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Please Post In The New Forum

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I think I can speak for Carnevil on this, he has been asking people to post in the new forum for the tournaments and bugs and stuff and I think it's safe to say all Skulltag disccusion should be moved there.

I know that Carn is grateful that Doomworld not only hosts his website (for the moment) and has a host for his forum too, he has moved on, and I know it's nothing against Doomworld, but I think it would be better for all Skulltag players to post on these new forums for such.

I know it's probably out of my league here speaking for Carnevil, but I'm sure he knows I mean well.
Please post in the new forum.

Also, I'm not saying leave Doomworld, please stay here and post too, just not about Skulltag. ^_^

The new forum can be found at http://www.skulltag.com/forum/
Please come chat! We'd love to have you!

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