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Help with EDGE (yes, I'm a newb)

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I downloaded the Locked and Loaded mod, and downloaded the version of EDGE that was on the L&L page to play it with. Thing is, I have no idea how to. Clicking the .wad file and dragging it on top of EDGE just gets me an error, as does making a .bat file, even if I put all the .dff files in the .bat file. Help would be very much appreciated.

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Here's a simple step by step list:

1. Create a new EDGE shortcut.
2. Right click the sortcut and go to properties.
3. Now write the following in the command line:
-file file.wad
(replace file with whatever the hell Lock and Loaded's wad file is called)
4. Open the shortcut.

That should do it. If that doesn't work, head on over to Lobo's site and pick up the EDGE Shell Launcher.

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Lizardcommando said:

If that doesn't work, head on over to Lobo's site and pick up the EDGE Shell Launcher.

Thanks LizardCommando. I just spotted this post now, otherwise I wouldda been pimpin' ESL earlier :)

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lupinx_resurrected said:

all u think it is so complex

Uuuhh... When did I ever say it was complex?

Since Monkey D. Luffy asked nicely, here are some cheat codes which are exclusive to EDGE afaik:

idkillall (Kills all monsters)
idsuicide (Kills yourself)
idunlock (Gives all keys)

I think those are some codes in EDGE. Just check the LANGDDF in EDGE.WAD using Wintex. There are some cheat codes you can look at.

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The console in Edge is next to useless, and can't be used to introduce cheats. Here's a list of console commands:
ARGS <a> <b> ... Just displays the arguments given to it.
CRC <lump> Computes the CRC value of a wad lump.
EAT <size> Eats memory (for debugging purposes).
EXEC <filename> Executes the console commands in file.
PLAYSOUND <sound> Plays the sound (fatal error if unknown !).
QUIT Quit EDGE (pops up a query message).
SET <cvar> <val> Set console variable to a new value.
TYPE <filename> Displays the file on the console.
TYPEOF <cvar> Displays the type of a console variable.
WATCH <cvar> <max> Show var as a slider (NOTE: doesn't work).

* The SET command can be used with no options, which displays all
known variables (and their values), or just the cvar name, which
displays the value of that variable.

As for cheats, you can just use the same ones as normal Doom e.g. IDDQD, IDKFA etc.

lupinx_resurrected What could be easier than just clicking on a couple of buttons?
Besides, with ESL you can save lots of time when you want to activate or deactivate a lot of options, as well as a handy option to automatically delete stale .gwa files when you're mapping.
Plus you can keep all your Edge stuff completely separate from your Doom installation to help keep your directory structure clean, without having to worry about putting the correct file paths on the command line.

Anyway all we did was make a couple of suggestions: you're the one who got all annoyed about it.

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Hey, wait a second... The way you showed it? ....

Lizardcommando's Way

1. Create a new EDGE shortcut.
2. Right click the sortcut and go to properties.
3. Now write the following in the command line:
-file file.wad
(replace file with whatever the hell Lock and Loaded's wad file is called)
4. Open the shortcut.

Lupinx_resurrected's Way

all u have to do is put in

edge32 -file thewad.wad
{insert name where "thewad" is}

They're practically the same thing. I just went into more detail.

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