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As some other people with artistic talent might have known, Math is a boring class and thus is the best place to sketch! Well I was in Math and, of course, I was bored so, as usual, I took out a pencil with the intention of drawing.

Almost a decade ago, TSTuke asked if I'd do some fan art for his Manga Doom TC, and I said yes... But until now I haven't gotten around to it. Anyway, I was in my desk with pencil in hand, and when thinking of what to do, I thought of TSTuke. By the end of class I had finished my little sketches:

Manga Doom version of the Demon (Zeal)

And with the few minutes I had left I also did some of TSTuke himself. :)

I still plan on doing the Demon again, next time in a more interesting pose and in colour. But until then, enjoy.

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'Fraid not, but here are the URLs from my Geocities site anyway.


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That demon looks drunk as hell. That, or that's his 5 AM walk for the coffee before going off to work.

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Just when you thought you got away from the forums for good, something always drags you back kicking and screaming

Coopersville said:

Almost a decade ago, TSTuke asked if I'd do some fan art for his Manga Doom TC, and I said yes... But until now I haven't gotten around to it. Anyway, I was in my desk with pencil in hand, and when thinking of what to do, I thought of TSTuke. By the end of class I had finished my little sketches:

Worth the wait ;)

I quite like that pic. I recall the MD demon have a more vicious bunch of teeth, but otherwise nice. BTW the name of the demons in Mangadoom are Zaels.

I'll load it ASAP

And with the few minutes I had left I also did some of TSTuke himself. :)

Don't blaim yourself or anything but i've long sinced changed the look and detest the old look with a passion speaking nothing of it ever again >:(. Maybe when i get home i'll load the new look onto deviant art. Even then i'm not too sure about this tiger man thing anymore either. I'm a human being in rl for god's sake. ;p

Keep the fanart coming guys ;). Over and out.

*update* cooperville's art is in the fanart section http://www.geocities.com/tstuke/Mangadoom/fanart.html

and the new, more realistic look that i told you guys about. http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/4080603/

btw i don't think i'm loading the TST one yet since i'm trying to be careful about webspace at the moment
That's all from me.

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