Guest Fanatic Posted August 17, 2001 REJOICE!!!!!! 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Fanatic Posted August 17, 2001 Yep, we relesed EDGE 1.26 and QDOOM 1.00 just this morning. 0 Share this post Link to post
deathz0r Posted August 17, 2001 bah, it doesn't work properly in xp. it makes the moniter flicker on and off severly. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Fanatic Posted August 17, 2001 deathwarrior: EDGE 1.26? Both EDGE32 and GLEDGE32? 0 Share this post Link to post
deathz0r Posted August 17, 2001 i can't use gledge32.exe on this comp. it doesn't detect my tnt for some reason. quake2 detects it though. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Fanatic Posted August 17, 2001 deathwarrior: can you run it like this: gledge32 -debugfile, and email the debug0.txt it creates to me? (zip it up of course). I'm sure we can fix it. 0 Share this post Link to post
Arioch Posted August 17, 2001 I note that when it's flickering is when it's trying to do the screen wipe. My system is um ... win2kpro tbird 1ghz 1g pc133 sdram voodoo 5500 64M agp 0 Share this post Link to post
elbryan42 Posted August 17, 2001 yummy... qdoom. great tc. While you're here Fanatic, I have a question. I would like your permission to stick "Fragging Fanatical" into wad form. I don't know if Edge supports MP3s or not, but Zdoom does, and that is one kickass soundtrack for any Doom! 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted August 17, 2001 WOOO!!!! Congratulations! Oh man, pity about 3D Downloads being down; I sure wouldn't be here if it were working :) BTW, whatever happened to EDGE 1.25? 0 Share this post Link to post
CacodemonLeader Posted August 17, 2001 BTW, whatever happened to EDGE 1.25? That I don't know. Probably because EDGE 1.26 is too good for EDGE 1.25? 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Fanatic Posted August 17, 2001 elbryan42: please don't. People can download them as MP3 for free off my site or buy my CD (cough cough). You can do it for yourself of course, but don't upload it for the public. Thanks for asking for permission tho. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Fanatic Posted August 17, 2001 ALL: EDGE 1.25 was skipped to 1.26 because so many big things changed between the 1.24 and 125 WIP, that it warrented a whole digit change. The 1.25 WIP was as full of a release as we could have done anyway. For the issues, I'm looking into them all. Feedback is very important, for our purposes, the bad is somewhat more important, because it means something can be fixed. Feel free to email me if you have any issues with QDOOM or EDGE (any version). I'm always glad to help! Thanks for all the feedback! 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted August 17, 2001 BTW, whatever happened to EDGE 1.25? You know, those numbers actually mean something. If someone takes the number seriously, it means First incarnation, 2nd slate of features added, 5th bug revision. Or something like that. Ask a coder. 0 Share this post Link to post
deathz0r Posted August 17, 2001 meh, i'm gonna stick with 1.25 WIP for now, it seems to be a lot more stable than 1.26 on my comps. 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted August 18, 2001 1.26 works great on my comp. I cant get 1.25 to go into fullscreen mode. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Fanatic Posted August 18, 2001 bigbadgangsta: It's not supposed to. Fullscreen was disabled in 1.25. 0 Share this post Link to post
Espi Posted August 18, 2001 Since my email accounts are fucked up, I post this here: My comp: PIII 800EB 256 megs Voodoo 3 3000 AGP AWE64 ISA DX8 General notes Sprite that is scaled does not show palette changes (green to red etc.) Sky could probably be done better (take a look at JDoom sky, that's the way to do it :) Water behaves weird in some occasions. I noticed this in your castle map; on the big lake, I have to use IDCLIP to get out of the water. If anyone actually uses this, looking up/down with keyboard is very slow. These might be because of my Voodoo 3 Sprites can be seen through extrafloors from distance. The effects when level changes, crossfades and such, are just flickering between two images. There's lots of noise sometimes (bright pixels at "seams" and on the sky) The walls and floors sometimes flicker oddly, it looks like there's one vertex loose or something. A good example is QDoom e1m2, in the short hall turning left after opening the blue key bars, before the exit. Extrafloors and dynamic lights are extremely slow. Combine the two and I get 4 fps :) Some texture detail is lost with different gamma levels. Some texture colors change with light levels. Text that is made of a graphic can become unreadable, such as the "QDoom v 1.00" in the title- and interpic of QDoom (I had to see what it says in an editor) I'd like to see the distance fade of software mode, or something like it in GL mode. Crosshair doesn't work. QDoom The 3D-elevator in e3m1 freezes the game (and Windows) when I press the button. Had to do a crazy jump from the cliff to the water to proceed :) One of the laser towers in e3m2 was still shooting laser at me after I destroyed the thingies on top of them. The turrets also flicker at distance through the pillars when they're not active. the showdown is a bit too difficult, because of the "sticky" movement. There's a Cyberdemon in the final cast, I wonder if it's supposed to be there :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted August 18, 2001 take a look at JDoom sky, that's the way to do it With those big splotches at the top? Ick. The actual code is great though. waterHeh, I got some WILD behavior with the water. Seems that if you're in about 64 pixels deep of water, and then step off a ledge, you FLY. One time I was flying through the water and jumped out... I musta jumped at least 640 pixels high and flew over 2,000 pixels across the level before I hit a wall landed. 0 Share this post Link to post
DooMBoy Posted August 20, 2001 Oh, um, would someone explain this QDOOM to me? 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted August 20, 2001 Oh, um, would someone explain this QDOOM to me?*groan* 0 Share this post Link to post
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