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anyone know of any good and helpful linux message boards. or do any of u have expernce with linux and scsi adapters

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well my problem is that i am trying to insall mandrake-linux on a SCSI hard drive. I need information on how to do this. my SCSI adapter card is a BusLogic. any help or a site with info on this would be a help

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I did a quick check, and it seems that the kernel supports BusLogic cards. You will find your root partition will be named something like /dev/sda1 instead of the usual /dev/hda1 that you get with IDE hard drives. The Mandrake installer ought to detect the drive but SCSI drives are less common so its possible that it wont.

I expect the Mandrake website probably has forums where you can ask questions such as this.

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When installing mandrake, it asks you whether you have any SCSI devices. So you probably should just say yes and select your hard drive.

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I found out what DiskDrake did wrong. =)

Four partitions I chose to make. Sixteen did it create. Fourteen of them were simply BAD with all sorts of fucking errors. I finally found a program to fix that horrible curse Linux left on my system.

Yay! =)

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