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D3 idea+LAMENT, GET IN HERE!!!!!!!


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/me aims his house mounted BFCGG18k at Lament's house, locks on to it with the bed red crosshair, and waits for Laments reply

And to make sure the thread has a real good use and not just a hell-bound thread of flamey shit, here is an idea for doom3:

How about .avi, .asf, .mpeg, etc, being supported?

EXAMPLE: You create a tv and/or a movie screen in a movie thearter, and than you select which ever assorted movie file you want, and you slap the viewing area on the screen as desired, and for sound output there could be a code pointer (a tag if you will) which you could place on the tv AND/OR the the speakers (or wherever) in the thearter or wherever you want, and the sound from the movie comes out there as the movie is going like as if you were watching it in realplayer or whatever. I bet most of you guys would probably use it for 3d FPS pr0n viewing, and I know I can only hope that it happens , but what do you guys think?

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Team Arena allowed you to put movies on walls, so I imagine that this wouldn't be a huge problem in the Doom 3 engine either...

Heh, I wonder if it'll be possible to make a movie projector, which actually projects a moving image onto a wall, and you can stand in front of it etc.

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that actually sounds like kind of a good idea, as long as nobody goes nuts with it and makes the level run like crap.
It could be pretty cool to be able to see video logs that flesh out the story textured on a screen, rather than having to stop the game for an FMV scene.

I was also thinking that it might be kinda neat to see a computer screen in one of the levels running the demos from shareware Doom as an easter egg or something.

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I was also thinking that it might be kinda neat to see a computer screen in one of the levels running the demos from shareware Doom as an easter egg or something.

..And PLAY it! But it's an old idea.

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Ling: If I remember correctly, Carmack specifically mentioned in his gamespot interview that a realistic projection feature like you described will be in Doom.

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If you take a look at the old MacWorld video, you'll see they use projector maps in every light. From the flashlight effect of the red&green emergency lights to the striped ones in almost all the rooms.

Since the stripes or the diffuse patter are just pics, It's quite probably that it also supports no-sound AVIs.

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Since the stripes or the diffuse patter are just pics, It's quite probably that it also supports no-sound AVIs.

Oh great! So you can watch porn AND play doom at the same time!!

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and its porn, cmon people its a replaying gif that never stopes and you can blast a hole through. cmon. if you want ggw, im me

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o ok but porn wadds are lame. dont shoot the girls, fuckem. i had a doom wad where a girls tourso was a caco demon and shot fireballs out of her moth. ocourse she was topless and had big boobs but all in all the wadd sucked.

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