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A Tech question about Console ports.

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I noticed something about the SNES Doom that..umm doesn't seem to be there in the PSX version. It confuses me. The SNES version has the levels in a non-hacked up format. I.E. levels like say.. Halls of the Damned, MT Erebus, and many more from the orignal Doom that got a large portion of themselves removed in the PSX version. Could he PSX version not fit all of some level structures in there for some unknown reason? I can understand retexturing and all.. but still. And another thing. Crushing ceilings. Why only 1 in the PSX version.. and only in the Doom II portion (the Crusher) I mean there were more than that there. There were obviuosly there in the origonal Doom, and are all there in the SNES version... but none in the Ultimate Doom part of the PSX. Is there a technical reason that this happened? I would think that the 32 bits of th PSX would be more powerful that the 16 of the SNES..

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Notice something about the PSX version? The levels up to hell beneath are hacked to shit. doom 2 and ultimate doom levels are perfectly fine and unhacked (some differences here and there, but not hacked). So the PSX can definitely handle the big levels. Take a look at Threshold of Pain. HUGE level.

The problem is, the Doom 1 levels weren't made with the PSX version in mind. Those are the levels from Jaguar, 3D0 and 32X versions. Ever since the Jaguar Doom, which had the hacked up levels, no crushing cielings, no light amp, invisibility, etc. those same levels were brought to the other systems instead of the original levels. But at least they kept the exlusives, Hell Gate, and the better Hell Keep.

So the reason is probably the laziness of the game developers. It was probably easier to copy the console levels than remaking the pc levels from scratch.

As for the SNES version, it seems like it was done completely from scratch, plus it had to be made completely in assembler, so just bringing over the console levels was impossible. So they did the levels right.

Lets put it this way, if a 386/486 can run doom decent with the large levels, the consoles should have no problem. If you wanna blame someone for the hacked up levels, blame the Jaguar Doom development team.

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Well I would do that, but the site given to me on the back of the Doom case doesn't get me where I want to go.
The one I have right here is www.williamsentertainment.com
And that's right off the back of my Final Doom for PSX.

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Well I would do that, but the site given to me on the back of the Doom case doesn't get me where I want to go.
The one I have right here is www.williamsentertainment.com
And that's right off the back of my Final Doom for PSX.

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