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Doom2 map 1 built UV speed/pacifist/reality

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I made my first built run tonight. Well, there are two runs really.. that differ timewise about 2 hundreds of a second. :-D
I wasn't completely satisfied timewise with the more beautiful one, so I made a slightly quicker ending, hehe.

It's Doom 2, map 1 UV speed/pacifist/reality. Exit times are 0:05.57 and 0:05.59, respectively.

The demos were built with LMPC 3.3.

*Note* that this is not my actual skill (as you'd know if you'd watched any of my other demos). It was only an experiment to see if I could get below 6 seconds (which turned out to be disappointingly easy).

The demos play back in Doom2 1.9 as well as PrBoom. Haven't tried other ports.

Enjoy! -> Doom 2 map 1 built demos

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Heh, hard work isn't it? For my first built demo I chose something really simple: it was a 0:00.97. :) The longest I've done was a 10-second run.

I've just checked Cameron's 0:04 lv01 built demo - that was reality but not pacifist.

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Hard work... Weeell, I don't know about that. It's a little tricky, but it's a *lot* less work than actually practising to get as good as the best. ;-)

Cameron did a built lv01 demo? Is it over at the COMPET-N? I didn't find it in the /misc folder.

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No, it was at the TAS site (presumably because the last second was TAS - the earlier parts were built). lv01-004.

See the news page (scroll down to 10/31/01).

It's a little tricky, but it's a *lot* less work than actually practising to get as good as the best. ;-)

No argument there, but it can still be a bit surprising how long it takes. For my 10 second built demo I spent quite a while trying to work out the best angles and the right places to turn, etc. (And it still sucked.)

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That lv01-004 was great! Didn't know about the wallrunning trick.. I tried to go straight like Cameron but without the extra speed the imp would block my way..So I had to work around. Finding the right angles and turn times isn't that crucial. I found that it was easy to adjust the angle if you turn later/earlier than optimal.. Surely the time won't be optimal then, but then again, I'm not a perfectionist.

EDIT: That demo works with PrBoom although it says it works only with MBF.

By the way, Graham, what was your first TAS demo of? That 0:00.97? Is there any way to get it still?

Donce: Hahah.. one second!? That's not even up to the first turn! ;-P

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Kristian Ronge said:

EDIT: That demo works with PrBoom although it says it works only with MBF.

Yes, PrBoom (and Eternity) both have excellent support for MBF and TASMBF demos. I wouldn't like to say whether it is better or worse than their support for Doom2.exe demos, but you can pretty much assume that they will play back OK. Maybe that wasn't true at the time that demo was made.

By the way, Graham, what was your first TAS demo of? That 0:00.97? Is there any way to get it still?

Yes, it's here (built, not TAS though). Odyssey map02. A few (silly) comments here. (The demo really isn't worth watching, but the wad is worth downloading anyway if you haven't played it before.) The other one I mentioned is on Gather2, and is at DSDA (included in Ga01N011.zip).

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Funny stuff! Sorry, I meant built. I usually don't distinguish the two. I usually divide demos into "assisted" and "un-assisted". :-)

Hardly ever seen a :00 before. It was possible (un-assisted) in that one map of Mock2, with the single room and all the switches, though. I found it funny.

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:00 is also possible in map16 of Hacx (you see that in the TAS speed movie run). I can't think of any others offhand. There are several :01s though: Enigma map02, 1337.wad map28, E4M7 4-player coop, several in ThisSUXX, and surely others.

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Check out Doom1 episode Combat_2 (the wad where Maikl found zounds of monsters). I've seen Maikl's maxkill movie on it. Map 6 everyone can easily done in :00. I had something like :00:6x and under 0:00:50 definitely possible.

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camerons lv01-004 is great but the flaw with it is that wallrun trick doesn't work in plain old doom2.exe. He mentioned that he got something like 5.00 or 5.02 with doom2.exe. It would be awesome to see it done.

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