Jon Posted August 21, 2001 besides, when doom3 comes out the whole doom image will be totally different. 0 Share this post Link to post
Red_Warrior Posted August 21, 2001 Well Julian, we -could- make you part of the redesign.... *grins evily* makeover for the other fishie ^_^! Should we make Julian into a prom queen, DOOM Guy, or... a baked fish entree? Open to suggestions! What? The links are grey? They should've used 'Just for Links' link color! No one can tell! *Sorries for the parody, she'll go back to being stalked by the Bulldog Demons now....* ^_^ -Red Warrior, who just couldn't help it! She thought it was funny... 0 Share this post Link to post
skadoomer Posted August 21, 2001 more reasons to like the new websight: Its simple: Look at bluesnews, its no graphic and all information. Unlike bluesnews however, your not bombarded with ads and recent postings. (Although i do miss the polls on the new sight!) Blue is a good color to use; easy on the eyes giving the sight a mellow look. The black background brings out the true depth of the blue, as a white background, you would lose that depth and make everythung else harder to see. Its expandable: Its got a good use of space and room to expand. Just pop in another rectangle in between the logo and the top story. The Blue cyberdemon is a good start, hopefully in the future the doom 3 remake of the cyberdemon will acompany it. Its like the origional: I was around when the origional sight launched. This gives the websight a classic look with a more modern appeal. 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted August 21, 2001 You people put my comments to the doomworld redesign against the design of my own site. What the hell is the relation? My site is one thing, Doomworld is another. Can reviewers make better books/movies/games/music themselves than the artists they review? Even if they give they think it's the worst ever, they most probably can't. My site is simple. I did not design it to shock the world with my design skills, I redesigned it because I was sick of the old design and wanted some difference. I can't be arsed to spend hours designing a really elite site because I have more important things to do. Doomworld should always be an extremely good looking site. It is part of a commercial network (I am hosted but I don't get any money for it). I think I'll take a minute to tell that the design Linguica shows here is based on a design made by a professional designer. That original design looked pretty good, it had a much better overall style, but Linguica has now removed the good stuff in it and only kept the things that were not to the good of it :( 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted August 21, 2001 Damnit, I'd accept this design if just the fonts were a little friggin unary and the SECTION ABOVE THE TOP STORY LOOKED DECENT! 0 Share this post Link to post
AirRaid Posted August 21, 2001 What? The links are grey? They should've used 'Just for Links' link color! No one can tell! rofl 0 Share this post Link to post
esco Posted August 22, 2001 Yo ling, on da real, I like dat design! I especially like dat blue-pic of da cyberdemon and dat snapshot that you gots on the screen. 0 Share this post Link to post
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