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Fragport: forum demo project

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I've now received Vince's demos and have uploaded them to sda/dwdemo (they're currently the first three if you list them chronologically).

The Map27 demo is indeed Max. :) Nice BFG use.

Quoting Vince:

03 and 26 are recorded with Prboom, no compatibility level.
27 has v1.9 mode (complevel 0).

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i get W_numforname map77 not found while attempting to play back map26 with prboom

might be my compatibilty settings, hmz

edit: and map03 too, map27 was ok tho

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Those two don't work for me either. :( Serves me right for just testing one of them before uploading.

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Map 20 is the other problem - no backpack, berserk and not enough ammo really. Doable, but lengthy. So I'm gonna sort that one out as well. Map 21 works as long as you like punching and map 24 actually works quite well, as long as you conserve throughout. Apart from that, it's fine.

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Grazza said about 03 and 26:
Those two don't work for me either. :(

I never tried to play them back. Ill try it tonight, it should work.
They have been recorded with default compatibility level (-1 in config file) => default PrBoom.

When I noticed that I switched to complevel 0 for map27.

If it really doesnt work, I'll record them again, I was planning to redo map03 since it really sucks.

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I recorded 26 again, with v1.9 compatibility.
Ill send the demo after work.

Map03 pisses me off a bit, but mainly because I cant get used to the way the mouse is handled in winXP/prboom (I am really used to win98/doom2.exe mouse handling).

I'll do it for sure :)

I need to change my old mouse too, it starts to get scratchy (the sliders are completely ruined), it's over 5 year-old now.
Any suggestions on what to buy ? (I'll go for USB since the only PS2 of my laptop is used by the keyboard).

PS : Anyone wants to get a famous D2SS and D1SS mouse ? :)

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I'm no hardware expert, but mine's an "IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0A USB and PS2 Compatible". I'm very happy with it - seems to give nice smooth movement with Prboom and most other exes I've tried. At any rate, I think any deficiencies in my demos are due to me, rather than my hardware. :)

It's an optical mouse, but I use a good mouse mat (with a matt surface and plenty of detail and colour changes) together with it.

Funny, but your offer regarding your old D1SS and D2SS mouse reminds me for some reason of those porn sites that offer their models' used panties for sale. :p

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oh if you want too I still have the old logitech non-optical that I used to make my first 30nm, it's a monument too ...

:P :P :P ;)

Edit : sorry I am just retarded :)

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Right - I've uploaded the new version, complete with the patch for map 29/30. I've also improved maps 10 and 20, as they weren't do-able before. One or two other things have been done as well, but no nodebuilding took place, so no-one's existing runs should be messed up.

(I've also updated my other two vanilla wads to ensure they can be demo recorded - whether anyone wants to is another matter...)

Edit: they're in newstuff now.

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is the new version DLable from the idgames search engine ?

coz I got there the 2003 version, which should not be the latest one...

any links besides that ?

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I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm giving up map24 of Fragport... :( Kick ass map, but I just haven't had and probably won't have the time to make a demo anytime in the near future... :(

So if any of you want to take a whack at that baby be my guest...

Laters everyone and take it easy,

- Richie

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Hehe, no worries Vince. Doom's still one of my favorite games, its just that it seems like I've got less and less time to play it nowadays... :(

Guess sometimes life just kind of takes over eh? All good though, I'll definitely be checking in every now and then, have to be here when (if) Plutonia II gets release....

Take it easy Vince, and keep cranking the killer demos man.... :P

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is my version of fragport.wad correct ? I have 3/22/2004 as file date. And map29 and map30 still remain unplayable... ?

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I think you're meant to add frgprt29.wad to the command line, since that contains the modified maps 29 and 30.

I've uploaded a few demos (all Doom2.exe compatible) to sda/dwdemo. Firstly, there are Vince's demos on map03 and map26. Don't be put off by his comments on the map03 demo - it is definitely worth watching. Also Erwin Lin has claimed map08 and recorded a 7:18, which he intends to improve (and has done so: 5:53 - nice!).

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Demo sent to Grazza. How to uploade w/o mailing to someone else ?

Recorded with doom2.exe under WinXP and SB16 emulator (sloppy and laggy).

EDIT : It's for map29... forgot to say that.

Questions for UDoomer :
- why did you imclude new 29-30 into the main wad ? It would have not changed it much.
- I hate the several backpacks you placed there, there are so many that the screen remains yellowish for a long time, and it's very annoying with these dark corridors...

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VinceDSS said:

- why did you imclude new 29-30 into the main wad ? It would have not changed it much.
- I hate the several backpacks you placed there, there are so many that the screen remains yellowish for a long time, and it's very annoying with these dark corridors...

- putting it in the main wad would mess up single player - you're meant to visit the blue rooms in map 28 to tool up, and make that supply last until the end. (bar a couple of ammo groups in map 30 that are off the beaten path) The only by-product is that it's actually easier to play the maps from scratch than playing them normally (perhaps a bad thing, but unavoidable given the unusual setup of the maps).

- shows you how long it's been since I last played with vanilla (apart from checking Plutonia II maps for vanilla bugs, I don't use it now). Backpacks are the easiest way to give a full load, as they always disappear (regardless of load) so you can't come back for any. But I guess that didn't matter here, so maybe I should've used ammo boxes instead. Oops.

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Grazza said:

I've uploaded it.

Sadly, with attachments still broken, we don't have a way for people to upload their own demos at present.

no FTP possible ? like the dang/compet-n one... I think bahdko is the admin, so we could get some place here ?

I was thinking about giving map30 a try, despise it's annoying dark maze.

EDIT : just did map30, sent to Grazza... [mod]and uploaded[/mod]

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VinceDSS said:

no FTP possible ? like the dang/compet-n one... I think bahdko is the admin, so we could get some place here ?

I've suggested something to Doug along those lines.

I'll take Fragport map20. It won't be pretty or quick though - just a good old-fashioned scrap with the bad guys.

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There's always the DSF ftp. One problem that it's not my webspace (I didn't set it up), and I don't know exactly what the storage limits are. I do know you can't upload anything larger than 256k though, which is a bit limiting.

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any suggestions for a nice map I could record ? :)))

I tried map28, but I don't like it much... Maybe Ill go back to it later.

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VinceDSS said:

any suggestions for a nice map I could record ? :)))

I tried map28, but I don't like it much... Maybe Ill go back to it later.

Map 16's a blast, as there's lots of different ways and strategies to do it. Maybe Maps 14 and 18, too.

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Ok, since I think this project is in progress for too long, I thought I'd put two more cents in it. I took MAP21 and recorded a 7:07 demo, the second exit. I'm not satisfied with it, well, I always tend to get stuck on every corner in cramped areas, but this time I totally screwed up with the mancubi in engines room and made some other mistakes. I've had quite some beer before recording the demo so please forgive me, I'll try to improve it :)
Btw, there's a bug in the lifts that transport you to another level. The most interesting thing is that the bug is critical in Boom (you get stuck totally) but not in doom2.exe. I recorded the demonstration of it in both exes. Could someone explain what is going on here? I was too lazy to figure out the details in the editor myself :)

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I've uploaded your demos to the normal place. I thought the map21 demo was good - the excellent berserking early on outweighs any later foul-ups.

However, I noticed that the demo must have been recorded with the version of Fragport.wad dated 24-Nov-2003, since it desyncs near the start with with the new version (22-Mar-2004). Ultimate DooMer said (IIRC) that no existing demos would be affected by the new version, but that in addition to the modified maps 29 and 30, there are "one or two other tweaks for demo friendliness too". I think that included map20, and apparently map21 too.

OK, I'll put this in big letters in the hope that no one misses it...


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