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Was it worth Selling my Gba along With doom?

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Im asking anyone who has a Game boy advance this,Was it worth selling my Gba with Doom for it and wolf3d and some others or was it a smart move so i could get some more money?

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I don't mean to mock you or anything, but you should have asked this question before you sold your GBA with Doom, Wolfy, and some other games.

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Well, there are good emulators for GBA, and the ROMs are small and easy to get, so you can play those GBA games on a big monitor with good colors, customizable controls, saving/loading features, cheat codes etc. An obvious advantage over the real thing unless you like the hand-held experience.

I say - don't have regrets for selling those.

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I never re-sell my video games. You'll never get close to half what you paid in the first place, and since most of them at least have a tiny bit of fun factor, I usually prefer to hold on to them.

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This is modestly off topic, but I found Doom on GBA a great buy. I bought 2 more used copies and played COOP with my friend for a long time. We beat the game twice and kept coming back.

DM? Oh yes. 3 people on Fortress of Mystery (the last level for the GBA version, can't handle big levels and there is no Spider Mastermind) aboslutely rocks on GBA. Aww man, I got some great memories! I can't believe you sold it. Shame, it was damn fun.

I guess, but I'd have kept it and bought another copy and link cable. I still play Doom when I get tired of seeing mario kill a magic mushroom with his badass midget self.

(Oh, and Nintendo Doom wad rules, btw.)

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ShadowRunner said:

Im asking anyone who has a Game boy advance this,Was it worth selling my Gba with Doom for it and wolf3d and some others or was it a smart move so i could get some more money?

It doesn't matter what we think. You already did it.

And what are you asking? Was it worth selling the gba and some games or was it a smart move? That doesn't even make any sense.

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