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I have leaked image.


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I hope you didnt get your hopes up. I have a leaked image of the bathroom scene. BUT, it was taken with a wireless X-10, and looks absolutetly HORRIBLE, infact, its nothing but a tease, you can barely make it out, its fucking fuzzy, and there are colourfull lines running through it, and you might as well just wait for the damned thing. BUT, if you want to see it, im gonna upload it soon. But trust me, you wont like it, seriouse. Credits go to my freind who snuck in the wireless cam WITH SUCKY, SUCKY, SUCKINESS. {Probably do to the fact it was "too" far from the computer he had in his SUCKY van}. He's such a fucking geek, lol.

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im gonna upload it soon. But trust me, you wont like it, seriouse.

If it is still recognizable as Doom3, Take your time, but hurry! if not THEN I DO NOT TRUST YOU !!

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If you're making this up, I'll personally see to it you are hung by your testicles from the highest tree in the Empire.


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Jeremy - if the quality of the pic is as shitty as you said, then I don't think it is worth seeing it...

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Jeremy, are you planning on uploading it? Maybe you should have done so and THEN announced it.

Shhhhh... you're being logical.

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Don't get your hopes high, people. This looks like a supreme scam.

BTW, Lüt, wtf are you doing with my avatar? (or is it just my crashy IE?)

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It's John Carmack, obviously ;) I am his representative. So where's the money?

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It's John Carmack, obviously ;) I am his representative. So where's the money?

In my pants..

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Yes, I am not lying, but like I, and Dima said, the image quality is so horrible its not worth looking at. Im going to try n' upload it within the next two days {which is my freinds fualt. And i'm not giving it to anyone who flammed me in this post {which is only one person so far}.

Oh, and that MS-Paint picture is FUNNY, im adding to my collection of really stupid MS-Paint pics.. thanks, lol.

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And i'm not giving it to anyone who flammed me in this post

You dipstick
Please put me on the list of people you are not giving this file to :)

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And i'm not giving it to anyone who flammed me in this post {which is only one person so far}.

Stop acting as a jerk and get the hell out of here. There's no pic, you're just bluffing. Post an URL already or delete this topic.

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If you're making this up, I'll personally see to it you are hung by your testicles from the highest tree in the Empire.


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If it exists, then upload the bloody thing already! Even if the quality sucks, we might be able to see something.... *looks at the picture* erk! Thumb's in the way... *gets a chainsaw* great... the thumb's gone but can't see the picture.... *sulks off*

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oh? I'm sorry, did I just cough and bring this thread to the top, and by so doing, preassure Jeremy to admit that he's a liar or proove that he's not? Well, i didn't intend to.

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Naw, you just coughed 'cause of all the dust settling on this post... *brushes a few cobwebs aside* lotsa spiders though ^_^. I wonder why so many people are afraid of them?... in general, I mean. Most arachnids are pretty harmless.....

More to the point: where's the piccy? I think it's a ruse personally, but why he'd want many people angered at him, I don't know....

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I can't stand them... I run away if i see one! Damn, think my dad told me about poisonous spiders a bit too early or something. I just can't handle them :\


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And i'm not giving it to anyone who flammed me in this post {which is only one person so far}.

Stop acting as a jerk and get the hell out of here. There's no pic, you're just bluffing. Post an URL already or delete this topic.

How about this: if Jeremy doesn't either A) show the pic or B) admit he's a lying SOB - within 5 days - this thread dies a miserable death and we either A) ban him for 2-4 weeks or B) reset his post count and give him a nasty custom title.

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When in doubt, do both! Maybe we could hold a poll to see what we call him..... *grins evily and hurrms* I'm thinking of a good name, but I'll reserve it 'till his day of judgement. I may be evil, but I'm not unecessarily cruel....

-Red Warrior, whose cat is staring at her again......

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Sounds good to me. Option B is the best i think :) But just cap off a random number, all the way down is a bit ev0l >:-)

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