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The /newstuff Chronicles #161


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Though I said the levels were meant as a series, the balance of enemies was carefully planned out, as well as the potential infighting. Just thought I'd clear that up.

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The Ultimate DooMer said:

Lamers are lamers, they'll take cheap shots at anyone (and usually get banned real quick). Besides, no wad's for everyone, there'll always be someone who doesn't like your wad, just like there'll always be someone who does like it. But if you like it, then it doesn't really matter, does it?

Actually, it does matter. Seeing extremely negative comments on a WAD would make you hesitant to download it, right? Well, that's what's happened here. I'll bet the number of people downloading Black Fortress has dropped alot since those flame comments and 0 ratings were posted.

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You should be making maps mainly for your own pleasure, not other people's. If you're so concerned about how many people play your wads and what they think of them, I'd suggest you find another hobby where other people's comments can't affect your enjoyment of it as much (if at all).

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bah, how could you possibly say that this is well balanced!? ok so i did stumble across the bfg and some plasma occasionally but then suddenly have none. so now i'm on level 4 with no ammo and no beserk, bah. still, first wad so i cant complain too much


hmz. having *just* the SG and CG to take out 600+ enimies was not pleasant though it was made just bearable once i got the beserk fists though. but i still felt forced into using them against barons. i'm just glad there wasnt anything meaner than that. i would have said that this map gets extra points for it's total lack of revenants, but alas, pain elementals, the universal pains in the but let it down ;-)... however i dont understand why peopla have been bitching about this map as has been suggested as i though the layout, arcitecture and general feel of the thing to be very nice indeed. though i havent played hexen so i think that's where the "new" texs and sprites came from. all in all a good map and i'm glad that there was plenty of health becase i was really crap at conserving it tonight . one second i'd have a beserk and a full 100 and the next i'd be down to 1, which i was about 4 times during the whole thing! took me about 1 million quicksaves/loads to get through it on UV and i'll not be deleting this one, for the moment on the off chance i fancy another go if this weeks newstuff lets me down :-)

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cycloid said:


bah, how could you possibly say that this is well balanced!? ok so i did stumble across the bfg and some plasma occasionally but then suddenly have none. so now i'm on level 4 with no ammo and no beserk, bah.

If when you pick up ammo, the first thing you do is try to find a monster to pump it into, then you won't find it well-balanced. In the early stages of these maps, ammo is to be used on those monsters that you absolutely have to take out yourself. Also, I suppose how well balanced it seems depends on whether you reach the vital power-ups when you have +5 health or -5 health. :) A moderate amount of map knowledge is important to ensure that happens.

Map04 was one of my favourites. Run around a lot and collect lots of goodies in the open area and the caves, and then head for the factory area - there is plenty of health and stuff in there.

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Jon said:

fullsort.gz appears to have been processed now. oceanbase is http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?id=12335.

Thanks, though I updated both missing links (in this thread only; I can't change the main page) soon after they became available.

One of the oceanbase screenies is broken.

They both work for me. Try again? Edit: Ah, I see, you mean on this page. Cyb's finger must have slipped when he chose that one for the "POTW".

Ty Halderman said:

Ironically (or not) I thought it was uploaded by that Graham Burgess guy who keeps uploading old stuff :P

(Sorry Ty, I missed your post at first.) Heh. But I always indicate if I upload something.

BTW, thank you--we've lost a bunch from the Gamers forum on CIS.

I've got a fair bit more, though sadly I neglected to download the full libraries. I've only been uploading them once I've checked they work and that they have at least some merit (that's just my personal preference - it could be argued that every pwad - good or bad - ought to be in the archive). I could post you my full collection of old wads on a CD if you like. I've always hoped one of the Sysops would have kept a full collection though.

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Grazza, I knew you'd know what I meant and I appreciate your commpliments very much. My friend Nick (Special thanks in realm.txt) says Map 04 is his favorite too. Oh, and what did you guys think of the between level title graphics (you know the intermission screen map names), I forgot to mention them in the readme file, it's nothing much but I thought it was a nice touch.

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Good week. Yay.

Someone fix those broken download links already, nevermind the excuses :P

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  • 2 years later...

Heh. Just noticed that one of my ancient PWADs was listed here. It hasn't seen wide release (I put it on ExecPC ten years ago or so).

The Beach Ball Castle PWAD is intentially quite difficult -- I used to use it as my training/warmup level before LAN parties (back when we still played Doom a lot) to gauge whether or not my reactions were up to par.

I know of several folks who have finished the level. I've finished it a few dozen times, but I obviously have a huge advantage (I know the map).

Most go into the castle first, but at least one finished the level by staying outside, cleaning up the maze and the lake areas next, and then mopping up the castle last. I'm not sure how he did that, quite frankly.

I personally suggest going inside the main castle gate right away, then making a beeline for the near elevator just to the right of the main castle gate and going up. When you get up to the top of the wall, head left to the walkway and into the castle. Once the few imps inside are dealt with, you can use it as a safe base and make forays out into the open area to ammo as required.

The fact that much of the level is open adds some variability to the level, I think. It doesn't play the same way twice, although the same basic strategy will almost always work. The key is to refrain from wasting ammo (use the chainsaw when you can).

It's a lot of fun using Doom Legacy with gravity set to almost zero, but some of the features become a lot less challenging when you can jump over walls... :-)

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