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HTML Question

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The design of my page is almost complete. I've hit a roadblock though. So I'll give you guys the problem, and see if you guys can fix it.

Gone is the opening frames/noframes page. I have a new solution to the problem. Now, at the bottom of every page there is an option to view the page in frames or no page. this means you get into the site faster. the problem is, when you click frames, it brings up the map and the "main/what's new" page. what i want the link to do is bring up the map and the current page the user is browsing. is this possible? or will it always bring up the default pages in the frames no matter what?

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Your best bet is [url0http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/present/frames.html#h-16.3.1[/url]
Me I do not know for sure, I hardly use frames.

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whats happening is you are linking to the frameset which has the main page defined as the right-most pane.. it may be possible to look for the query string and load a different page using javascript (not entirely sure).. i.e. frames.html?downloads.html or something, or to have a seperate html file defining the frames for each possible page (although this would get messy).

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Cool sig Jon.

Anyways, I do prefer the frames/no frames option at the beginning of the page. It's the easier and probably makes the rest of the pages less cluttered as well.

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hmmm... decisions decisions...

anyways, i like both ideas. the page isn't that much cluttered. the links are with the map at the bottom (that had blank space on each side anyways). and if you bookmark the page without the frames (like you would do even if there was that beginning page) you don't have to worry about deciding between frames or no frames.

also, if one page is too wide for the screen (like these computers at school, 800x600 blech) you can turn off the side frame and turn it back on when you want to navigate again.

if only i can get that frames button working properly...

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Use GoLive. In GoLive you can easily drag 'n drop frames and such. I use it all the time, and I hardly ever have any frame-related problems.

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nah... i'm only using DOS edit. doing it the hard way. when i make a webpage, i wanna do everything myself. and this is the first time i've had troubles with frames.

it's not too much of a problem, but i think it kinda sucks changing to frames and being sent back to the main page.

oh well, at least it's better than getting stuck with frames or no frames from the start. now you can change from frames to noframes, and vice-versa while browsing.

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One arduous and time-consuming solution would to make an individual frameset for each page, like musicdoomframeset.html or something and the second frame could load musicdoom.html, etc. So when the user is on the noframes version of the DOOMusic page and they click on "Frames" it links to musicdoomframeset.html.

However, this would be incredibly inefficient and some links would possibly have to be redone.

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i considered that. but i want to avoid doing that if i can. kinda sloppy.

if there's no other solution i might do that. i mean, it's not like it'll make the page that much bigger. my index.htm is only 269 bytes.

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Looking better every time, but there's one thing though. I couldn't help but notice that DoomDepot.gif is a little off-center, but I'm sure that you noticed that too.

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yeah. i noticed. the reason why it's off center is that the spider mastermind is too wide (compared to the other monster gifs), and it throws off the centering. the table is centered. maybe i can think of a better place to put the mastermind and put the arachnotron back so that the title is better centered.

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oh well, the updated webpage is online. only that frames problem and a few more links left and it's done.

it should be done (and maybe on an http address as well) tonite.

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Cool sig Jon.

Thanks... its a shame 2/4 sites have no content on :/

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HOLY FUCK. LÜT, YOUR AVATAR.... that looks like the last girl I was fucking... don't change it, it helps me think of you as my bitch. =)

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