts ain't happening in these day's 1st person shooters. Which is why shooters like "Duke Nukem", "Half Life/2", "Halo/2" "Unreal Tournement" etc, etc stole alot of it's thunder. People want "Alot" more than just a simple "RUN and GUN" you against the world type games. Even though id made some effort in adding alittle more extra features to feed into to updated concepts in shooters, but will it be enough to make that break through? Not if they saying it's a uncomplicated-run-and gunner.

I sure hope to be suprised, and all my fears put to rest after playing it.(*On my cuz's PC, of coarse. My PC is to outdated to run D3 properly (LOL)

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doom 3 will never be as popular as the original was. the computer game industry has grown an incredible amount since id were basically shipping games out of their garage.

doom was installed on more computers than windows. it was a phenomena that can't be repeated by any other derivative.

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mewse said:

doom 3 will never be as popular as the original was. the computer game industry has grown an incredible amount since id were basically shipping games out of their garage.

doom was installed on more computers than windows. it was a phenomena that can't be repeated by any other derivative.

Yeah, DooM set a standard, and was much more revolutionary, although doom3 might have the good lighting and integrated everything, doom had tons of firsts, I.E. Multiplay.

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tsareppsun said:

id hopes to make all that happen again, by bringing all that made old DooM great and giving it a graphical "FACELIFT" so to speak, and hopes to win everybody's hearts and souls. But id's gonna find out the hardway that the simplistic "old school" concepts ain't happening in these day's 1st person shooters. Which is why shooters like "Duke Nukem", "Half Life/2", "Halo/2" "Unreal Tournement" etc, etc stole alot of it's thunder. People want "Alot" more than just a simple "RUN and GUN" you against the world type games.

I understand the point you're trying to make, but you're giving the wrong examples. Both Halo and UT2K3 failed to appeal to a large audience. Right now it's the WWII teamplay games that are attracting a large crowd. But making yet another WWII teamplay game would be rather silly. Right now there isn't a good, modern deathmatch game available, so I think Id Software will fill in a void here. I agree with their decision to make a new style of deathmatch game, rather then making teamplay game #28482838328.

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Arno said:

I agree with their decision to make a new style of deathmatch game, rather then making teamplay game #28482838328.

But they aren't doing a "new deathmatch game", they're doing a single player game with standard Deathmatch as a bonus.

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Mivalekan said:

I think doom 3 will sell like hotcakes. Why? You'd be surprised how many people hate the classic dooms.

Ive noticed a religous hatred for it at times. Doom? that game sucks and so on and so forth, but i disagree 100% as usual. I make no predictions but i do like the alpha overall better than any other fps shooter Ive played. Lots of room for spookiness, and the game will hopefully be easily modable

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Mivalekan said:

I think doom 3 will sell like hotcakes. Why? You'd be surprised how many people hate the classic dooms.

I can't remember anyone ever hating it. I remember the "Duke3D is better" types, but I'd appreciate some proof to back this up.

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People who vehemently dislike DOOM either don't like the FPS concept (or even computer games, or "violent" games in general), or are fans of other FPS and are trying to say that whatever is better than DOOM (feeling the weight of it's precedence on their backs.) But those people won't like DOOM 3 either. Then there's some "if it ain't new it sucks," but they are a flighty bunch who'll eventually forget DOOM 3 as well.

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A lot of people have the idea that Doom was not a revolutionary or otherwise good game because it's just a plain standard FPS... failing to realize that the standard FPS formula was pretty much invented in Doom. Mostly younger gamers tend to have this opinion, for logical reasons.

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Surprising, not that many people outside of the Doomworld community know about the upcoming Doom3. People have caught me looking at the Doom3 screenshots in school and asked me what it was. A lot of the time when I answered, "It's Doom 3." They'll respond, "Ew Doom sucks/sucked!"

I wasn't really aware of Doom when it was released, so I don't know how fast it became popular, but in ten years, I think it'll be as infamous as its previous two versions are. :)

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dsm said:

But they aren't doing a "new deathmatch game", they're doing a single player game with standard Deathmatch as a bonus.

Deathmatch with flashlights, shootable lights and per-poly hit detection is hardly "standard".

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Arno said:

Deathmatch with flashlights, shootable lights and per-poly hit detection is hardly "standard".

Don't forget the cool traps and the (still to be decided) monster feature!

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Arno said:

Deathmatch with flashlights, shootable lights and per-poly hit detection is hardly "standard".

Per-poly hit detection is said to have been used before - shootable lights, I hear, has also appeared before as have flashlights (of course, the flashlight play a far more pronounced role now than in other games).

I'm calling it "standard", because id refered to it as "standard" iirc, as in "Standard game modes" - plus, the engine is specifically tailor-made for single player, which means that I can't help but react if someone calls Doom 3 "an immersive deathmatch game", because while it may be somewhat true, it's really only the top of the iceberg.

I'm not particularly trying to argue with you, I intend to merely explain my former statement.

But yes, Doom 3's deathmatch is a little more "spiced-up" than what id Software have done before and a bit different in an imo good way.

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