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mephisto.wad from The Master Levels...

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Is there only 1 secret in this level ?
(it says 5...)
I've found the one on the upper left corner of the map,
but I didn't found the 4 last...

Some help please ?

What is the hardest .wad ever according to you ?


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Cassandra: just use noclip to spl00ge thru the level, and if there is secrets there chances are you'll walk right in to them.


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I already use the idclip technic but without success... :-(


lol ;-)
It seems interesting...

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Ok. Here's the last 4. I'm assuming the one you got is the invincibility in the "mosoleum" (with the coffin that a revenant comes out of). The last 4 are all in the same place. Right behind the blue door, on the side walls are 2 secret passages. Each secret passage counts for 2 secrets.

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There are demos at my site and at Ledmeister's wonderful Doom help site.
He has walk-throughs and everything.

fun map.
good luck.


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I think you're right; Blacktower is probably the hardest Master level.
(Led has a demo where he smacks that level pretty hard)
as for Pwads: there are many wads that are very difficult.
Hard is good; impossible(or near impossible) is not.

quality wads that have never been recorded:
Nexus(Vorpal's one)
Virgil's maps(some of these probably don't fit this category)
Kzdoom series

quality wads that are about to come out(that will have hard maps):
Hell Revealed2
Alien Vendetta
(probably forgetting a few...)

SOME of the hardest maps that have been recorded:
Hell Revealed
Gemini's maps

there are lots of over the top maps out there... that doesn't do anyone any good. Luckily, good authors usually create SOME kind of balance on their maps.

Want an extremely hard challenge? try Chord3 on UV...

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im working on a megawad called INSANITY im trying to TRYING to make some of the hardest levels known, dont know if ill succeed, but its a interesting enough cause, and plus it something with atleast some quality, from your wonderfull friends from your wonderfull new team diluteco (one fucking person whos actually working, me, heh) so, i dunno, if its good, maybe someone will speed run it. but there will be NO skill support, i want people to go through a set hardness heh

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