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HR2 demopack

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Okay, HR2's just come out, so I figure I should start a demopack thread. Note that no competition is intended with the Fragport project, this is just a case of striking while the iron is hot.

I'd like to run this similar to the previous DSF demopack. So, these are the 'rules':
* no reserving maps; fastest time wins
* all demos should play back with Doom2.exe. Prboom -complevel 0 demos are okay, I just don't know if demo compatibility is going to be a issue with this wad. So maybe I might not include a demo if it desyncs in vanilla Doom. (Would be interested to hear other opinions on this). Port demos should be indicated as such.

Since uploading doesn't work, you can put the demos on your own webspace, or email our moderators, or (ideally) upload them to the DSF ftp. The ftp details are:

hostname: lmp.netfirms.com
account: lmp
password: J856S

The right directory to upload to is /www/lmps/packs/hr2. I'll be putting all the demos there in any case. Put your name somewhere in the zip filename so it's easier to distinguish them. I don't care too much if you add a text description or not, I'll collect map comments from everyone when the list of demos is finalised.

Remember that the beta release of HR2 came out quite a while ago so DSDA has quite a few demos already. I've checked some of these and they desync under the new release, but they'll be useful for lmp routes, etc.

Last of all, this post'll be updated regularly with all the maps, times, and lmp authors. So, here we go...

Current Times:
map01 - AdamW - 1:46
map02 - Method - 1:58
map03 - AdamW - 7:46
map04 - Donce - 3:07
map05 - Radek - 2:09
map06 - Radek - 2:21
map07 - Radek - 8:01
map08 - Altima - 4:00
map09 - Radek - 4:32
map10 - Radek - 3:37
map11 - Radek - 3:53
map12 - Radek - 5:56
map13 - Radek - 5:44
map14 - Angus - 5:12
map15 - Vincent - 14:34
map16 - Ryback - 10:15
map17 - Angus - 11:00
map18 - Radek - 10:32
map19 - Vile - 16:04
map20 - Ryback - 8:21
map21 - AdamW - 5:39
map22 - Method - 11:10
map23 - AdamW - 14:11
map24 - Altima - 26:08
map25 - Richie - 9:01
map26 - Ryback - 13:33
map27 - Method - 10:34
map28 - Ryback - 28:04
map29 - Ryback - 29:11
map30 - Altima - 1:36
map31 - Vile - 10:42
map32 - Vile - 22:06

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Sounds good.

It might be worth clarifying about categories though. Should we presume that the focus is on getting a full set of UV Max demos, but that other standard categories would be welcome too?

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Yeah, speedrun, nm, -fast, tyson, whatever are all welcome. I'm just not sure how they'll fit into the pack though, my impression of HR2 so far is that it isn't as conducive to speedrun and nm play as, say, Scythe. So unless a whole lot of speedruns get done, we can assume this is just a UV max pack.

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I have a 1:49 for h230 uploaded to the ftp. Once I get more sleep, I'll do some more =)

Sorry, meant to specify that it's a max for h230 =P

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Ryback said:

Okay, HR2's just come out, so I figure I should start a demopack thread. Note that no competition is intended with the Fragport project, this is just a case of striking while the iron is hot.

Not that the Fragport demo project is going anywhere anyway...

(I mean it looks like it's fizzled out already, with some established names not taking part and not many new faces coming forward either)

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The Ultimate DooMer said:

Not that the Fragport demo project is going anywhere anyway ... I mean it looks like it's fizzled out already

No it hasn't; these things aren't always done in a week or two. Give it time - it will be completed. I don't have much time to record ATM, BTW.

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I'll redo map32.

EDIT: hah, that damn run I had before won't even run right for me anymore (using the old hr2.wad and doom2.exe). At least it went far enough in to remind me of the route.

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heh, most of the maps are clearly too hard for me. Map23 was, strangely, very easy. And for the early maps, there are old SDA times to beat (Radeg, ugh).

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And for the early maps, there are old SDA times to beat (Radeg, ugh).

Many of the levels have been changed to the point where the old times wouldn't apply. Here are a few examples...

MAP01 - Hell Knights instead of Chaingunners at the Red Key.

MAP02 - Baron trap at the Blue Key.

MAP03 - Arch-Vile after the Blue Key.

MAP05 - Chaingunners instead of Hell Knights at the Red Key.

MAP07 - Slightly more ammo.

MAP10 - The Cyberdemon that was supposed to teleport in the beta version actually does. :-)

MAP13 (beta MAP08) - More health.

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Vile said:

In your text you wrote

I'm not sure if doom2.exe will play it back right but it doesn't matter to me.

I tested it, and it played back OK until nearly the end (after dealing with the second bunch of cybers and knights and when tackling the first set of teleporting monsters thereafter), when Doom2.exe crashed. At least it didn't desync though. That was with XP, on a machine with a gig of RAM (it might be a memory issue).

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28, Vile did Map32. :)
Vile's demo does crash doom2.exe... excellent viewing though, more close calls than a Hilton sister at a pregnancy clinic!
h232 with doom2.exe would be tedious and annoying because of the sprites.
great stuff.

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Vile's demo desynced on me 15 seconds in :(
A shame, this would have been one hell of a demo.

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DoomBoy: are you using Prboom2.xx? and are you sure you are using the final version of Hr2?
It is an awesome demo... not his best, but damn fine; you shouldn't miss it.

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Added map21 in 7:59.

map32 is problematic any way, I find it has a tendency to crash after about fifteen minutes under doom2.exe. Besides, watching Vile's demo it seemed he was shooting at blank air eighty percent of the time. Not thrilling to watch :)

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Hey guys,

I did map27, dont have a way to post it anywhere so I went ahead and sent it to Opulent... :)

Time is 16:52. First time I made it through alive so I'm not to disappointed at the time. I used Prboom 2.2.4 with a complevel of 0.

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Just uploaded a 6:36 max for h212. The Spider acts a LOT different this time around....he can't walk under the bridge, which will cost time. Plus, it seemed like there were just slightly fewer rockets in that one room... *shrugs* Spent an hour to get this exit, so yay for me. 25 to go ^_^

Oh, by the way, Ryback, your demo for h221....the level has a secret, but I couldn't find it on PRBoom. Anyone know where it's at? o.O

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Altima said:

Oh, by the way, Ryback, your demo for h221....the level has a secret, but I couldn't find it on PRBoom. Anyone know where it's at? o.O

One of the two crates in a corner of the central outdoor area has a megasphere inside. It can be revealed by using a wall on one of the pillars near the yellow door.

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Altima: one of the crates next to the exit room can be lowered by using the east side of one of the two nearby pillars(the one furthest from the crates). There's a texture change, but it's very subtle.

I'm off to watch the MAP12 & MAP21 demos now...

*EDIT* Vile beat me. Excellent MAP32 demo, BTW...

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Just found a VPO on h221, in the outdoor area. If you look towards the stairs that have the Cacos and blue key, angled where you're also looking at the poison, you'll VPO. It's happened to me 3 times already...thought I'd bring that to attention =)

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Wow, that MAP32 run was excellent. Unfortunately my screen saver came on after 20 minutes and ruined it.

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