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Contest idea!

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Hello all,

I have a humble idea for a "contest". Let me see what you think:

In the COMPET-N FTP (more specifically, in the folder ftp://competn.doom2.net:8002/pub/compet-n/examples ), there is a file named lv01-257.zip. This is a demo of Simon Widlake, the founder of COMPET-N, making a run through Doom 2 map 1 with the following restrictions:

* 100% kills
* 100% items
* 100% secrets
* Maximum possible health at exit (108%)
* Maximum possible armour at exit (101%)

I don't know how to categorize this.. is it a "super"-max run? :-)

Anyway, this twist allows for much more tactic, so it might be interesting to see what routes we can come up with (and of course how much we can improve Simon's time of 2:57!). What do you say?

I attach a demo I recorded as an "entry" in this "contest". Time is 1:11, but I think the time can be much improved. Recorded in ZDooM 1.22. Enjoy!


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Interesting, I think I've seen Simon's demo.
When the Cn was planned, there was some debate over the specifics of the rules.
Kind of a twist on MMH/Reality/Max... check out some of Ledmeister's demos at his site and the DSDA, he exits often with max health possible... and sometimes with as much ammo as possible. pretty cool.
Could be improved by using the Cn route here, I think... good demo though.

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Opulent said:
check out some of Ledmeister's demos at his site and the DSDA, he exits often with max health possible... and sometimes with as much ammo as possible. pretty cool.

Yeah, I've seen many of Led's demos. I especially like some of his demos showing bugs in the standard DooM engine. :-)
And the dedngone.lmp too, hehe.

Could be improved by using the Cn route here, I think...

I thought about it, but the hard part is you have to go back into the green armour-room later anyway because you have to exit with 101% armour.. So you might as well take it last. And you also have to wait to take the RL/health potions because you have to exit with 108% health. But of course, if you're good enough not to get hit from the time you open the RL room, then, yeah, of course you could grab it, use it and save some time. I'm not that good, if I'm playing fast, though. ;-)

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