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HR2 demopack

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King God Space said:

I suppose I should point out that 2 cacos did survive my map 26 demo, which can be seen w/ IDDT (didn't know they could escape the center area...crap!!!) I was planning to update it, but my schedule won't allow any DOOM-time this week. :( So if anyone wants to redo that map, go right ahead, you'll have no trouble beating my time anyway. :))

OK, think we need to do this, no use having an incomplete set...plus has anyone gone over the other demos with IDDT (or the savegame trick) to check all monsters are dead? I know I didn't bother checking mine, but it'd be nice to know the set is 100% OK.

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To check for missed monsters, Eternity's walkcam is a good option. You can -timedemo through the demo, and then pause the game just before the player exits, and go walkabout looking for any missed monsters. Obviously, you can combine this with IDDT+IDDT to help identify any suspicious-looking monster activity.

Using -fastdemo would be even better (i.e. quicker), but then it becomes very difficult to control the walkcam.

I'd offer to help with this myself, but I'm kind of busy right now. I've got time to check a few of them though, if someone wants to divide the work up.

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Uploaded to the ftp MAP04 in 3:07. Even if it didn't take long to do a 3:20, it took ages and much effort to beat it. I'm just glad I did this one in time :)

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I did map15 in around 45 minutes, lol, not a regular speedrun record exactly so I don't think anyone would like to see it.

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I'll be checking all the demos myself before we put the pack out. If anything turns up at that stage we can always delay the release a few days...

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The reason I asked was because I had a 17:09 that I was going to upload as a temporary placeholder until I could upload a faster time. Guess I should go to bed now instead of wasting my now-less-than-6-hours-of-sleep on playing a map that is finished.

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well, I guess it'll be time to upload my map15. I am still not very satisfied with it, it's kinda slow and sometimes also dull.
But the route I picked is probably the easiest... I played slow and safe.. so do not expect Compet-N quality...
I had no time (better say no envy:) to play it this weekend.

Maybe I'll retry tonight but do not be sure :)

Who should I mail the demo ? I have no ftp access here. Only plain html...

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ok, no porblems, Ill do it tonight.
I am at work right now, so I don't have the demo here :)

Ill give it a couple tries tonight and then mail you the old demo if I am unable to improve it.

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What's your route like, Vince, when you're attempting to get to the blue door? Perhaps my strategy is similar to yours...

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My route is as follow :
- take BFG
- blow hell knights, take RL
- blow cybie + couple revs
- clean next room, kill the lonely manco+imps in stairs
- go down, take invul
- kill archies
- climb stairs, kill monsters take blue key
- kill archies + imps on pillars
- kill mancos near RL
- kill barons + archie, take SSG
- go to blue door
- get past PEs
- blow sarges + knights + archies, hit switch (dont hit switch down the stairs yet)
- go back to kill PEs + other stuff + eventually open megasphere if low health
- reach switch below red key, kill monsters + spider, take cells
- go upstairs, blow spider + pigs + cybie
- teleport to red key
- kills horde of rev, kill archies,
- go back, hit switch downstair, blow imps + cacos
- go back to beginning to grab a rad suit
- blow cybie, blow the archie+knights from acid
- hit switch, go get yellow key and kill stuff
- kill all remaining mancos (behind grates)
- go to exit killing revs+chainies+pigs+archie
- take secret exit if u hit all secret switches

overall I think 10-12 mins would be a good time for this map.
Ill try to improve the route tonight, mainly cutting on long time-consumings loops to fetch some specific item/monsters.

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No, I don't think there's much point. This can be a plain maxkills demopack.

Of course I'll include a link to Doug's DSDA where all the other demos end up...

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- kill all remaining mancos (behind grates)

Don't waste your time with them. Remember that switch in the final room that triggers the crusher for the lone caged Mancubus? Well, it also crushes the Mancubi in those alcoves. That should save you a minute or two. :-)

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I sent a new map15 to Doug, it's a 16:06 including andy's manco crusher trick.
The demo still sux pretty bad, some nasty mistakes sometimes and shows some carefull play.

Should anyway do it for the demopack.

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Basically I was only working on how to get through to the blue door part and yet have I really paid efforts at the rest of the map. There are few things I didn't do the same as you...

VinceDSS said:

- blow cybie + couple revs

That I skipped, totally rely on luck

kill archies

I don't remember I had killed any Archies before I got to the blue key

kill archies + imps on pillars

Imps might be avoidable at this point, I think I've done it once.

kill mancos near RL

Never done that

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999cop said:

Basically I was only working on how to get through to the blue door part and yet have I really paid efforts at the rest of the map. There are few things I didn't do the same as you...
That I skipped, totally rely on luck
I don't remember I had killed any Archies before I got to the blue key
Imps might be avoidable at this point, I think I've done it once.
Never done that

Well, check the demo, I guess Doug has uploaded it (but I don't really know since I lost the link to the archive:)

I try to clean rooms one by one unless I know Ill have to come back.
Thats why I completely clean the room with an archie tower+plasma.
The invul last long enough to kill the archie and then go upstairs to kick some rev's asses.

Overall the tricky parts are :
- start to grab BFG with archies trying to toast you + mancos + revs.
- cybie in the gate that u need to BFG with revs on your ass.
- when you activate the switch with 2 archies => releases 2 annoying archies.
- the part with a cybie in the stairs + a pillar with an archie + knights.

All the rest rate from above average to rather easy, although, some parts might prove harder if you try to do them anders's way :)

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Okay, we've hit the deadline. The times and demos for the pack are now fixed. Don't do any more.
In case you need reminding, here's the current set:

map01 - AdamW - 1:46
map02 - Method - 1:58
map03 - AdamW - 7:46
map04 - Donce - 3:07
map05 - Radek - 2:09
map06 - Radek - 2:21
map07 - Radek - 8:01
map08 - Altima - 4:00
map09 - Radek - 4:32
map10 - Radek - 3:37
map11 - Radek - 3:53
map12 - Radek - 5:56
map13 - Radek - 5:44
map14 - Angus - 5:12
map15 - Vincent - 16:06
map16 - Ryback - 10:15
map17 - Angus - 11:00
map18 - Radek - 10:32
map19 - Vile - 16:04
map20 - Ryback - 8:21
map21 - AdamW - 5:39
map22 - Method - 11:10
map23 - AdamW - 14:11
map24 - Altima - 26:08
map25 - Richie - 9:01
map26 - Ryback - 13:33
map27 - Method - 10:34
map28 - Ryback - 28:04
map29 - Ryback - 29:11
map30 - Altima - 1:36
map31 - Vile - 10:42
map32 - Vile - 22:06

Now, I need level comments and general pack comments from these people:


Post them here or mail them to me. Hopefully we can wrap this up in the next couple of days...

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I'm not happy with this demo, but I played it over and over and never could beat it. The final open area goes really, really well in this run and I couldn't duplicate it, but there's 5-10 secs lost earlier in the run. It's quite a fun level to play, except for the very start - the cacos and chaingunners are frustrating as hell. This is prboom 2.2.4.


This is one of those odd levels that gets easier the more aggressively you play it - I spent several days getting two initial very tentative runs at this map, then when I decided to play it harder and go for a faster time this came pretty quickly. It's nowhere near a COMPET-N quality time, but it looks quite smooth.


This is probably the best of my runs, on a type of map I haven't really run before, so I'm pretty happy. There were some previous demos from six to eight minutes long, I just took a far more aggressive route and relied more on monster infights. This map would be a lot more fun without the baron that appears on the lift just inside the door from the big open area; if he wasn't there it could be played even more aggressively.


This is a pretty sketchy demo, and I wish I'd had time to refine it. It's my first proper completion of the map, and the ammo use reflects that - I really ought to have saved some BFG shots for the penultimate section. It's not the best map I've ever played, either, the slugfests are dull and the yellow key area is very, very irritating.


Well, another major megawad release and another demopack :). I thought this would be a nice way to get back into playing some proper Doom, which I haven't been doing much since taking Windows off my main PC. MAP01 was recorded with prboom, but the other three are proper doom2.exe, run through dosemu on Linux. Thanks to plan9 from #nightmare for helping me out with that. HR2's a nice wad - while it doesn't really follow the style or consistency of HR1, it has some excellent levels, and it's been a blast to work on this demopack...thanks to all the other guys for their awesome demos :)

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Hell Revealed 2 - MAP04 - Reluctant Pain 109-100-100

I am Archville-jump-sick. Period. :)
More than 9 out of 10 tries end up trying to do the jump, so I changed the route to make the jump sooner. If you succesfully make the jump, better make sure that pain elementals are dead by that time or else there will be hell of a lot of souls after you kill that archie and revenants. The last two archvilles are quite easy and lets hope that neither of them revives revenants. The three hell-knights... yes I used the door trick, there's just too little space to maneuver.

General comments:

I'm really happy to submit at least one demo to the demopack of the sequel of what many people considered (and still do) to be the best megawad out there. Thanks to Ryback for organizing the pack and thanks to all who contributed.

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This map has the stupidest start, 1st, you are forced to pistol kill 2 imps... something everybody likes to do... and then you have to shotgun a mancubus from afar if you want to get the BFG. If you skip the BFG, it's rather long and boring since you only have a shotgun.
And the SSG and RL are heavily protected. So I opted for getting the BFG. The jump to the BFG is not very hard, but the archies make it annoying though.
The rest of map is not too hard, just need a good plan and some carefull play. Although, some tricky parts will occur, like the cybie in the stairs with archie and knights on a tall pillar.
This demo is not really Compet-N quality, I tried to play it safe so that I don't have to retry a thousand times (I no longer have the patience for this kind of things). My guess for a good C-N time would be 10-11 mins or even sub 10.


/me shakes hands with Donatas. We both only have one demo in this pack. I came in very late so I picked a spot that had no demo yet, I could pick 15, 19 or 24. I choose 15 because I think its funnier when you get past the stupid boring start.
Congratulations to all the guys that recorded demos for this pack and all the efforts they put into their demos (featured in this pack or not), although it seems that some guys abused ticking off other people demos (Altima knows, ask him ;).

note : feel free to correct any english mistakes I might have generated

EDITED 2/20/04 8 o clock

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Killer map in all aspects. Great job to Ryback for coming up with the route on this free for all... Had quite a bit of luck with this demo, the three cybies in the beginning were killed by everyone else before I had the time to come back and do it myself... :) All in all the players pretty safe through out the entire level... However it is possible to eat a rocket (or two) or be blasted from the multiple archviles that inhabit this map... GREAT map in all aspects. One that every player should try...


I'm very honored to have been in the same group as many of these very, very talented DooMers!!! This is the first demo pack that I've actually taken place in, who knows maybe there will be another one in the future... Maybe Plutonia II? I only contributed one demo to this project but I'm pretty happy with the way this one turned out. Had some goes with Map27, but that one goes to the Method, who made a killer demo of it as well... Well, I had fun with this guy, and hopefully everyone will enjoy watching them as well... Hell Revealed II... The sequel to the hardest Megawad around lives up to the hype... enjoy.

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