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about the md2...


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Being a n00b isn't an excuse when the information is easily available both through the search function (which just about every forum in existence has, so not knowing there is one isn't an excuse either) and in the txt file that accompanies ZDoomGL.

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well, maybe he doesnt know where any of that is
you need to take these things into consideration
its commen scence

now if timmie asked something like that, then id be scared :)

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As I said, almost all forums in existence have search functions. It's not exactly in a hard to spot place either.

If you're talking common sense, it seems to me that if you have a problem with or a question about a piece of software, the common sense solution is to look in the accompanying manual/txt files/whatever :)

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In which case "it tells you in the txt file" still applies :)

In fact, the old ZDoomGL even comes with a txt file which explains exactly how to load MD2. Its' name? MD2.TXT ; it really can't really get any more obvious than that... ;)

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heh, I suppose for the next version I'll probably make some better docs to make it more clear what is and isn't supported.

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ware te lands flars is?/? pls to say how thx

dume is gratest game 4 haxorz lik me 1 time i hakked dom so it made boss sound go backawrd n u no wut? all this tiem he sed "to kill the gamme u must win me, jon sombrero" or sumthin bet u guyz dinnt kno tht

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Sparky123 said:

dont you think instead of telling him that
you could tell him that md2 isnt supported "YET"

hes just a n00b

Written like a typical n00b :)

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  • 1 month later...

He's a n00b! Burn the n00b! Burn him! He's a n00b! Burn the n00b!!!

Wow. Talk about a baptism of flame..

Why not be helpful to the n00bs and tell the new guy the following(saving further questions later, and helping them be a n00b for a shorter time):

a)ZDoomGL 0.66(6) supports md2, 0.75 doesn't.
b)Make sure the md2 models you download are the ones you can get from the ZDoomGL site (I made the mistake of using a different set and having no HUD Models)
c) Unzip USING FOLDER NAMES. Can't stress that clearly enough.
d) Get Slayer's lights.ini (makes the game look a hell of a lot better)

Just because someone's new doesn't mean they're stupid. They may just not be as l337 as you..

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Being new isn't necessarily the same as being stupid, but when somebody who is new can't RTFM, check older posts (easy in this slow-moving forum), or something like that, being new compounds their stupidity.

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