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the duke nukem movie

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lately I have heard news about Duke Nukem The movie and the 2 top candidates for Duke are The Rock and Arnold Schwarzenegger (yes i truly believe I spelt that right) anyway here is the poll question...Is Duke Nukem:The Movie a good idea?

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I would check it out, but wont go crazy for it
Im not the biggest fan of Duke Nukem, although I liked DukeNukem 3d, but time to kill kinda made me lose interest.
Although I more of a Doom fan, I would sure like to see a Duke Nukem movie, why not ?
If it does bad or good, just make one for christ sake !
Same for a Doom movie, and yes, the Resident Evil.

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Well I am a Duke nutcase and love the game. The original game only.
If they want to make a movie about it fine. Will I go see it? No.
The actual story line is thin. Dead chicks, kill all Aliens and stay alive in the process. Makes a good game, but a bad movie, at best this could become a movie like the Killer Tomatos or whatever. Sure there will be cool explosions and other effects but this is all I can see any FPS based movie becoming, a B movie.

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